Happy Slashers is an animated comedy series that turns all of our horror fantasies and dreams, er..nightmares into reality when we dive deep into the depths of Hell inside Freddy's boiler-room where O'Face, Jay, Chuck, Tex and Fred meet for group therapy sessions to become A+, high class, model citizens so that they can be safely placed back into society.
They Solemnly Swear To NOT Be Assholes Anymore.
They Promise.
For Real This Time!
We are looking for a minimum of $10,000 to fund the entire first season of Happy Slashers (10 episodes). That number would let us hire the most talented voice actors and impersonators on the market and also gives us the ability to produce the highest quality, most professional animation possible! If by chance we are unable to reach our main goal, we will use whatever money is raised to put out as much of the first season as possible. If we raise more than our main goal, the extra money would be used for an additional two episodes (12 total).
$5,000 or less:
- 3-5 Episodes!
- 12-15 Minutes in Length!
- Ability to Hire Top Tier Voice Actor/Impersonator Talent!
- Ability to Produce High Quality Professional Animation!
- 6-8 Episodes!
- 12-15 Minutes in Length!
- Ability to Hire Top Tier Voice Actor/Impersonator Talent!
- Ability to Produce High Quality Professional Animation!
- 10-12 Episodes!
- 12-15 Minutes in Length!
- Ability to Hire Top Tier Voice Actor/Impersonator Talent!
- Ability to Produce High Quality Professional Animation!
Other Ways You Can Help
If you are unable to contribute financially and receive one of our AMAZING perks during this crazy time, we totally understand. BUT there are other ways to help. Mainly SHARE! SHARE! SHARE! with all of your passionate horror fans on every social media platform you have!
...or else!