Hello ladies and gentleman, my name is Ken and some of you might known me as GPK. I am an international recording artist, DJ and producer residing in Melbourne Australia. Recently, my grandpa passed away and this put me into a financial crisis. I have spent more than 8000 USD including my traveling expenses and various costs relating to this incident. My grandpa was very close to me and I would do everything to ensure that I could attend his funeral and say farewell to him. He was truly an inspiring individual and I would not be the person I am without his love and support through out the years.
I have spent down to my last cent and I desperately seek financial aid from as many people as possible. We've planned to tour South America and the plane tickets, accommodation and travel expenses is to be covered by myself, on top of that, funding for merchandise production is urgently required.
I ask all of you to contribute and donate in this campaign, it is detrimental for us to reach our goal and to ensure the survival of my music career. Please share this to as many people as possible, I wouldn't put myself into this situation and created this campaign if weren't for the seriousness of this unforeseen incident.
I have endured much in the past but this is a serious blow to my physical, mental and financial well-being. Please understand it is hard for me to ask for help, it makes me vulnerable. The reason why I still continue what I do is because I believe in all of you. If you believe in my work and me, please support me in this dark time. May your contribution, love and support be the light to guide me.
Thank you
Yours truly