Story Summary
Marcus Matthews is a private investigator. He's good at what he does. Some even say he's the best. In fact, so lofty is his reputation, the local papers have taken to calling him, "The Great Detective". But don't remind him. He hates it when you call him that...
Marcus has his work cut out for him when he's visited by a desperate widow looking to solve her late husband's death. She claims it's murder, but proof is elusive. And the players involved don't like the kind of questions being asked.
Follow Marcus on his next adventure as he dives into the seedy world of shadowed stalkers, police informants, and back-alley terrors. Will he have what it takes to solve the case? Can he truly be the Great Detective?
About Me
Hi. I'm Dennis. Thanks for checking out my campaign.
Great Detective is a character that's been bouncing around my head since I was a kid. He started out as a crude sketch: a man with a fedora and trench coat, peering through a magnifying glass as he followed a trail of muddy footprints. I believe I was six or seven at the time. And for years, that's all he was, a sketch. Just the barest of concepts. But then, three decades later, seemingly out of nowhere, his world sprang to vivid life in my imagination. I just had to get it out. I had to share it with the world! But how to do it?
Comics are a medium I've loved for years. For as long as I can remember, I wanted to be a comic book creator. Life ultimately had other plans, but that didn't mean I couldn't dabble. In between work, school, and child-rearing, I wrote a script, found an amazing artist, and produced my very own comic book: Great Detective issue #1, which you can get here for free.
Why offer it for free? Well, I'm a realist. Chances are, you don't know me very well. You have no incentive to simply trust that I'll provide you an entertaining story. So, instead of giving you a sales pitch, I'll let the work speak for itself. If you like what you see, donate to the campaign so I can bring you the next chapter of Great Detective.
What I Need Your Help With
So, as it turns out, dabbling in comics is not cheap, nor should it be. Comic book artists are some of the most talented, hard working people in the creative industry. They are the life blood of this medium, and they deserve to be compensated for their services.
The funds raised by this campaign are almost exclusively for the benefit of the artist. As the creator of Great Detective, my reward is simply seeing the work come to life. My artist, however, still needs to make a living.
In all, I would like to raise $1,200. That's $1,020 to produce the illustrations for Great Detective issue #2, and $180 for any print orders that come in. As I'm lettering the series, there will be no need to pay for a letterer.
That's it! There are no other costs.
Risks & Challenges
Of course, every venture has its risks. Life happens to all of us. I could be hit by a beer truck tomorrow, and that would be the end of Great Detective. However, barring that worst case scenario, the main risk I foresee is timeliness. I'm a husband, father of four children, I work full-time, and I'm about to start studying for the CPA exam. Any of those factors could interfere with lettering the series.
My artist is likewise a busy man. Depending on how deep his commission queue is, work on the illustrations may not begin immediately upon funding the issue.
I'm not saying the above scenarios will happen, but they could. Just want to be up front.
Other Ways You Can Help
If you can't contribute to the campaign, that's perfectly okay. To be honest, I consider it a win that you've read this far.
However, if you would still like to help, please consider sharing my campaign with your friends. Point them to Great Detective issue #1. Share the campaign on Facebook, Twitter, or whatever social media platform you frequent. Word-of-mouth can go a long way.
Thanks again for checking out my campaign.