Growth, Love and Community
Growth, Love and Community
Growth, Love and Community
Growth, Love and Community
Growth, Love and Community
This campaign is closed
Growth, Love and Community
You may never know until you ask for help. I'm 29 years old with a B.A. Liberal Arts degree and $17,000 of debt working as an After-School Teacher and barista in a coffee shop. I'm asking for help to pay off my loans. $1 here or there could add up.
Paying off my student debts sooner than later will help me and my community:
1. I can spend the money I make in local goods and services vs. more $ on interest of student loan debt
2. I can volunteer extra time in the community in causes I'm passionate about; gardens; farms; education & animals etc.
3. I can spend extra time with close friends and family who may not be as close in proximity as I wish they could be.
How I hope to pay it back:
Continue to work as hard as I can, help others when they need it, keep learning and SHARING, smiling, growing and loving.
Thank you for any and all support.
Much love,