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Government The Biggest Scam in History...Exposed!

Help us expand the ultimate exposé on "Government" with the scam of "Covid"

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Government The Biggest Scam in History...Exposed!

Government The Biggest Scam in History...Exposed!

Government The Biggest Scam in History...Exposed!

Government The Biggest Scam in History...Exposed!

Government The Biggest Scam in History...Exposed!

Help us expand the ultimate exposé on "Government" with the scam of "Covid"

Help us expand the ultimate exposé on "Government" with the scam of "Covid"

Help us expand the ultimate exposé on "Government" with the scam of "Covid"

Help us expand the ultimate exposé on "Government" with the scam of "Covid"

Etienne de la Boetie2
Etienne de la Boetie2
Etienne de la Boetie2
Etienne de la Boetie2
2 Campaigns |
Sedona, United States
$15,250 USD 251 backers
43% of $35,000 Flexible Goal Flexible Goal
Mountain Filled 2 Projects Mountain Filled 2 Projects

“Government” – The Biggest Scam in History... Exposed! is a book scientifically designed to wake up friends, family, and coworkers to the reality that “Government”, of every flavor, has been a scam of inter-generational organized crime since the beginning.

Now, I am rebranding, expanding, and honing this powerful book into a 5th Edition with improved end-notes, a new look, and a brand new collection of one-pagers, including The Scam of “The Covid” – The Manufactured Reason for Trillions in “Bailouts" and several more.

My name is Etienne de la Boetie² and I'm an organized crime researcher, educator, professional speaker, and of course, author. I am a voluntaryist, father, technology entrepreneur, ex-Wall Streeter, multi-disciplinarian truther, armchair economist, cryptocurrency enthusiast, and neo-abolitionist. 

I have distilled 20+ years of research into short, easily digestible treatises on individual subjects and optimized them for the 65% of society who are visual learners. In addition are references and links to more comprehensive research and evidence including books, videos, documentaries, and audiobooks to accommodate the widest variety of learning preferences.

The fact I demonstrate in my book is that "Government" wasn't designed to protect life, liberty, and property and it is ALWAYS illogical, immoral, and illegitimate. It is impossible for "We The People" to delegate rights we don't have to a "Government". It is impossible to be bound by a "social contract" that you didn't sign, and "democracy" is two wolves and sheep deciding what is for dinner.

This book and its companion media, The Liberator – A viral flash drive, Dropbox and/or Data DVD full of liberty resources – has been one of the Liberty Movement’s most successful outreach tools. They both expose organized crime’s control system and provides healthy alternatives of voluntaryism, freedom, love, tolerance, agorism, counter-economics, and crypto-currencies.   

Who this book is for:

  • Anyone who feels that something is "off" and seeks the truth behind the narrative
  • Those who value freedom and want to live in a voluntary world
  • Those who have friends, family, and coworkers who need more evidence presented in an effective manner to see the truth

What makes this book unique:

  • It exposes the historical patterns and hidden connections using historical photos, visualizations, media ownership charts, infographics, and memes.  
  • It exposes the role of entertainment, the monopoly media, and the organized crime's "Control of Perception" program. 
  • It is designed to accelerate and deepen understanding for those who are visual learners including revealing historical patterns, organizational structures, banking monopolizations, and other previously hidden connections through visualization.

The book is outlined as follows:

  1. The 20+ Techniques That Create Mental/Tax Slavery, some of which include:
    1. Constitutions,  Bills of Rights and other "social contracts" you didn't sign
    2. Mandatory government schools employing the Prussian model of education
    3. Use of Propaganda
    4. Use of Manufactured Terrorism
    5. Spying on citizens
    6. And many more
  2. One-Pagers - a series of one-page visual overviews, some of which include:
    1. Propaganda Using Religious Symbolism
    2. The Private Federal Reserve and Theft of Fractional Reserve Banking
    3. Control of the media and, by extension, human perception
    4. Organized Crime’s Front Groups & Secret Societies
    5. Anarchy and Voluntaryism – The Biggest Secret in American Politics
    6. And many more, PLUS 7 additional one-pagers to be added in the 5th Edition.
  3. Whistleblowers, Confessions, and Quotes
  4. Meme War - intellectual ammo that you can screenshot and share or post to social media
  5. The Ridiculousness, Illogic, and Immorality of “Government” and “Democracy”, as well as:
    1. The Hidden Curriculum of Mandatory "Government" Schools
    2. Both Parties being Owned and Controlled by the Same Interests
    3. Voting in Obviously Rigged Elections on un-auditable black box voting machines
    4. The Unethically Manipulative Techniques used on the Statist Military
    5. The Monopoly Statist Police (The increasingly federalized standing army our forefathers warned us about) 
    6. The Statist Military being used as armies of occupation in an Empire that doesn't benefit the population
    7. And more
  6. Liberty Hacks & Solutions, some of which include:
    1. Spiritual Health & Wellness
    2. Preparedness and Crypto-Currencies
    3. Freedom Apps, Blockchain, and Crypto Projects for Digital Liberty
    4. Large Scale Cult Deprogramming & Uncensorable Hand-to-Hand Distribution
    5. The Art of Liberty Foundation Strategy
    6. The Liberator – Our Flash Drive of Liberty Resources
    7. And many more!

