I work at a drop in center for homeless youth between the ages of 16 and 24. The center is on the Lower East Side, NYC.
We offer them: showers, laundry, hot meals, housing help acupuncture, internet access, case management, syringe exchange, sex education and medical, legal and psychiatric services.
We dont judge them or try to "diagnose" them.
Imagine how cool it will be for them to have a say in their health. These are youth who sleep on trains and in parks. They are constantly being told what to do and where they can and can't go.
These are young people who have never really been educated on the benefits of eating healthy. A good amount of them grew up on fast food and sugary drinks. BUT they are hungry to learn alternative ways of eating. They're ready to be active participants in their own health.
I recently started making smoothies and buying juices. They are SO interested in what I'm doing and why. They always ask for a taste. They are usually surprised that they can actually enjoy something GOOD for them.
We want to make this their norm, but need your help.
We'd like to do the smoothie/juice group at least 2x per month (hopefully more).
We need:
1 commercial Norwalk Juicer- I've done a lot of research and this is the best one on the market. Its a commercial juicer that has the highest yield, producing 50-100% more juice than other juicers.
3 commercial blenders- for smoothies
Thanks for your support !!