Who Are We?
Hey y'all! Brian Bax here. Our band is an original Country/Rock group from St. Louis, MO. We have spent the last few years honing in on our style and sound. With the help of our friends, family and fans we have been able to release music videos, play huge shows with Major Label Artists and even hear our music on the radio. The journey has not only been rewarding but has been a true blessing, thanks to all of our supporters. Now in 2015, we will release our debut EP! We chose this kind of campaign so that we could reward our supporters with exclusive band perks. By contributing to our campaign, you will help ensure the success of our new album in 2015.
Our First Music Video - 3 Years Ago
What We Need & What You Get
Wanna be in a Music Video?? What about a house party with our band or Exclusive Signed Merchandise and Concert VIP's??? A BIG Group Hug?? Haha GET READY!!
Our goal of $10,000 is going to help us with quite a few things. Our biggest focus is being able to replicate our CD so that we can get a copy in as many hands as possible. This campaign will also help us improve our gear, travel to other cities, stock up on new merchandise and help get our song on the radio! Even if we don't reach our goal, we will use the money raised to get the CD out and reward our contributors. Please check out all of our great perks for contributing, located to the right of the screen!
Sinkin' In - A Military Tribute
The Impact
The band has made HUGE strides in the last couple years with very little assistance. The impact that this campaign could not only take the band to a whole new level, but also put our community and city on the map for doing something great with music. With the recent loss of our best friend, lead guitar player and co-writer of the album, we want to make him proud with a huge release!
Backwoods Barbie
The Challenges
Taking on a campaign like this is very intimidating. With a high goal like ours, there is always the chance of not achieving it. However, our hearts are in this project and we believe that the chance to close the gap on our dreams is worth every ounce of effort. Our success is not dictated by achieving this campaign, but it will surely nudge us a little closer! Let's Do It!!
Other Ways You Can Help
We understand and respect the fact that not everyone will be able to contribute on a monetary level. No Worries! If you believe in our project, please share this with your friends, family, coworkers and other country music lovers using the Social Media Share Links. Getting the word out is just as important as the contribution itself and we would really appreciate your support!