Short Summary
Here at Skunk2 we always receive various requests for us to design certain parts for specific cars. In this case, a small group of people requested that we design an Ultra Race manifold for the H22A engine. The problem is that we are unsure of the actual demand for this part. We've made parts in the past based off of enthusiast feedback that ended up being complete busts and wasting precious time and resources that could have been directed to more fruitful ventures.
We decided to use Indiegogo as a platform in which we can gauge interest and use to guide our parts development. If hopeful enthusiasts are willing to put their money where their mouths are thus ensuring the product wont be a complete bust, we are willing to take the plunge and design the part.
So, whether we make an H22A Ultra Race Manifold is entirely up to you guys out there!
What We Need & What You Get
We need $15K to get this project going. Our actual development and tooling costs are much higher than this, but $15K tells us that the marketplace is serious.
Minimum contribution is $100 and maximum contribution is $500. Read over the 'Perks' section of the campaign to see what you get specifically.
The Impact
If you support this campaign, not only do you get the part you always dreamed of, but you also get to say you were a leader and instrumental in bringing the Ultra Race Manifold to the H22A community. Be a hero and make a difference!
Risks & Challenges
There are no risks to this campaign!
If we do not raise $15K, you contributions will be returned to you.
If we receive $15K in contributions, you will see the manifold completed in 4-6 months. Once we reach the $15K goal and the wheels are in motion, contributions are not refundable. However, when the manifolds are ready for sale, you can transfer your credit to someone else if you need to for whatever reason.
Also, to all the haters and morons out there....we've been in the Honda game for 20 years and aren't in the business of ripping people off. We are not some fly by night internet hero that can just disappear with peoples money. If we reach the fundraising goal, it WILL ifs ands or buts!