On our first day of crowdfunding, GUNS OF EDEN raised $25,000! By the end of the campaign, we had raised $86,000. On Saturday, August 7th, after 16 days of principal photography, we wrapped filming with an outstanding cast and crew. On November 17th, we locked picture, and now we're beginning sound editing and music scoring. The film KICKS ASS! We've already shipped many of our crowdfunding perks, and will continue to do so over the next week (the Limited Edition novelization is still on the horizon). Thank you all for your support!
GUNS OF EDEN is a feature length action movie written and directed by Gregory Lamberson, starring Alexandra Faye Sadeghian, Lynn Lowry and Debbie Rochon. Our goal is nothing less than to make a movie that will be seen as a classic in the future. We've raised enough in contributions and donations to cover pre-production and principal photography, but need more to cover post-production (picture editing, sound editing, music scoring, color grading, sound mixing) and film festival expenses. We're offering some of the best reward perks out there. Join the team today!
GUNS OF EDEN is a feature length action movie written, directed and produced by award-winning author and filmmaker Gregory Lamberson, who describes it as “a cross between DELIVERANCE and FIRST BLOOD, with a female hero and a dash of THE WARRIORS."
Megan Forest is a cop in Buffalo, New York suffering from PTSD after accidentally killing a fellow police officer. Megan’s partner Jeremy persuades her to go camping with himself and two married friends, Blake and Gabriella. While hiking in the woods, Megan and Jeremy witness the execution of an unarmed drug dealer by Sheriff John Preacher and his deputies - and they are seen by the killers. The four campers run for their lives, but the deputies seal off the woods and Preacher summons different factions of an armed militia to hunt them down, triggering an all out war.
Gregory Lamberson is an award-winning author and filmmaker who has worked on independent films since 1984, when he served as the production manager on the horror-comedy I WAS A TEENAGE ZOMBIE at the age of 19. Two years later, he wrote and directed his first feature, SLIME CITY, which became an international cult classic. He has directed eight feature films, most recently WIDOW’S POINT starring Craig Sheffer, and has worked on many others, including Frank Henenlotter’s BRAIN DAMAGE, Debbie Rochon’s MODEL HUNGER, and Christopher Ray’s ASSAULT ON VA-33.
Lamberson has authored 15 books and is the co-founder of Buffalo Dreams Fantastic Film Festival. His films have won numerous awards on the film festival circuit, and in 2019 the Shawna Shea Film Festival presented him with its prestigious William C. Gerrity Award, named after the renowned Hollywood legend who worked as an assistant director, production manager, and producer. Lamberson lives in Buffalo, New York with his wife Tamar, who co-produces his films, and their daughter Kaelin, who has acted in some of them.
Hello, Film Supporters:
Although I’m most closely associated with the horror genre, I love films of all kinds, especially police thrillers and crime dramas. I’ve been developing GoE for 25 years, and can’t wait to get started. We will make this movie, it will be released, and you will receive your perks. Your contributions will not be wasted, and every contributor will see his name in the credits.
The Screenplay
I wrote the first draft of the screenplay for GUNS OF EDEN (then called GOD’S COUNTRY, and later MEGAN’S WAR) back in 1996. I’ve worked on it obsessively over the last year, and the story is more relevant today than when I started it. A good screenplay is the foundation of every good movie, and I believe this is the best I’ve written.
Creative Goals
I aim to create a film in the spirit of DELIVERANCE, FIRST BLOOD, and SOUTHERN COMFORT. Other influences include BILLY JACK, CAPRICORN ONE, ASSAULT ON PRECINCT 13 and RACE WITH THE DEVIL. I 've blogged extensively about these films and others in our Updates section. Despite its 70s and 80s inspirations, GUNS OF EDEN will be a modern thriller with wall-to-wall action. I would love to see this become the first in a series of films centered around the lead character, Megan Forest.
A Winning Team
Just like Lee Marvin in THE DIRTY DOZEN and Richard Burton in THE WILD GEESE, I’m assembling a crackerjack team to help me realize my vision. Tamar Lamberson is producing with me, as she did on JOHNNY GRUESOME and WIDOW'S POINT, and Chris Cosgrave, an expert on action cinema techniques, is Co-Producing. Chris will shoot the film, choreograph some of the action, and create visual effects (some utilizing miniatures). Keith Lukowski, who is providing much of our gear, is also on board as Co-Producer.
Phil Gallo, who scored the cult horror films MOTHER’S DAY and THE REDEEMER, and directed WEST NEW YORK and MATTY FRESNO AND THE HOLOFLUX UNIVERSE, has been my trusted editor since 1995, and will once again pull my bacon out of the fire when necessary.
Armand John Petri and Joe Rozler, who co-composed the outstanding scores for my films KILLER RACK, JOHNNY GRUESOME, and WIDOW’S POINT, will return. Between them they have done excellent work for Manowar, the Goo Goo Dolls, 10,000 Maniacs, and many other rock bands. In this video, Armand previews the score for GUNS OF EDEN.
We’ve cast up and coming NYC actress Alexandra Faye Sadeghian in the starring role of Megan Forest, and I look forward to collaborating with her to create a truly memorable screen hero.
Other cast members so far include Bill Kennedy as Sheriff John Preacher, our primary villain;
“Trazz” Johnson will play Jeremy Scott, Megan’s police partner;
We are proud to announce that the great Lynn Lowry has accepted the key role of Frances, a recluse who helps Megan Forest when she most needs it!
