Greenwood Manor is going to be directed by Lee Rielly and Co-Directed by Joe Toomey.
I'm Lee Rielly, I've been a short film director for almost 2 years now and this summer is my time to create my first feature film. While working on my short films I've picked up a lot of media interest and I've also been awarded a Royal Television Society award for my short film Goodbye Dad
From doing short films I've decided that directing is the path I want to take, Greenwood Manor is my decision as my chance to prove my talent.
Greenwood Manor is the manor owned by Mr & Mrs Harvey; the Aunt & Uncle of James Tarvell. When James' parents die in a horrible car crash James is forced to go and live with his Aunt & Uncle whom he has never met before. When he arrives he finds that he has the house to himself for a few days but decides due to the circumstances he is going to chill out and invite his girlfriend Jess around. Things start to happen; getting progressively worse throughout his 3 days at the house, chanting is heard, masked figures parade the hallways, lights are blown, phone lines down, doors locked, bodies are found and a caretaker who has more to his life than he lets on...
Jess thinks it's all in James' head until she experiences it for herself but when she finds herself on the line of life and death she counts on James to help her out.
What We Need
For Greenwood Manor we are in need of at least $10,000 because as we live in the UK and after the indiegogo charges we will be left with around £5000 which is around the amount of money we need, any extra would be a bonus and would help us even further but the money that we do raise will be used on equipment for filming such as a great quality camera and other equipment of the sort, locations, acting talent and hiring out costumes/crew and vehicles.
With a great crew behind me this film is going to be nothing short of a fantastic horror film!
Why should you contribute?
As I mentioned earlier, short films have been very successful for me and Greenwood Manor is a great way for me to get into directing feature films, Greenwood Manor has a great plot with characters you will go on a journey with. With the donations that you can contribute it will go towards getting better actors to give the best performance possible, the best locations we can find to fit the places we are looking for and to go towards getting equipment we will need to create some of the very interesting shots we plan on getting. Why should you donate your money though? simply to be a part of this great project, to get your name on something you can show people and to get access to things other people won't.
Other Ways You Can Help
If you can't donate by yourself then why not share the campaign with your friends via social networking sites, I'm sure you and a few friends could pull together to be a part of this even chipping in a couple of dollars each. So even sharing the campaign helps us out!