Our Plan is to install Renewable Energy Power Systems, consisting of biogas, solar, wind and storage solutions integrated into buildings in cities and for remote villages in India. This is the only alternative to coal and nuclear power plants. Green electricity is the basic requirement for sustainable development and will also lead to poverty reduction.
We need your support to present our solution to investors, multi-national corporations and other global players at the Transatlantic Makers Conference from the 2-4th September 2014.
What is our vision with this project?
Our vision is
to implement our unique model that will revolutionize the business world because it:
Combines Social Responsibility with Business Opportunities.
Builds Bridges
between established and emerging Economies
Tackles Poverty through Energy, Education and Employment Programmes
Contributes significantly in Saving Our Environment!
What is our plan?
Phase I: Feasibility Study incl. first simulations *almost completed
Phase II: Formation of the Conglomerate *Talks in Progress
Phase III: Finishing the Feasibility Study incl. a Pilot Project in India
Phase IV: Setting up of the 1st Fund
Phase V: Implementation of RE Systems and becoming the E-Provider
What are our goals and who is
our target group?
Our aim is to become the major green electricity
provider in India through financing, installing and managing Renewable Energy Systems in India. The main target groups are residential buildings,
shopping malls and villages.
How will we achieve our goals
as a small start-up company?
1. In forming a Conglomerate with international
investors, multi-national companies specialized in the Renewable Energy field
and local Indian manufacturers and EP Contractors.
2. Because of our Panel of highly skilled engineers, scientists and economists, who have been working for FREE like ourselves, because we believe there is a solution for a better future for us and our children.
3. The technology is already available to set up Renewable Energy Systems in India. It is now our task to co-ordinate it by bringing the key players together and making this project lucrative!
Why should I support this
With this project we have the unique opportunity to
introduce sustainable green energy systems into India on a large scale level and
significantly reduce carbon emissions as a result. Major investors and companies want to work with us because of our network, our know-how and our passion, but we need your help to get to the final stages!
Why do you need this financing?
For Phase I & II,
which includes:
Preparation for Investor Pitches
Travel expenses to USA (New York & San Francisco)
Travel expenses to India
Contracts for conglomerate partners
The Story behind Eurobrain:
Our Earths Problem:
By far, one of the biggest battles facing
our generations is against the ongoing threat of climate change. Climate change is no fictitious topic, but an everyday problem. We can see the weather changing year by year, the news are full with natural disasters and the water levels are rising faster than expected in our oceans. What few people know though, is that currently 5 million people are dying annually because of climate change. It is absolutely essential to
switch from energy sources, such as coal, nuclear power and oil to renewable
energies as fast as possible to avert the increase of carbon dioxide
transferred into the atmosphere.
The Point of No Return regarding global
warming, according to the study published by Greenpeace in Jan 2013, is 2020!
Governments worldwide have started shifting
their energy sources and have been utilizing new green technologies. We believe the key
to saving our environment depends on the implementation of renewable energy
solutions, especially in the developing countries, like Brazil, India, South
Africa, etc. That way we can avoid large
scale fossil fuel projects which are currently being planned/conducted. Let us
learn from the mistakes in the past.
Invest in us to accomplish our vision, which is
to become the Renewable Energy
Electricity Provider for businesses, middle class segment and villages in India
with an innovative social business model.
No Electricity, No Development, No Poverty Reduction
Our Solution:
Starting out as a consulting company
specialized in the field of renewable energy, we have realized in the past two
years that Brazil and India are going in the right direction in regards to implementing
green technology. They only need financial and technological investments to
avoid setting up further nuclear and coal power stations. We took the model of Elon
Musk (Tesla) initiated in the US with Solar City, developed it further, and
integrated several development schemes in our unique business model to also make
a direct impact for the local citizens.
Our plan is to install renewable energy
sources in hospitals, shopping centers, universities and in off-grid villages that desperately need access
to sustainable energy, starting with India. We are currently planning and are
involved in initial talks to form a conglomerate with following companies:
Simultaneously, we are
working on the Feasibility Study for the Energy 4 India project, where our Panel
has concluded the first phase. To complete the feasibility study, to establish the
conglomerate and to present our project to international investors at the
Transatlantic Makers Conference in New York City on the 2-4 September 2014, we
need you!
Our Motivation:
We at Eurobrain
Consulting dedicated ourselves to this project entirely for a very simple
reason: the greatest responsibility of our generation is the survival of our
planet. We believe that this will be one of the most significant models that
can be used for a global approach to fight climate change, to help poor people develop
a sustainable income base and to deliver green energy solutions for the
increasing electricity demand on the world.
Through our own eyes, we have seen what suffering and opportunities co-exist in India. The national government and a few state governments in India are achieving their set targets to go green as soon as possible. The energy market is the most lucrative sector in India, as 35% of India does not have access to the grid/ regular electricity supply. On top, every percentage increase in the economic growth, India needs 0,75% more energy. This means, India requires 5% in average annually more electricity supply. Considering all these facts, and some logical thinking, one can estimate what India offers as a potential in this sector.
Our Panel of engineers, scientists and economists have been working with us for FREE for the last two years on this project to achieve our Vision. We believe it is possible to change the direction our world is steering towards.
"The world is a dangerous place, not because of those who do evil, but because of those who look on and do nothing." Albert Einstein
The Risks:
We have two weeks to raise enough money to book
the flight to present ourselves to investment firms and decision makers in the
energy market to gain their support – Four weeks to raise 12,500 EUR. If we get 250 people to donate just 50 EUR each, we will be able to realize our goal - 50 EUR
is a nice meal for two, a night out in a
club or a monthly electricity bill.
Of course, there is always a risk that the investors present are not interested about our project; or not being able to make the Feasibility Study currently lucrative enough to set up the Fund, or the implementation could take much longer than expected,... But similar to Thomas Edison, we believe a failure will not stop us, but motivate us to find a solution that will be successful !!!
No Risk, No Change
Your Action:
This is where we need you, friends. Our plan to implement this new business approach has already awakened interest on the international platform. We were selected out of 100s of start-ups by Berlin Partner to present this project in New York and San Francisco. We have the team, the technology partners and the determination to bring the renewable energy sources to another level. It is time to take action on a global scale, as the threat is facing all of us, and not just a select few.
To be successful and realize the final steps, we need your support – in whichever way you can. Invest 5 EUR, 50 EUR, or 500 EUR! Share this message on social media sites, Like it on Facebook, tell your colleagues, friends and family.
All help is needed and much appreciated!
It is a small individual sacrifice that provides us a chance to significantly reduce our carbon footprint on this earth. We need to act now to avert the tragedies of climate change that await us, our children and our grandchildren if we keep moving forward with blinders on.
The time is there now for us to take a deep
breath and stand up for us, for our children and our earth – help us implement
renewable energy solutions in India. Together we can take a big leap towards a
future with 100% renewable energy.
Click on the link below to donate NOW to
the Energy4India campaign.
The earth is our home,
let’s clean it up together and make it nice again!!!
Eurobrain Consulting