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HackMS: Defeat Brain Disease with Big Data

You know someone with brain disease. We all do. Your donation of $3+ will help us find new cures!


HackMS: Defeat Brain Disease with Big Data

HackMS: Defeat Brain Disease with Big Data

HackMS: Defeat Brain Disease with Big Data

HackMS: Defeat Brain Disease with Big Data

HackMS: Defeat Brain Disease with Big Data

You know someone with brain disease. We all do. Your donation of $3+ will help us find new cures!

You know someone with brain disease. We all do. Your donation of $3+ will help us find new cures!

You know someone with brain disease. We all do. Your donation of $3+ will help us find new cures!

You know someone with brain disease. We all do. Your donation of $3+ will help us find new cures!

Magali Haas
Magali Haas
Magali Haas
Magali Haas
1 Campaign |
Cambridge, United States
$10,014 USD 69 backers
3% of $299,900 Flexible Goal Flexible Goal

FierceBiotechIT: Ex-J&J Exec turns to Crowd to Fund Brain Research

2.5 Million People Around the World     Suffer from Multiple Sclerosis

this is just one of over 600 diseases of the brain!

At least one in five people will be affected by brain disease or brain injury in their lifetime. Brain disorders have an associated economic burden that costs society trillions of dollars every year. 



We need to Speed Up the Pace of Brain Research because there  is still a lot we don't know... 

Brain disease CAN be defeated by modern technology. We can “hack” Multiple Sclerosis, and we can subsequently “hack” schizophrenia, dementia, post-traumatic stress disorder, epilepsy and, eventually, all brain disorders with a revolutionary new approach: computational modeling.

We’re calling it a “hack.” We mean taking a completely new approach that simply was not possible a decade ago. It is a revolutionary way of not just understanding brain disease, but finding better treatments and cures faster than any other approach. This “hack” is a shortcut across the translational divide… the typically 20+ year gap between research and new treatment that is so daunting scientists call it the “valley of death.” 

How? With computational modeling and big data analytics. Technological advances in genomics, brain scanning and exponential increases in computing storage and power now give us the ability to mine (anonymous) patient data and develop predictive models that will vastly improve the accuracy of diagnosis and treatments almost immediately, and, we believe, shorten the path to cures by a quantum leap.


Our Flagship program, Orion MS 1.0, has just completed and the results went far beyond our expectations! We assembled one of the world’s largest databases of Multiple Sclerosis patient data (>9000 patients) and then applied state-of-the-art high performance computers and algorithms to discover the biological pathways that influence disease progression and outcomes that could revolutionize our understanding of MS.  The first MS computational models!

Now, we need a larger study, Orion MS 2.0, with more types of data to prove our models work and can deliver robust simulations of Multiple Sclerosis that will predict the course of the disorder in individual patients and accelerate the discovery of new diagnostics, treatments and cures.


A Cooperative Alliance.  Experts in diverse fields must work collaborate closely, and we have assembled a foundation alliance of “the best and the brightest” to accomplish this ambitious goal. The alliance is comprised of researchers, clinicians, neuroscientists, bioinformaticians, geneticists, computational modelers, patient advocacy groups and others across North America and Europe. Our main job is to bring even more of the best and the brightest together. The larger the alliance, the faster we will get to cures.

Funding. Lots of it. Millions. We are actively seeking sources for larger research grants and partnerships, but to do that costs money, thus this crowdfunding campaign. This campaign will help us continue to expand the alliance, forge new funding partnerships, write more grant proposals, and continue fundraising so that we can launch our second major study: Orion MS 2.0.


The discoveries this program makes will pave the way for us to look at other neurodegenerative brain diseases, like Alzheimer’s Disease, Parkinson’s, or ALS, as well as other mental conditions like schizophrenia, depression and PTSD. Accelerating our understanding of brain diseases as a whole could save millions of lives, lengthen millions of lives, and improve the quality of life for perhaps billions of people. 

It’s about research for patients, for people… not just for the sake of research or publishing a paper about yet another study of mice.


We can only revolutionize the way science is done with your generous support!

Orion Bionetworks is a nonprofit organization -- we can only continue to build the alliance globally; sponsor workshops, webinars and conferences to educate and unite the research world; and collect new data to build new computational models of brain disease with public funding support.

Who is in the Orion Alliance? We have an incredible array of Alliance Partners, Advisory Council Members, Supporters, Staff and volunteers currently working to propel Orion forward. We are honored to be supported by many world-renowned experts in their fields. There are too many to name (please see our website for all our partners and full bios), a sample is below.