Planned Improvements to the 5th Edition of “Government”

  • Book Creative Redesign 

  • Improved End-Notes with explanations for references

  • New content breaking down the scam of "Covid"

AND Brand New One-Pagers:

The Scam of “The Covid” – The Manufactured Reason for Trillions in “Bailouts”
How the Organized Crime “Government” Hierarchically Controls Academia
Darpa Front Companies?: Google/YouTube, Amazon, Facebook, Twitter, Wikipedia, Reddit, Netflix, Meet Up, Disqus, Nextdoor
Monopoly, Duopoly and Triopoly
The Unethical Role of the Monopoly Police
The Unethically Manipulative Techniques Used on the Military
An Open Letter to Freemasonry


What We Need & What You Get

Our goal is to raise funds to print, distribute, and market this important piece of work. I set up the pre-order tiers to offset the costs of publishing my book. Money raised will go towards the following:

  • New cover design
  • Printing and publication with an estimated release date of January 31st, 2021
  • The launch & promotion efforts for the 5th Edition 
  • A new "Guerrilla Retail Kit" where anyone with a retail location can earn money selling the book.
  • An upgraded section on “Friends Bundles” – Where we will better promote “friend’s bundles” with new marketing creative and updated focus in the publication.
  • Hiring a part-time Researcher / EndNote Migrationist to help us help us convert the hypertext links to endnotes for both the printed and PDF publications.

This book has the power to wake up the world

Rave Reviews from the Leading Voices in the Liberty Movement and Alternative Media

Other Ways You Can Help

I understand that not everyone can contribute and there are other ways you can help spread the message of truth. Here are other ways you can help:

  • Please share our pre-sale campaign on your social channels with your friends, family, and network.
  • You can easily share our Pre-Sale Campaign Page via Indiegogo at the top of the page. 
  • Share with 5 friends, family members, or co-workers who would benefit from this book. Send them a text, tag them in a social post, send them an email, or just give them a call. 
  • Please share with anyone that has a retail location that would be interested in earning money for getting the book out.

Thank you!

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Choose your Perk

Support with Stickers!

Support with Stickers!

$5 USD
Support our work and spread truth everywhere you go... or use them to decorate! You'll also get an MP3 and MP4 video download of the new Prezence song, "SCAM!" This song was inspired by the book, "Government" —The Biggest Scam in History...Exposed!
Included Items
  • Laptop & Water Bottle Stickers
  • MP3/MP4 - Prezence song: SCAM!
Estimated Shipping
Original: December 2021
Current: February 2022
5 claimed
Ships worldwide.
Preorder Digital 5th Edition

Preorder Digital 5th Edition

$15 USD
Get the digital version of the new 5th Edition of "Government" – The Biggest Scam in History... Exposed! You'll also get stickers and an MP3 and MP4 video download of the new Prezence song, "SCAM!" This song was inspired by the book, "Government" —The Biggest Scam in History...Exposed!
Included Items
  • Laptop & Water Bottle Stickers
  • 5th Edition - Digital eBook
  • MP3/MP4 - Prezence song: SCAM!
Estimated Shipping
Original: December 2021
Current: February 2022
20 claimed
Ships worldwide.
5th Edition eBook & MP3/MP4

5th Edition eBook & MP3/MP4

$15 USD
Get the digital version of the new 5th Edition of "Government" – The Biggest Scam in History... Exposed! You'll also get an MP3 and MP4 video download of the new Prezence song, "SCAM!" This song was inspired by the book, "Government" —The Biggest Scam in History...Exposed! (No shipping required for this perk!)
Included Items
  • 5th Edition - Digital eBook
  • MP3/MP4 - Prezence song: SCAM!
Estimated Shipping
Original: January 2022
Current: February 2022
11 claimed
Preorder My Softcover

Preorder My Softcover

$30 USD
Preorder the softcover of the 5th Edition of “Government” – The Biggest Scam in History... Exposed! You'll also get stickers and an MP3 and MP4 video download of the new Prezence song, "SCAM!" This song was inspired by the book, "Government" —The Biggest Scam in History...Exposed!
Included Items
  • Laptop & Water Bottle Stickers
  • 5th Edition Softcover
  • MP3/MP4 - Prezence song: SCAM!
Estimated Shipping
Original: December 2021
Current: February 2022
81 claimed
Ships worldwide.
Softcover & Flash Drive

