Two years ago when we launched the Kickstarter campaign for our first book 381 people backed our idea and many others have purchased books since then. We have received stunning feedback from our customers and industry experts, and have been invited to read lectures for several universities and colleges. Here are a few things our supporters have said about us:
Louis Henry Mitchell
“I am the Creative director of Character Design for Sesame Street. I am also a teacher of art and I wanted to express my gratitude and amazement at your accomplishment with your book "Anatomy For Sculptors". Any student of anatomy would benefit from that brilliant work!! I am a sculptor but I primarily draw and your book is second only to "Artistic Anatomy"
- Dr. Paul Richer.
Rey Bustos artistic anatomist and educator
"Anatomy For Sculptors for me is the best anatomy book that has come around in a while. As an educator specializing in anatomy for artists I can honestly say that it is now on my very short list of best anatomy books anywhere. I must add though that the title should be "Anatomy for ANY artist". This is a must have for all artists.” -
Ben Knap, Lead character artist at Hi-Rez Studios.
The last book has been AMAZING and has really helped me with furthering my understanding of anatomy. I am very excited for the new book and interested in the augmented reality model and how that will look. The only feedback I can say is PLEASE KEEP THESE COMING! The books you are getting out there allow for an expidited understanding of anatomy and forms. I have been making character art for 10 years professionally and have multiple reference statues from areas like, yet in that time I learned 1/3 from the ref statues than from your book, and in a muuuuch shorty time.
Aaron Costic, Ice Sculptor, Four times National Champion
GREAT BOOK!! I’ve been practicing a human for competition & it is really helping!!"
Alan Friend, Scottish painter is a resource every artist should know about. Their latest Kickstarter campaign, Head and Neck Anatomy, combines 21st century technical wizardry, deep anatomical knowledge, and major artistic talent. Put simply, it may well create the most advanced and comprehensive body of artistic and anatomical knowledge on the human head and neck ever assembled.
We have prepared awesome rewards packages including t-shirts, anatomy books, charts, physical and digital objects, lectures and workshops.
Anatomy For Sculptors began as a website for sculptors to learn the secrets of expressing the human form based in academic knowledge of classic human anatomy. Our mission was to make this information accessible and understandable for everyone.
Over the last 5 years, we built the website and then published our book by the same name with the help of a professional photographer, models, editor, and a graphic designer. Using dozens of books and countless online resources as references, in combination with licensed anatomical photographs, we created hundreds of illustrations visualizing the human body and its features.
Since we successfully crowd funded and published the book two years ago, we have distributed over four-and-half thousand copies in hardcover and paperback, as well as digital copies. We have also been privileged to present our work at numerous art colleges and universities. The more people we have met along the way, the more people have told us that our book makes for an amazing resource not only for classical artists and sculptors, but also for CG artists.
Originally headed by myself and anatomy teacher and illustrator Uldis Zarins, our core team has grown to include CG Artist Jon Hanzelka, Project Manager and Digital Artist Sergio Alessandro, Marketing and Communications Manager Lisa Donze, programmer Janis Kondrats, graphic designer Edgars Vegners and business adviser Reinis Znotins.
We've priced our project at the absolute bare minimum. If we raise more, we'll be able to produce a larger print-run, use better paper stock, and do full-color interiors. Here's a breakdown of what is involved:
Production costs - includes author/illustrator/CG artist team, marketing team, video production, book layout design, poster and t-shirts for pledges.
Indiegogo/PayPal Fees - Roughly 8%-10% of final funding.
Production of books - These rates vary depending on the amount ordered, but it is likely our most sizable budget item.
Development of iOS/Android Augmented Reality app.
Shipping & shipping supply - Another sizable expense, depending on amount shipped and number of international orders.
Taxes - self-employed rates apply.
Buffer Amount - necessary for ANY Kickstarter. Set aside for dropped pledges, lost books, refund requests, and any miscalculations.
We have the experience of successfully funding a Kickstarter campaign for the original Anatomy for Sculptors book, and to date have delivered 4600 books around the globe. Our team is in place with additional support for this larger and more technologically demanding campaign, and we expect to be able to move full-steam ahead according to plan.
Potential Challenges are:
1. Development and coding for the Augmented Reality application, which may take longer than anticipated.
2. The manufacture and delivery of custom manufactured rewards, such as teaching display models, which may also take longer than initially planned.
We have done extensive planning and pre-work, so we are confident that we will be able to make our deadlines and meet our milestones on time - or in some cases, even be ready with print rewards early. However, in case of any delays, we will provide our backers with clear and timely communication of the status of this project and provide updated delivery estimates.
Thank you again for your support and confidence in Anatomy For Sculptors!