Unmet Request for Emergency Shelter
In 2014, there were more than 14,800 unmet requests for shelter in
Texas. What happens when the victim of domestic violence doesn't have anywhere to go? Most return to the home of abuse. Some end up homeless. Others turn to darker options. Children from these broken homes are 60% more likely to repeat the cycle of domestic violence when they grow up.
Unless we can stop it!
No Place To Go
There are a number of reasons for not getting shelter when it's needed:
All the beds are full. This is the most common reason. There simply aren't enough beds to meet demand.
The nearest shelter is too far away. This is a common problem for small towns and large cities with full shelters.
The local shelter went out of business. Remember that budget sequestration from
2013? Shelters lost funding forcing some to close, and never reopened.
The person seeking help doesn't qualify. Being a man, being LGBT, having teenage sons to shelter, wanting to take a pet- these are some of the reasons people get denied shelter.
Called to Service
Moved by this unmet need and the ripple effect it has on the next generation, Families to Freedom is gearing up to change family histories and reduce murder rates.
We want to make it easy for people to get away from domestic
violence situations by providing free long-distance transportation for
domestic violence survivors by private airplane or passenger vehicles to
the home of family or friends in another county or state, or to a city with
available shelter.
Introducing Families to Freedom
Families to Freedom is a new nonprofit dedicated to helping people get away from abusive situations. Our first clients need your help! We want to begin serving this Fall to the DFW area. After we're established in DFW, we want to serve more of Texas, then all of Texas and beyond!
What We Need
Here's what you can do to make a lasting impact on someone's future:
- Buy a lunch for a traveling survivor with kids (a small $20 gift)
- Cover for a tank of gas to get there (a $50 gift)
- Sponsor a survivor's entire road trip ($150)
- Go the distance in supporting a cross-country trip ($300)
- Demonstrate your ability to change lives. No amount is too small or too large.
- Tell others about our cause so they have the opportunity to get involved!
The Impact
By supporting our cause with your donation, you can help us begin serving THIS YEAR! You can help us get phones turned on so victims can call us for help. You can pay for someone's ride to freedom away from a life of abuse. You can help us make a direct and meaningful impact on the life of someone who has no good options.
We're starting with Dallas-Ft. Worth so we estimate our reach is 10% of the 15,000 people in need of the state's overall demand. That's 1,500 people to serve 2015-2016.
The average cost of a car ride is $150. (round-trip)
Simple math: 1500 people need help x $150 average cost of transportation = our goal of $225,000.
Unfortunately, if we don't have enough funds to start offering services, then we will be yet another resource that tells victims "Sorry, we can't help you."
Other Ways You Can Help
Be an advocate and a voice against domestic violence! Connect with us, and if you're in the Dallas, TX area, consider volunteering some of your time. (And you'll look good to your friends for supporting our mission!)
On behalf of Families to Freedom and those we'll serve- Thank You Thank You Thank You!
- Sarah Nejdl
Founder & Executive Director