When Things Fall Down It's Time to Look Up.
When Things Fall Down It's Time to Look Up.
When Things Fall Down It's Time to Look Up.
When Things Fall Down It's Time to Look Up.
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When Things Fall Down It's Time to Look Up.
When Things Fall Down It's Time to Look Up.
When Things Fall Down It's Time to Look Up.
When Things Fall Down It's Time to Look Up.
When Things Fall Down It's Time to Look Up.
In-Depth Synopsis (Spoiler Alert?)
Nolan Ryan, 27, has just lost his father and has to get to the memorial. But he can’t find his keys. His sister, Joann, 30, comes to pick him up and henpecks him for being single, for never being anything other than a disappointment.
Nolan realizes that this memorial is not the place for him. He knows his father never cared. He turns to his mother, Anna, and lets her know that he’s leaving.
With the intention of going back to his apartment to go back to bed and give up on the day, Nolan walks out of his mother’s house only to realize that he still doesn’t have his car. He decides to start walking.
He lands himself at a restaurant where the waitress, Susan, is far more interested in his plights than he was hoping. At the inquest of her manager—and her own curiosity—she sits down with Nolan and forces him to talk to her. When she hears that he was going to go home and just go back to bed, she decides that he is going to a party with her that night. Her friend Denise is going away, “it’ll be fun,” she says.
Nolan has a hard time saying no pretty girls, so he goes along with it.
After being at the party for an hour or so--
Well, you get the idea. You'll just have to help get this project made to see what happens.
How this Script Came About
This past summer, I took a screenwriting class at NYU. During the three week course, we each wrote a 20 page script and then went through a workshop process critiquing one another’s works.
I kind of cheated. Graceland was almost completed when I
began the class. Or so I thought. I went in with seven pages, thinking it'd end up being around 12. The workshop/class helped to flesh this script out to what it currently is.
It started as a small idea in an interview I was reading in which the interviewee made an offhand remark about how you never see someone running late for a funeral because they can’t find their keys. Immediately, I latched onto the idea for some reason.
But I knew there was more. Who was Nolan and what did he want most? He was more than a name trying to find his keys for his faceless father’s funeral.
So I ruminated on the idea and realized that he wanted love. He wanted someone who was confident in his abilities. Someone similar but so completely different from anyone he’s ever known.
That’s where Susan’s character came into play.
Originally, it simply ended with them walking away.
This was where the NYU workshop began. What if they don’t just walk away? What happens that night? Do they actually get along?
The five other students and the
professor helped me work my way through the idea to the point that it is at
now. To the point in which I am satisfied with it. To the point in which this
is the script that I want to make into my first short film.
Why we need you
As with any low budget project, we are currently operating on limited means. In order to bring the quality of this project up to the level we feel it deserves to be out, we need outside funding. That's where you come in. We've set up some perks to maybe help you along with your decision.
Now, although you see the different perks to the side, you can still donate in any increment you desire. You can even do it anonymously.
Still on the Fence...?
Feel free to contact me with any questions at all and I hope that I can supply the answers that will get you to say 'yes' to this project. Also, check out this post as it has some numbers that we are looking just to get this thing made. We'd love to be as transparent as possible so if you need any more information, we are here.