Our Story
We've been working on getting this off the ground for just under 2 years. Our goal is simple, we want to finish making a retrospective documentary to coincide with a DVD re-release of the 1991 Horror film, Popcorn. We have a distributor in place and now all we need to do is to finish funding the portion of our project involving getting interviews with the cast done and shooting additional special features.
The Impact
The greatest part about this project is that we have the fan and celebrity support. This project is fully endorsed by stars Jill Schoelen and Malcolm Danare and the other celebrities have signed on to be a part of the doc as well! We have had some amazing help from industry professionals- Mike Felsher of Red Shirt Pictures helped to track down the original camera negative which leaves the possibility of a beautiful new transfer and possibly a Blu Ray! Thommy Hutson (producer of Never Sleep Again and His Name Was Jason) has been instrumental in securing an phenomenal California based crew at bargain prices and has been indispensable to a first time filmmaker like myself. This is a unique opportunity for the fans to be involved with this process and get to see how they can make the DVD re-releases they want come to life.
What We Need & What You Get
It's quite simple- we are ready to roll. We want to go out and get the rest of the interviews in the can and move on to putting the doc together with the help of the talented editor Mike Boas (American Grindhouse, Mind Rip). In order to do this we need to raise the money to shoot interviews with a professional crew for a couple of days, travel to fly one of the stars to California, and pay to have this edited. These are all insanely cheap prices we are getting for this because people are so supportive o the project itself. For everyone who donates at least $5 you get your name in the Special Thanks in the credits of the film, plus an 11x17 poster of the cover artwork from Jeff Zornow (www.zornowmustbedestroyed.com). If you donate at least $50, you get a copy of the DVD when it's released.
Other Ways You Can Help
We will likely need one more of these campaigns for a similar amount once we get into post-production. But hopefully we will raise a little bit more than expected and we don't have to do that. SPREAD THE WORD! We need your support!