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Happy Atoms: Magnetic Molecular Modeling Set & App

Build, scan, and identify molecules: the simplest way to learn about atoms, bonding, and chemistry.


Happy Atoms: Magnetic Molecular Modeling Set & App

Happy Atoms: Magnetic Molecular Modeling Set & App

Happy Atoms: Magnetic Molecular Modeling Set & App

Happy Atoms: Magnetic Molecular Modeling Set & App

Happy Atoms: Magnetic Molecular Modeling Set & App

Build, scan, and identify molecules: the simplest way to learn about atoms, bonding, and chemistry.

Build, scan, and identify molecules: the simplest way to learn about atoms, bonding, and chemistry.

Build, scan, and identify molecules: the simplest way to learn about atoms, bonding, and chemistry.

Build, scan, and identify molecules: the simplest way to learn about atoms, bonding, and chemistry.

Ted McGuire
Ted McGuire
Ted McGuire
Ted McGuire
1 Campaign |
Providence, United States
$66,730 USD by 472 backers
$54,323 USD by 404 backers on Aug 28, 2016
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Complete Set

Complete Set

$159 USD
Thousands of molecules at your finger tips. The 50-atom set includes these atoms: 14 H, 1 He, 2 Li, 2 Be, 6 C, 3 N, 6 O, 2 Fl, 1 Ne, 2 Na, 2 Mg, 2 Si, 2 P, 2 S, 2 Cl, and 1 Ar; the Happy Atoms app (free download), scanning mat, quickstart manual, and color-printed cardboard box.
Estimated Shipping
November 2016
39 claimed
Ships to United States of America, Canada
Introductory Set

Introductory Set

$59 USD
Let's bond! The 17-atom set includes these atoms: 8 H, 3 C, 2 N, 2 O, 1 Na, and 1 Cl; the Happy Atoms app (free download), scanning mat, quickstart manual, and color-printed cardboard box.
Estimated Shipping
November 2016
23 claimed
Ships to United States of America, Canada
Educator's Bundle

Educator's Bundle

$799 USD
Happy Atoms for the classroom! The 250-atom set includes these atoms: 70 Hydrogen, 5 Helium, 10 Lithium, 10 Beryllium, 30 Carbon, 15 Nitrogen, 30 Oxygen, 10 Fluorine, 5 Neon, 10 Sodium, 10 Magnesium, 10 Silicon, 10 Phosphorus, 10 Sulfur, 10 Chlorine, and 5 Argon; the Happy Atoms app (free download), 5 scanning mats, 5 quickstart manuals, and a durable plastic storage bin.
Estimated Shipping
November 2016
5 claimed
Ships to United States of America, Canada
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