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Grandpa Joe - Short Film

Joe's obsession with death heightens when he learns of a strange ritual that repulses his wife.


Grandpa Joe - Short Film

Grandpa Joe - Short Film

Grandpa Joe - Short Film

Grandpa Joe - Short Film

Grandpa Joe - Short Film

Joe's obsession with death heightens when he learns of a strange ritual that repulses his wife.

Joe's obsession with death heightens when he learns of a strange ritual that repulses his wife.

Joe's obsession with death heightens when he learns of a strange ritual that repulses his wife.

Joe's obsession with death heightens when he learns of a strange ritual that repulses his wife.

Andrea Garcia Marquez
Andrea Garcia Marquez
Andrea Garcia Marquez
Andrea Garcia Marquez
1 Campaign |
Miami, United States
$995 USD 14 backers
16% of $6,000 Flexible Goal Flexible Goal

 About us and the project:

*Para español, continuar abajo.

My name is Andrea Garcia Marquez, and I am a Venezuelan director who longs to share my vision with the world. I wish I could do that in my country, but right now I can't and that's why I am here in the US working to make my dreams come true. 

"Grandpa Joe" is a short film that I wrote over the course of the last year. It's a quiet, emotionally wrought story about love and loss. What happens when we lose the people who are closest to us? And how do we grapple with the loss? How do we fill that missing space? 

In this film, Grandpa Joe is fascinated by death and dying. In his own way, he hopes that this fascination gives him some control over what becomes of him on the other side. His loving wife, Diane, tolerates his morbid musings, but with each passing day, her patience grows thin. It doesn't take long for Joe to realize that he can neither predict or control what comes. Life has its own plan. 

This film is more than just a short, graduate student film. As a female director and cinematographer, my mission is to showcase stories from women's perspectives. 

Grandpa Joe is a step towards, but to make this film, we need your support. 

What we need:

It's simple. We need $6,000 to pay for the best:

  • Crew
  • Equipment
  • Location
  • Production Design
  • Post-Production
*All the contributors will be on the ending credits. 

What we want:

We want to make a movie that moves people. We want to make movies that open minds, that touch souls and that change perspectives. 

We also want to make a movie with the eye of a woman director, because it's time for us to be more confident about our own voices and our own visions. The opportunity has always been there, we just have to take it!

Last but not least, we want to make a movie that travels around the world in film festivals, because art is meant to be shared.

Other ways to help:

Maybe you're as broke as we are, but your intentions are good.

You can help us by spreading the word and letting other people know about this awesome project. 

Share this info, please :)

Yours truly,

Andrea and Alfredo (my dog).

Sobre nosotros y el proyecto:

Mi nombre es Andrea García Márquez y soy una directora venezolana con el deseo de compartir con el mundo mi visión. Me encantaría poder hacerlo en mi país, pero ahora mismo, eso me es imposible. Ha sido Estados Unidos, en esta oportunidad, el lugar donde estoy trabajando para volver mis sueños realidad.
"Grandpa Joe", "Abuelo Joe" en español, es un cortometraje que escribí en el transcurso del año pasado. Esta, es una historia cargada de emocionalidad que habla sobre el amor y la pérdida de alguien querido. ¿Qué pasa cuándo perdemos a los que son cercanos a nuestros corazones? ¿Cómo manejamos el dolor? ¿Cómo llenamos el vacío?
Joe está fascinado con la muerte y espera que esta misma fascinación le de control sobre lo que él representará cuando llegue su hora. Diane, su esposa, quien siempre ha tolerado sus más locos y mórbidos pensamientos, está perdiendo la paciencia, pero la vida se encargará de enseñarle a Joe que no puede predecir nada. La vida tiene sus propios planes.
Este corto es más que un corto estudiantil. Como mujer, mi misión es mostrar historias desde el ojo femenino y Grandpa Joe es un gran paso hacia esa meta, pero para poder llevarlo a la pantalla, necesitamos de su apoyo.

Lo que necesitamos:

$6,000 para poder pagar los mejores:

  • Crew
  • Equipos
  • Locación
  • Dirección de Arte
  • Post-Producción

*Todos los contribuyentes aparecerán en los créditos.

Lo que queremos:

Queremos hacer películas que muevan a la gente. Queremos hacer películas que abran mentes, que toquen almas y que cambien perspectivas. 

También queremos hacer películas con el ojo de una mujer en la dirección, porque es momento para que nosotras comencemos a confiar más en nuestras capacidades y en nuestras propias voces y visiones. La oportunidad siempre ha estado ahí, todo es cuestión de tomarla.
Por último, pero no menos importante, queremos hacer una película que recorra el mundo en festivales de cine, porque, ¿qué sentido tiene el arte si no se comparte?

Otras formas de ayudar:

Capaz estás tan quebrado como nosotros pero tus intenciones son buenas.
Puedes ayudarnos, también, compartiendo este link e invitando a otras personas a que colaboren con este proyecto.
Agradecidos de corazón,
Andrea y Alfredo (mi perro).
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Choose your Perk

Yerba Mate

$10 USD
Personalized thank you from the director.
Estimated Shipping
May 2016
0 claimed
Ships worldwide.

Lavender Tea

$25 USD
A personalized thank you from the director. The official poster.
Estimated Shipping
May 2016
0 claimed
Ships to United States of America

Chamomile Tea

$50 USD
A personalized thank you from the director. The official poster signed by the director and the cast.
Estimated Shipping
May 2016
0 claimed
Ships to United States of America

Olong Tea

$100 USD
A personalized thank you from the director. The official poster signed by the director and the cast. Mp3 file of the original soundtrack.
Estimated Shipping
May 2016
0 claimed
Ships to United States of America


$250 USD
A personalized thank you from the director. The official poster signed by the director and the cast. Exclusive access to the film (online).
Estimated Shipping
May 2016
0 claimed
Ships to United States of America

Black Tea

$500 USD
All of the above. Credit as Executive Producer.
Estimated Shipping
May 2016
0 claimed
Ships to United States of America


$1,000 USD
Everything else and: The opportunity to be on set and attend the wrap party and premiere.
Estimated Shipping
May 2016
0 claimed
Ships to United States of America
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