GVO 30th Season Finale
GVO 30th Season Finale
GVO 30th Season Finale
GVO 30th Season Finale
GVO 30th Season Finale
This campaign is closed
GVO 30th Season Finale
This May, the Greenwich Village Orchestra celebrates the finale of its milestone 30th Season, and we could not be more excited about all we have achieved. We are so proud of how far we have come since 1986, when we first sat down to play music together. We are truly a community orchestra – we play because we love what we do. Nobody pays dues, and orchestra members are not paid to perform. What we love is bringing music to our community!
On May 7, we will close our 30th season with our first Pops concert in more than a decade! Music Director and Conductor Barbara Yahr will draw on her experience conducting the Pittsburgh Symphony to lead a concert featuring the best of Broadway, featuring Broadway singers Grasan Kingsberry and Betsy Struxness.
This year, we've pulled out all the stops - from Dvorak 9 to Beethoven 9, from solos by members of the orchestra to concertos by superstar violinists, pianists, and more. We've loved every minute of our 30th season! As Barbara likes to say, none of it would matter without you, our audience.
So, thank you for supporting the GVO! Help us raise $5,000 to close our 30th Birthday Season with a bang!