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Harvesting Solar Energy

A new solar cell " 5 to 6 times higher efficiency or smaller size and cheaper"

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Harvesting Solar Energy

Harvesting Solar Energy

Harvesting Solar Energy

Harvesting Solar Energy

Harvesting Solar Energy

A new solar cell " 5 to 6 times higher efficiency or smaller size and cheaper"

A new solar cell " 5 to 6 times higher efficiency or smaller size and cheaper"

A new solar cell " 5 to 6 times higher efficiency or smaller size and cheaper"

A new solar cell " 5 to 6 times higher efficiency or smaller size and cheaper"

Panomporn Suvannapattana
Panomporn Suvannapattana
Panomporn Suvannapattana
Panomporn Suvannapattana
1 Campaign |
Germany, Thailand
$756 USD 7 backers
0% of $475,000 Flexible Goal Flexible Goal
The project team has a working demo, not the final product. Their ability to begin production may be affected by product development or financial challenges.
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Dr. Panomporn Suvannapattana,

CEO and Founder, Optical Rectenna, Inc

He graduated a PhD in Telecommunications from the University of Surrey, UK in 2000. He holds a patent on the antenna design for mobile satellite communication with the University of Surrey. His professional career is in telecommunications for more thathan 25 years. His latest achievement is a rectenna design (antenna + rectifier) which is shown a high conversion efficiency of radio wave energy to electricity (DC) in a range of 60% to 70%.

Successful on prototyping a new solar cell for radio wave

Modern Radio technology

Please see

A Prototype, a fabricated optical rectenna (a new solar cell for Infrared spectrum) by electron beam lithography (EBL) by our partner Synchrontron Light Research Institute (Public Organization), SLRI

Please see

- Nano antenna:  A design is from our company and is implemented by our partner, SLRI.

- Nano Diode or rectifier circuit: our partner, a leading nano optical foundry in German

- Spectrum Converter: Our innovative solution which turns a simple material to convert the collected Sun energy 


To prototype a new solar cell for sun light

A Campaign on "A new Solar Cell"

“The Clean and Green Energy serving our endlessly needing”

Sunlight as the electromagnetic wave imping on conductor materials like copper, gold, and silver which its shape and size matched with the wavelength of the sun light spectrum under a condition called resonance which transform the shaded electromagnetic wave to electrical current or electricity.

The new solar cell consists of a conductor printed on a substrate incorporates rectifier circuit to provide electricity same as the output from the conventional solar cell. In theory such technique possesses a 100% conversion efficiency. In practice the implementation of this technique with our design for microwave spectrum shown conversion efficiency in the range of 60 to 70%. Due to the simplicity of this new solar cell the cost of product is estimated to be lesser than 50% of the conventional solar cell.

To the greatest extend possible, this new product could accelerate our world zero emission by 6 to 7 times faster with less cost compared to the conventional solar cell. Furthermore, the typical lifetime of the conventional solar cell is around 20 to 25 years and after that the decommissioning with the electronic waste scrap plan should be carefully conducted. Most of dead solar panels today wind up in shredders or landfills. Due to the simple structure and common material of this new solar cell its useful life is not yet to be determined. In other words, the zero electronic waste could be expected.

Regarding our timeline on implementing/building this new solar cell we have succeeded to secure a partnership with the Synchrotron Light Research Institute (Public Organization), “SLRI”, Thailand for a nano scale fabrication. Furthermore, to partnership with one of the internationally recognized competence centers for silicon-germanium technology in Germany and a nano fabrication foundry in Japan for the nano rectifier circuit.

At this stage it is quite crucial for the company to get fund from contributors/backers as this will enable us to kick start the work. 

A funding of at least USD 475,000 is needed for a successful on building this new solar cell. 90% of the fund will be used for purchasing materials for the nano scale fabrication, fabrication process and related substances, and testing by the sophisticate laboratory instruments. And the rest of the fund will be used to cover all administrative expenses including manpower. If the entire gold was not reached the fund goes to the researchers who are working in this field.

Perk: A 25% discount certificate on the finish product


In the Paris agreement the target for the increasing of the world temperature is set at 1.5 degree. The grave consequences on communities especially the low-lying and small island states, and fragile ecosystem like coral reefs which would be entirely lost with the 0.5 degree extra to 2.0 degree. In 2020, one of the two warmest years in record, changes in sea level from 10 cm to 20 cm, changes in temperature (monthly average of global temperature anomalies up to 2°C in June to September), and changes in atmospheric carbon dioxide which was higher than 380 ppm. As many countries have failed to make commitment to reduce carbon emission to the degree necessary.


Conventional Solar Cell (Photovoltaic Technology)

“The limitations”

Sunlight as the particles called photons imping on semi-conductor material like silicon drive electrons in the material to flow which is the electrical current or electricity. Since it was invented for power generation a lot of product developments are available either on lower cost or higher efficiency. Theoretical efficiency on converting the incoming sunlight to electricity is limited in the range of 40 to 45% due to the property of the material which it is made from. The conventional solar cell for things, on roof, and solar farm provides conversion efficiency in a range of 7 to 15% due to its costs despite that there were the fast and massive expansion of this renewable, PV, in the past decade.

Risks & Challenges

Foresee a challenge on building a new solar cell by this technique is the nano diode for sun light. As it has yet been made available but a lot of researchers and projects with huge funding by institutes and governments around the word are working on it. Following is our solution and strategy to overcome this challenge.

Our solution is

Step 1. To build a new solar cell for harvesting the infrared energy where the necessary elements are available i.e., diode/rectifier circuit for infrared spectrum. 

Step 2. Commercialized this new solar cell for harvesting the waste heat to electricity. (Sources of waste heat include for example hot combustion gases discharged to the atmosphere, heated water released into environment, heated products exiting industrial processes, and heat transfer from hot equipment surfaces.)

Step 3. To use the spectrum convertor to convert sun light spectrum to infrared spectrum where the nano diode is available.

Step 4. To incorporate the product of Step 3 into Step 1

Step 5. Commercialized a new solar cell to harvest sun light to electricity.

Our strategy is

- To run our solution in parallel with 

- To partner with the leading internationally recognized competence center in this technology for a collaboration and implementation of the nano diode for sun light with our product. 

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proactive climate influencer

$3 USD $4 USD (25% off)
Thank you for being a proactive climate influencer
Included Items
  • A digital certificate
Estimated Shipping
May 2022
2 claimed


$25 USD $34 USD (26% off)
A certificate for buying the finished product at 25% off
Included Items
  • A digital certificate
Estimated Shipping
May 2022
2 claimed

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