Our Story
The film plays on audiences’ expectations, while utilizing contemporary techniques of cinematic storytelling. The staggered narrative, with multiple story lines, provides false foreshadowing making the audience lay victim to believing in false pretenses and stereotypes. This dramatic short film addresses the problem of poverty in our own backyard. The story takes place in the Jane and Finch corridor, a place where the media likes to sensationalize any criminal act and make it headline news. These headlines stigmatize the area and leave an impression on the residents as they succumb to the images portrayed of them on T.V. As someone who grew up in that area and has spent some considerable time there, this topic has continued to bother me and I feel that it is an issue that needs to be addressed.
The Impact
As artists we push the boundaries of our chosen mediums as we grow and evolve with our art. We're filmmakers not only because we love this art, but also because film is the best medium to express the ideas and concerns that we have experience throughout life. Film has the ability to affect people and if we, as storytellers, can connect to our audience at a personal level we just might be able to evoke change. By deconstructing the problems and addressing the issues responsibly, through the plot and perhaps present a solution that supports our theme, we might be able to influence our audience enough to bring about a change in their lives. Even if it is just one person, who changes in just one way, that’s still a change and a step in the right direction.
What We Need & What You Get
Being a film student can be very difficult financially. Not only do we have to pay for tuition, textbooks, and living expenses, but we also have to finace our own films that we make for school. It can be very difficult for someone in our situation to put enough of their own funds into making this film the best possible. However, by donating to this campaign, you will be helping us pay for film stock, equipment, art direction and props, and other necessities that we will need in order to finish this project. Depending on how much you donate, we will send you different rewards related to "Grasping For straws".