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Green journalism for a Green future

Help Bright Green produce quality, independent coverage of green politics over the next year.


Green journalism for a Green future

Green journalism for a Green future

Green journalism for a Green future

Green journalism for a Green future

Green journalism for a Green future

Help Bright Green produce quality, independent coverage of green politics over the next year.

Help Bright Green produce quality, independent coverage of green politics over the next year.

Help Bright Green produce quality, independent coverage of green politics over the next year.

Help Bright Green produce quality, independent coverage of green politics over the next year.

Bright Green
Bright Green
Bright Green
Bright Green
1 Campaign |
London and Edinburgh, United Kingdom
$575 USD $575 USD 14 backers
23% of $2,499 Flexible Goal Flexible Goal

Bright Green is one of the UK's leading left-wing blogs, publishing news and comment on green politics and social movements since January 2010.

Next year presents exciting elections for Green Parties across the UK, and we need your help to publish quality independent coverage of these campaigns, as well as to continue to provide a platform for discussion of the broader future of green and progressive politics in the UK and Europe.

We are aiming to raise £2000 over the next month to cover our costs including travel, publicity, printing, and our website, and would appreciate any contribution to help us meet these costs. And whether or not you can contribute, it would be fantastic if you could help us spread the word!

After 2015 brought the Green Surge and the best-ever Westminster result for the Greens, 2016 presents a number of key opportunities for Green Parties across the UK, with several critical elections all taking place on 5th May:

  • In London, the Greens hope to add to their two seats on the London Assembly and run a strong campaign in the Mayoral election, mobilising support and highlighting the Green Party’s radical vision for London
  • In Bristol, Liverpool and Sheffield, Greens are set to make gains in local elections and headway in mayoral elections, increasing the possibility of Green MPs in those cities in 2020

Bright Green hopes to play our part in this vital year for Greens across the UK, publishing high-quality, original, independent coverage of these elections in the six months leading up to 5th May, including breaking news from the campaigns and interviews with Green candidates across the UK.

Beyond the elections, we also seek to provide a platform to discuss the broader future of the green politics and social movements throughout the UK and Europe, and bring together some of the best green thinking under one roof to expand people’s vision of what is possible in politics. We will continue publishing articles on topics ranging from the need for electoral reform to the current refugee crisis, from why Scottish Young Greens threw a tea party for the Queen to what Young Greens can do to help the student movement.

But we need your help to do this.

As we grow and expand our coverage in this crucial moment for the Greens, there are various costs we will have to meet:

  1. Travel costs—to help our correspondents attend and cover various events and local campaigns (£600 will pay for 15 round-trip train tickets at £40 each), as well as organising a strategy weekend to bring together members of the team to plan our long-term strategy (up to £600 to bring together our editors and correspondents from across the UK)
  2. Publicity costs—to bring our articles to more people than ever before (£300 will bring 30 of our best articles over the next year to tens of thousands more people through sponsored posts on social media)
  3. Printing costs—to provide exclusive Bright Green newssheets at Green Party conferences (£300 will allow us to print hundreds of copies for each conference—both Green Party of England and Wales and Scottish Green Party)
  4. And finally, the costs of keeping the website up and running (coming out to around £150)

In order to meet these costs we will face over the next year, we are running this crowdfunder, aiming to raise £2000 in one month.

However much you can donate, your contribution would be greatly appreciated, and will help us provide more and better Green journalism. Even if you can't contribute anything, it would be fantastic if you could spread the word over social media and in your local activist group or Green Party branch.

Thank you very much,

Violeta Vajda, Ric Lander and William Pinkney-Baird

The Bright Green Co-Editors

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