What’s in it for donors? Your commitment could lead to better diagnostics and treatments – and perhaps even preventions and cures – for you, a friend, or a loved one with a brain disorder. And we do have some limited edition trinkets and a number of very unique and valuable incentives over on the right. But, mainly, you’ll donate because you want to change the world and make it a better place to live… longer, healthier lives free of brain disease. 


Executive Team (bios on our website)


KEITH O. ELLISTON, PhD: Consulting Scientific Director

ANDREAS JEROMIN, PhD: Consulting Biomarkers Director

Strategic Advisory Council (bios on our website)


© 2015 Orion Bionetworks. Orion Bionetworks is a program of the Marin Community Foundation, a 501(C)(3) nonprofit charitable organization. 

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$30 USD
Learn the basics about computational modeling and ask questions through a FREE 1hr WEBINAR given by Orion's team! We'll also thank you on our website and send a cool #HackMS pin to you with our appreciation for being dedicated to discovering cures for MS and all brain disorders.
Estimated Shipping
April 2015
2 claimed

Three Stars

$3 USD
NICE SHOT! At least one in five people will be affected by brain disease or brain injury in their lifetime. Shoot three arrows at brain disease with your donation… one arrow for each star in Orion's belt.
Estimated Shipping
March 2015
2 claimed


$10 USD
#HACK PIN. We'll thank you on our website and send a cool #HackMS pin to you with our appreciation for being dedicated to discovering cures for MS and all brain disorders.
Estimated Shipping
April 2015
4 claimed

(Computational) Model Citizen

$60 USD
#HACK ART POSTER. #HackBrainDisease color poster print, suitable for framing. Plus a #HackMS pin and website thanks!
Estimated Shipping
April 2015
3 claimed

Biomarker Brigade

$100 USD
BRAIN WARMER. Keep the rain off or the cold out with Orion Bionetworks logo baseball cap. Plus a #HackMS pin and website thanks!
Estimated Shipping
April 2015
5 claimed

Patient Power

$150 USD
T-SHIRT. #HackMS or #HackBrainDisease T-shirt, Orion logo on front and a HUGE #Hack logo on the back! Plus a #HackMS pin and website thanks!
Estimated Shipping
April 2015
6 claimed

Genome Sequencer

$250 USD
#HACK PACK. Pin, Poster, T-Shirt & Hat, website thanks. Wear your #Hack with pride!
Estimated Shipping
April 2015
5 claimed

Big Data Miner

$500 USD
HOODED LOGO SWEATSHIRT. Be the first player on the block with a unique #HackMS or #HackBrainDisease hoodie! Small Orion logo on front, BIG #Hack logo on back. You also get all the perks in the Genome Sequencer #HackPack.
Estimated Shipping
May 2015
3 claimed


$1,250 USD
PREDICTION STATION. Predict your local weather just like we're hoping to be able to predict the progression of brain disease with computational modeling. For this donation level you will get an Orion Weather Prediction Station as well as the Genome Sequencer #HackPack.
Estimated Shipping
April 2015
0 claimed

Inner Circle

$2,500 USD
CEO SOCIETY. #HackPack plus exclusive annual membership to the inner circle of CEO Magali Haas. You will receive exclusive quarterly progress updates from Dr. Haas and participation in an annual CEO Society Webinar/Conference call.
Estimated Shipping
June 2015
0 claimed

Neuro Notable

$5,000 USD
GREAT MINDS! Would you like to have coffee with one of the most eminent minds in neuroscience or a great business leader? Donate at this level and you can spend 45 minutes with a member of Orion's Executive Team or Strategic Advisory Council, based on availability. Check out our remarkable Council members here: You also get the perks in the Genome Sequencer #Hack Pack and the Big Data Miner's Hooded Logo Sweatshirt.
Estimated Shipping
June 2015
0 claimed

Game Changer

$10,000 USD
CONFERENCE PACKAGE: Attendance (for two people) at Orion Annual Scientific Conference on June 12, 2015 in Cambridge MA + VIP Dinner + #HackPack.
Estimated Shipping
June 2015
0 claimed


$25,000 USD
EXPERT PACKAGE: Invitation for you and 3 companions to spend 2hrs + Dinner in NYC or Boston with an Expert Neuroscientist or Physicist + #Hack Pack.
Estimated Shipping
June 2015
0 claimed

Orion Council

$50,000 USD
PLATINUM SPONSOR PACKAGE: Ex-Officio 1 year Advisory Council Membership. Includes Quarterly updates by Executive Team and attendance at Annual Conference and VIP Dinner (June 2015 in Cambridge MA) for you and a companion and #HackPack.
Estimated Shipping
June 2015
0 claimed
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