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Healthy school meals - Pravilna prehrana u školi

Healthy meals in August Senoa elementary school, Zagreb -- Zdrava prehrana u OŠ A. Šenoa, Zagreb


Healthy school meals - Pravilna prehrana u školi

Healthy school meals - Pravilna prehrana u školi

Healthy school meals - Pravilna prehrana u školi

Healthy school meals - Pravilna prehrana u školi

Healthy school meals - Pravilna prehrana u školi

Healthy meals in August Senoa elementary school, Zagreb -- Zdrava prehrana u OŠ A. Šenoa, Zagreb

Healthy meals in August Senoa elementary school, Zagreb -- Zdrava prehrana u OŠ A. Šenoa, Zagreb

Healthy meals in August Senoa elementary school, Zagreb -- Zdrava prehrana u OŠ A. Šenoa, Zagreb

Healthy meals in August Senoa elementary school, Zagreb -- Zdrava prehrana u OŠ A. Šenoa, Zagreb

Zlatko Jelacic
Zlatko Jelacic
Zlatko Jelacic
Zlatko Jelacic
1 Campaign |
Zagreb, Croatia
$0 USD 0 backers
0% of $3,900 Flexible Goal Flexible Goal
Dragi roditelji sadašnjih, bivših i budućih učenika OŠ Augusta Šenoe, dragi naši susjedi, Trešnjevčani! Pozivamo Vas i molimo za suradnju putem donacija kako bismo prikupili potreban iznos i opremili našu kuhinju potrebnom profesionalom opremom. Cilj nam je u potpunosti izbaciti nepravilnu prehranu iz naše kuhinje. -------------------- Please support us to equip our school kitchen with the necessary professional equipment. Our goal is to completely eradicate unhealthy food from our kitchen.



Dragi roditelji sadašnjih, bivših i budućih učenika OŠ Augusta Šenoe, dragi naši susjedi, Trešnjevčani! 

Tijekom ove godine u našoj smo školi, našim internim snagama, započeli mijenjati jelovnik prehrane i postepeno ga prilagođavati Nacionalnim smjernicama za prehranu učenika u osnovnim školama. Naša djeca danas jedu zdravije i u skladu sa svojim potrebama u različitim fazama rasta. 

Cilj nam je u potpunosti izbaciti nepravilnu prehranu iz naše kuhinje. 

Tijekom prošle dvije godine obnovili smo našu kuhinju do razine koja nam je omogućila da takvu promjenu u našoj prehrani i organiziramo. Ostala je, ipak, još jedna slaba točka u našem sustavu - posluživanje hrane. 

Naša opremljenost još uvijek nam ne dopušta da se oslobodimo jednokratnog plastičnog posuđa na koje smo osuđeni u ovom trenutku. Kako bismo željeni način pripreme hrane i standard posluživanja zadržali na visokoj razini, želimo podići standard posluživanja hrane nabavkom inox šalica i vrčeva te profesionalne perilice. Ova oprema bi nam omogućila uspostavu potrebnih ciklusa posluživanja hrane za sve učenike u našoj školi. Prestankom uporabe jednokratnog plastičnog pribora za jelo želimo podići ekološku svijest naših učenika. Za opremanje naše kuhinje potrebno nam je najmanje: 

  • 350 inox šalica 
  • 550 malih žlica 
  • 10 inox vrčeva
  • Profesionalna perilica za tanjure i čaše sa zalihom sredstava za pranje i omekšavanje vode 

U tu svrhu želimo prikupiti 25.000,00 kn, koliko iznosi trošak nabave navedenog pribora. Sve ostale radove potrebne za instalaciju perilice i uvođenja novog pribora škola će izvesti svojim unutarnjim službama i u suradnji s roditeljima.                  

Stoga vas pozivamo i molimo za suradnju putem donacija kako bismo prikupili potreban iznos i opremili našu kuhinju. Ciljani iznos donacije nije određen.  Svaki doprinos se računa, pomaže i doprinosi našem zajedničkom cilju. Iznos od najmanje 25 kn po obitelji jednokratno se čini kao iznos koji bi nas približio željenom cilju. 

Našoj akciji možete se pridružiti svojom donacijom.

Sredstva koja će nedostajati nastojat će se prikupiti internim rezervama škole i drugim akcijama, a o stanju ove naše zajedničke akcije redovito ćemo vas izvještavati.

Vijeće roditelja OŠ August Šenoa





Dear parents of current, former and future pupils of the elementary school Augusta Šenoe, dear Trešnjevka neighbours! 

Dear friends worldwide!

We are the Parents Council of August Senoa elementary school in Zagreb. During this year in our school, with all the help of our internal forces, we began to change our school restaurant menu and gradually adapted it to the National guidelines for nutrition of pupils in elementary schools. Our children today are eating healthier and in line with their needs at different stages of growth.

Our new goal is to completely eliminate the unhealthy food from our kitchen.

Over the past two years, we have modernized our school kitchen to the level that has allowed us to organize such a change in our diet. There is still, however, another weak point in our system – food serving infrastructure.

Our equipment still does not allow us to avoid one-time plastic dishes we still can not avoid at this time. In order to maintain the desired way of food preparation and service standards at a high level, we working to raise the standard of food serving by purchasing stainless steel cups and jugs and professional washing machine. This equipment would enable us to establish the necessary food service cycles for all pupils in our school. By stopping the usage of disposable plastic cutlery, we want to raise the ecological awareness of our pupils too. To equip our kitchen to the necessary level we need at least:

  • 350 stainless steel cups
  • 550 small spoons
  • 10 inox jugs
  • Professional dishwasher and glassware with a stock of washing and water softening

For this purpose, we want to collect EUR 3,500.00, which is the total cost of purchasing all the necessary items. All the other works necessary for the installation of the washing machine and the introduction of new accessories will be carried out by the school's internal services and in cooperation with the school's parents.

Therefore, we kindly invite you to join us in our effort and aks you for cooperation through donations in order to collect the necessary funds and equip our kitchen. The target amount of donation is not specified. Each contribution counts, helps and contributes to our common goal. WE consider the amount of at least 4 EUR per contribution as an amount that would bring us closer to the desired goal.

The missing funds will be sought through the internal reserves of the school and other actions, and we will regularly report on the state of our joint action.

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Choose your Perk

A cup of tea from our new cups

A cup of tea from our new cups

$5 USD
We will invite you to join us for a cup of tea from our new stainless steel cups! Po završetku kampanje pozvat ćemo Vas nam se pridružite na druženju uz šalicu čaja iz naših novih inox šalica!
Included Items
  • A cup of tea
Estimated Shipping
May 2019
0 claimed
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