Who am I and What is this?
Hello All! My name is Jehan Patterson, a writer Director based out of Chicago Illinois! Today I want to bring to you the film Heart Of The City, a film I have been developing for years.
I believe this film is the best because this film is the most personal to me and it is something that has been on my heart for years in the making. Martin Scorsese says "the best art is the most personal" and ultimately everything from this film is birthed as my own love letter to the city that raised me. From the setting of my homeland of Chicago to the transparency, it provides for African Americans not just in Chicago but in major cities across the country, to the representation of African Americans in a middle-class neighborhood that we seldom get in today's culture. Heart Of The City comes in as a neo-noir but leaves as much more than that.
Any contributions will be immense in helping to create a film that shifts narratives around justice and morality, sparking meaningful dialogues that can lead us all to a deeper understanding of these prevalent issues.
So About The Money...
Our current goal for greenlighting production of Heart Of The City is extremely low budget! We wish to raise only 75,000 dollars for production and post-production. This money will go toward Principal Cast, accommodations during production, equipment, props, sound and to cover post-production!
So we've decided to break it up!
This is part 1 of our campaign, for total funding, the goal sums out to a total of $50,000.
But do not worry, any contribution provided to us will not go unnoticed. We offer gifts for aid, including movie posters, plaques, shout outs, the official Heart Of The City script, and even a producer credit for the film.
Even if the entire goal does not come to fruition, any money that is made will go exclusively towards providing exclusively for our talented principle cast and crew!
But so what...
Why should you believe in this project? Or myself as a filmmaker?
As a writer and director, I have been involved with many projects over the years, on top of my experience in the theatre. The business of storytelling has been my life's work, and coming from a blue-collar city, I'm determined to fulfill this work to the best of my ability. This work, as all my work, is meant for social reform and to critique glaring holes within the systems that dictate our country
And as Always...
There are risks, risks have been a part of this industry since the beginning. I understand this. That is why extensive planning has been put into place, accounting for all things that could and would go wrong, though we realize that you cannot plan for everything on a film set, my experience as a filmmaker has allotted me the wherewithal to deal all hindrances that can affect the film. As previously stated: This is my life's work, and I do not take that lightly.
And if you can't donate...
Don't sweat it! Just spread the word, Heart Of The City is coming and it needs your help, your funding, and your support to change the world.