Hi there!
Thank you in advance for taking the time to visit my
IndieGoGo crowd funding page. If you already know of my recent Drama School
success, thank you so much for visiting my page for more info - if you've
stumbled across this page by accident... please do bear with me!
I'm Alex, I'm a 22-year-old aspiring actor from Yorkshire,
and after a gruelling year of working, travelling and auditioning, and one very
tough decision, I am delighted and incredibly proud to say that I have accepted
a place at the highly prestigious Guildford School of Acting to start training this
September for an MA in Acting!
I am a recent graduate of Lancaster University, graduating
in July 2014 with a First Class BA Hons in English Literature and History.
Acting is, and always has been, my love and my passion, and it was while
studying my degree, performing in every single spare moment, that I was hit
with the realisation that a career in acting wasn't just a wild ambition, but
an attainable goal I had the drive and ability to achieve. Now I have the
opportunity to turn a lifelong passion into my profession.
To be offered a place to study at any UK Drama Accredited
School is a great privilege and the very highest of praise, and this MA Acting
course at GSA will provide me with the training I both need and desire to prepare me
for a career in professional acting. The course offers an intensive year of cross-disciplinary training in acting, physical and vocal techniques, in both contemporary and classical texts. There are also classes in screen acting, contemporary, ballroom and Latin dance, stage combat, and professional preparation seminars.
I've worked tirelessly to get this far,
and I'm incredibly pumped to get started... however, there's just one final
obstacle remaining; the dreaded 'M' word... Money.
Anyone who has trained at Drama School themselves, or knows
somebody who has, will know it's anything but cheap. On top of this, there are
NO student loans or grants available for Masters courses at Drama Schools. This
means my tuition fees have to be completely self-funded... and at a whopping
£13,500, that's quite a challenge.
Having spent the last 12 months since graduating from
university working as a bar supervisor, gigging in bars and restaurants,
picking up acting work where I can, and being lucky enough to have a wonderfully
generous and supportive family, I've managed to save away most of the funds I
need for the course, but the very last financial leg is proving the most
So with a couple of months to go before I start my course in
September, I'm still around £3,500 short, and this is where this page, and your
kind selves, come in! I'm asking for your generosity to help me reach my
target, and while I know funding my actor training is by no means life changing
in the grand scheme of things, your hard-earned pennies would mean the world to
me, and really will be the difference between me being able to pursue my
ambition, and not.
But of course, I would never expect you to part with your
hard-earned pennies without being able to offer you a thank you in return. This
is why I love IndieGoGo! If you look to the right of this page, you'll see a
column of 'Perks'. If you are lovely enough to part with one of the amounts on
the right, I have put together some little perks, from thank you cards, to
bespoke songs, to theatre tickets, to say a HUGE thank you, and show you how
much your generosity is appreciated!
So there we go!
Thank you very much for taking the time to read my story. If
you are able to part with any of your hard-earned pennies and pounds, or can take
the time to share this page with your friends through FaceTube and TweetBook, I
would be endlessly grateful. Your generosity really is very much appreciated,
and really will make a massive difference. Every little really does help!
If you’d like to know more about my acting work to-date,
below is a selection of my current work, as well as productions I have performed in, on both stage and
screen, over the last few years!
Many thanks again for your time,
All the best,
Current Productions and Projects:
- Currently a registered Street Performer at Edinburgh Festival Fringe 2015.
- Bottom/Romeo/Lysander/Musician, SHAKESPEARE'S YORKSHIRE, The Think:Light Platform, Jervaulx Abbey, North Yorkshire - July 25/26th
More info at - www.thinklightplatform.co.uk
- I was also
one of 24 actors
selected from over 1100 applicants to attend IdeasTap ‘Inspires’ residential
bootcamp workshops with the Royal Shakespeare Company in January 2015.
Credits 2011-present:
2015, Digital Tour, Presenter, QUEEN STREET MILL
2014, Student Film, Graham, ALL THAT REMAINS,
Lancaster University Film Production, Angelo Cupani
2014, Advert, POST OFFICE: #LOVESUNDAYS, The Post
2011, Short (Post Prod.), Mutant, THE WASTELANDER: THE
LOST CITY, Dream It/Blue Yonder Productions, Jonathan Bentley
2015, Josh, HERE FOR YOU, 87.7 Bailrigg FM, Simon
2014, Stanhope, JOURNEY’S END, Merchants 1688, Lancaster
2014, Community Choir, NOT UNTIL WE ARE LOST, Live at
LICA & Lancaster Castle, Ockham's Razor Theatre Co., Turtle Key Arts
2014, Lysander, A MIDSUMMER NIGHT’S DREAM, Lancaster
Castle (Open-air), Bingo Dragon Theatre Co., David Findlay
2014, Lucentio, THE TAMING OF THE SHREW, A-Wing:
Lancaster Prison, Bingo Dragon Theatre Co., David Findlay
STREET, Nuffield Theatre/Live at LICA, Lancaster Offshoots
2013, The Knight, THE CANTERBURY TALES, Edinburgh
Festival Fringe, The Space UK, Lancaster Offshoots