Guy Moments is an animated comedy series that focuses on the amusing differences in logic between men and women – told from a guy’s perspective. The show follows former ladies man, Mark “M-DUB” Martin, and his hilarious group of friends in their late 20’s as they navigate through singlehood, dating, and marriage.
Guy Moments is derived from real life events making it a “reality cartoon” that everyone can relate to, whether in a committed relationship or not. The show takes place throughout Houston, Texas in the suburbs and in upscale urban neighborhoods, where the fast-paced life of the big city creates endless opportunities for men and women to misunderstand each other.
The characters are not only believable, but funny, crass and reactive to situations that all relationships encounter regardless of an individual’s ethnicity, sexuality or economic background.
Guy Moments was an original movie script written by M.C. Martin in 2012 that he could not get anyone to read. He eventually turned to his friends to help his movie turned web series come to life and use youtube to put the content in the faces of people across the world in order to get the attention to bring the show to a bigger platform.
This campaign is very important and has a history of having doors being closed before the material has been looked over. Finally the show is gaining traction and we would like to keep that momentum going to get this web series off the internet and on to a cable network channel. This show is groundbreaking and will take cartoon viewing to a whole new level.
What We Need & What You Get
- We need $60,000 to give the fans what they have been asking for. 100% of the donations will be going to animation cost to produce a whole season. We will be able to hire multiple animators to speed up the process and have longer episodes to show the fans.
- Our perks for the campaign include Guy Moments wrist-bands, bottle openers, name in credits, artwork, T-Shirts, guy moments coffee mugs, lunch with the cast, sit in on a recording of an episode, and have a guest appearance on the show as character.
The Impact
You donations will have a great impact for the show. It will gives us an opportunity to give the fans what they have been demanding, and show television executives our talents to have a spot on network television or distribution platform.
Our show has reached out of the United States to other countries such as Russia, London, Jamaica, Trinidad, and China just to name a few. We have reached over one million views on WORLDSTARHIPHOP.com alone not including our guy moments channel on youtube and others that have used our videos to gain followers.
We as well as everyone that takes a look at our show, believe Guy Moments belongs on a television network and not youtube. Your donations will give us the boost we need to make that happen by giving us a chance to show our diversity of content and how we will change the way people look at cartoons.
Other Ways You Can Help
We know first hand that money can be tight. So if you can't donate and you believe in our show; that this show is groundbreaking, unique to anything you have ever seen and would like to see it on a network share this campaign with your people, if you have a blog, help us by posting a link, tweet, or facebook about us too. We will be forever in your debt.
Thanks again, for helping us bring laughter through our experiences.