We are pleased to announce the addition of the great Debbie Rochon to our cast in the role of Annie, leader of the "girl group" the Betsys!
We are pleased to announce the casting of the great Brooke Lewis Bellas in the role of Darcy, a foul mouthed member of the militia!
Nicole Alshahen has been cast as Gabriella Peterson, a social worker;
Dominic Luongo was the first person cast, as Blake Peterson, an everyman high school teacher;
Kim Piazza will play Representative Olivia Dahlly:
Brian C. Schilling will play Griffin, a security expert:
Keith Lukowski will play Garett, a sociopathic deputy;
Tim O'Hearn has been cast as Caleb, a "heavy metal hillbilly!"
Xander Goldman will play Walter, Sheriff Preacher's right hand man:
We have an enormous cast!
Passion Project
I’ve worked on features with budgets as low as $6,000 and as high as $900,000. I know how to stretch a dollar, and how to use my time effectively on set. I also know the right people to help me achieve my goal of making a memorable action movie. GUNS OF EDEN is a true labor of love, and that passion will shine through in the finished work. This is what independent filmmaking is all about.
Contribute to a project you believe in and wish to support – become part of the team – and receive one or more cool reward perks in addition to screen credit on the film. This is not shopping: your perk cannot have an equal monetary value to your perk, or we won’t have any money left to make our movie.
Many crowdfunding campaigns for movies avoid perks involving physical goods because packing and shipping perks for 200 or more people entails an inordinate amount of work. I’m not afraid of that work, and believe I've come up with unique perks with legitimate value in exchange for your generous support.
Some of the coolest perks are Limited Editions, including the hardcover and trade paperback editions of the GUNS OF EDEN novel I'm writing exclusively for supporters. These will be the only print editions of the book, making them true collector’s items, Supporters who select the Deluxe trade paperback edition and either the Special or Deluxe edition of the hardcover will be listed in the Special Thanks section of the books and receive Supporting Producer screen credit in the film. Likewise, our Limited Edition poster will feature the names of supporters in the credits block.
Exceeding Our Goal
We have exceeded our goal, we have cast special guest stars, and we are making this movie! But we still need to raise more money to cover post-production and film festival fees.
Thank You
Thank you in advance for your support. I’ve waited a long time to direct this particular movie and look forward to making it a reality. We’ll keep everyone who contributes informed throughout the process, with regular updates. And we'll be adding content throughout this campaign.
Let’s make a great movie!
Gregory Lamberson
The Producers of this film are Gregory Lamberson, Tamar Lamberson, Chris Cosgrave and Keith Lukowski. Our first Executive Producers are Erin Elizabeth Heald, Kim Piazza and Armand John Petri. Our Co-Producers so far are Faith Nichols Peterson, Brooke Lewis Bellas and Brian C. Schilling, We are looking for additional Executive Producers, Co-Producers, and Associate Producers!
We are fortunate and excited to have a full team of talented people from across the U.S., across the Canadian border, and across the pond helping us with this campaign as Associate Producers, many of them filmmakers whose whose you should see if you haven't already: Richard Rowntree (Director - DOGGED and NEFARIOUS); Brett Cameron Glassberg (Director - DERELICTS); Joseph Fusco (Director - FINISH LINE: THE RISE AND DEMISE OF OFF TRACK BETTING); Christopher Darton (Director - ESSENCE OF GOODNESS: THE HAROLD EXTELL STORY and HARD WORKING MAN: THE MUSIC AND MIRACLES OF DANNY BROOKS); Skip Shea (Director - TRINITY and SEEDS) Bill Kennedy (Actor/Producer - ATTACK OF THE KILLER SHREWS): Kristen Skeet (Director -MURDER CREEK); Steve Boliek, Jr. (Director - ZOMBONER); Ty Cheman (Director - NOT NOT ANOTHER MONSTER MOVIE): actress Sheri Fairchild (THE SPECIAL); screenwriter Corby Kennard; genre journalist Jeff Fountain (HORROR GEEK LIFE); and bodybuilder/gym owner Eugene Bofill (REPS Fitness)!
Poster - Philip R. Rogers
Black and white illustrations - Bob Freeman
Color illustrations - Gayle Petri
Graphics - Chris Cosgrave
Covid-19 has impacted all our lives, and has taken a toll on film and television production: the major studios keep postponing their tentpole films, or relegating them to Video-on-Demand or other streaming services, and many television shows have been postponed or cancelled. The mandated costs required to protect cast and crew on a major production are astronomical; those costs are less extreme on a small indie film on which 6 - 10 people do the work of dozens. We still need to do time consuming testing, meet insurance requirements, provide our people with PPE and individually wrapped meals, make mobile handwashing stations available, and have a Covid Compliance Officer on set – on top of the common production requirements, like costumes, picture vehicles, special effects, set construction, and props. It adds up quickly!
The screenplay has been completed, a “breakdown” and tentative shooting schedule have been made, concept art and videos created, casting and location scouting initiated, and we've begun acquiring prop weapons. Our goal is to begin shooting around Buffalo, New York in mid-July. As we update this campaign page, we are 120% funded thanks to the contributions of over 350 backers!
We live in uncertain times, for sure. But we're experienced and committed filmmakers who intend to make this movie, and kick ass doing it. Weather and health issues could cause delays, but as nothing is going to stop us.
Please follow the Guns of Eden on Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/GunsOfEden
Twitter: @Digi_Guerrilla
Instagram: officialgregorylamberson and gunsofedenfilm
Please share our campaign on social media even if you can't contribute, and remember to check back for cool updates!