Softcover & Flash Drive

$50 USD
Get a physical softcover 5th Edition of “Government” – The Biggest Scam in History... Exposed! & The Liberator 32GB Wafer Credit Card Flash Drive (plus stickers & song). The Liberator is a collection of content that can be copied to other flashdrives, computers, or Data DVDs to beat organized crime’s internet censorship. (Check the FAQ for details)
Included Items
  • Laptop & Water Bottle Stickers
  • 5th Edition Softcover
  • 32 GB Liberator Flash Drive
  • MP3/MP4 - Prezence song: SCAM!
Estimated Shipping
Original: December 2021
Current: February 2022
90 claimed
Ships worldwide.
Hardcover & Flash Drive

Hardcover & Flash Drive

$100 USD
5th Edition Hardcover of “Government” – The Biggest Scam in History... Exposed! with High-Res images AND the 32 GB Liberator Flash Drive (plus stickers & "SCAM!" song) Each Liberator is full of liberty resources that both expose the criminality of the “government” and provides healthy alternatives like voluntaryism, agorism, & counter-economics.
Included Items
  • Laptop & Water Bottle Stickers
  • 32 GB Liberator Flash Drive
  • High-Resolution Hardcover
  • MP3/MP4 - Prezence song: SCAM!
Estimated Shipping
Original: December 2021
Current: February 2022
13 claimed
Ships worldwide.
Everything + Friends Bundle

Everything + Friends Bundle

$250 USD
Share this vital information with friends with 5 softcover copies of “Government” book and five 32 GB Liberator Flash Drives. This book is designed to wake people up. Give copies away, leave them on coffee tables at your AirBnB, or get them in your local bookstore. Also includes 5th Edition Digial eBook, stickers, and new Prezence song, "SCAM!"
Included Items
  • Laptop & Water Bottle Stickers
  • 5th Edition - Digital eBook
  • High-Resolution Hardcover
  • Friends Bundle - 5 Copies
  • MP3/MP4 - Prezence song: SCAM!
Estimated Shipping
Original: December 2021
Current: February 2022
12 claimed
Ships worldwide.
Guerrilla Retail Kit

Guerrilla Retail Kit

$275 USD
10 copies of “Government”, 10 32GB Liberator Flash Drives, and a cool merchandising kit (book stand, signage) to create an attractive retail display for anyone with a book store, café, coffee shop, etc. Earn between $400-$500 while educating your community on the scam of “Government”. (Refill the display for $200 +S&H and earn even more!)
Included Items
  • Laptop & Water Bottle Stickers
  • MP3/MP4 - Prezence song: SCAM!
  • Guerrilla Retail Kit
Estimated Shipping
Original: December 2021
Current: February 2022
5 claimed
Ships worldwide.
Ultimate Everything Bundle

Ultimate Everything Bundle

$500 USD
The Everything Bundle includes a Hardcover, High Resolution copy of "Government", stickers, the 10-Copy + 10 Liberator Friends Bundle, 32GB Liberator Flash Drive, Digital eBook, plus one year Art of Liberty Sponsorship and T-Shirt! | This package is everything you need to educate yourself and help others to expose the criminality of "government."
Included Items
  • Laptop & Water Bottle Stickers
  • 5th Edition - Digital eBook
  • 32 GB Liberator Flash Drive
  • High-Resolution Hardcover
  • Art of Liberty T-shirt
  • Art of Liberty Sponsorship
  • MP3/MP4 - Prezence song: SCAM!
  • Friends Bundle - 10 Copies
Estimated Shipping
Original: December 2021
Current: February 2022
1 claimed
Ships worldwide.
Signed Everything+Etienne Call

Signed Everything+Etienne Call

$1,000 USD
Get a high-resolution hardcover of "Gov't" signed by the author. You'll also get to schedule an hour call and ask him anything OR he can answer a friend or loved one's specific questions. | This bundle also includes the 10-Copy /Liberator Friends Bundle, 32GB Liberator Flash Drive, 1-year Art of Liberty Sponsorship, T-Shirt, & Prezence song "SCAM!"
Included Items
  • Laptop & Water Bottle Stickers
  • 5th Edition - Digital eBook
  • 32 GB Liberator Flash Drive
  • Art of Liberty T-shirt
  • Signed Hardcover
  • Art of Liberty Sponsorship
  • 1-Hour Call with Etienne
  • MP3/MP4 - Prezence song: SCAM!
  • Friends Bundle - 10 Copies
Estimated Shipping
Original: December 2021
Current: February 2022
0 claimed
Ships worldwide.

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