Short Summary
GP Wing is our most iconic product that was first introduced in 2009. It all started out with a discussion on NorthAmericanMotoring (a MINI forum). At the time, everyone wanted a wing like this for their R53 MINIs, but no solution was available. As an R53 MINI owner/ enthusiast, I came up with an idea to make an affordable version so that every enthusiast would be able to purchase one. To date, we have delivered more than 100 GP wings and have received numerous positive feedback from our customers around the world.
Recently we have received a lot of emails regarding the availability of our GP Wing but unfortunately we no longer stock them in our inventory. Therefore, we came up with the idea of using Indiegogo as our pre-order platform in order to bring a new batch to the market.
The Gen 2 GP Wing will be our best quality GP Wing by far. It will fit both R53 and R56 MINI without any modification to your rear hatch glass. Installation is straightforward and simple with all the provided mounting hardwares.
This is going to be your best opportunity to own a GP Wing at the lowest price ever. We are offering them at the vendor/wholesale price so that you don't need to pay more to have the same quality GP Wing that other vendors offer. Please help us spread the word among the MINI community.
You can also check out our other successfully funded campaign on Indiegogo:
Motor on!
What's New?
1. Logo box will be filled and smoothed out.
2. Newer material that is stronger than the previous version.
3. The adjustable downforce feature will be on every single GP Wing.
4. All at an incredible wholesale price!
What We Need & What You Get
We will need at least $4000 to start a new batch, that is roughly 10~11 committed buyers. How this campaign works is that once we have reached the goal, the product will be made and delivered. However, if the campaign fails, everyone who has funded will get the money back.
Timeline of Production
MAR 12 2015 - Campaign starts
APR 01 2015 - Campaign ends
APR 02 2015 - Production starts
JUN 02 2015 - Quality check*
JUN 10 2015 - Delivery*
*all dates are subject to change, however we will try our best to keep everything on schedule.
*this estimate is based on the order of 10 GPWings, if we end up receiving more than 10 orders, the production phase will take a few weeks longer.
Other Ways You Can Help
Please help us spread the words in your local MINI clubs and online MINI communities. Your contribution is greatly appreciated.
1. Will it fit my MINI?
- GP Wing will fit on any R50, R53 and R56 hardtop MINI without modification.
2. Do I need to modify anything for installation?
- You do not need to cut anything to mount this spoiler. However you will have to drill 2 holes on each side of your hatch to create attachment points for the mounting of GP Wing. There will be more details in the installation guide.
3. When do I expect to receive my item
- We aim to deliver your GP Wing in June 2015. We will keep everyone updated regularly.
4. What will happen to my money if the campaign fails?
- You are guaranteed to get your money back within 3 to 5 business days.
5. How do I reach you?