Help get Nand Torfs to Worlds 2017
Help get Nand Torfs to Worlds 2017
Help get Nand Torfs to Worlds 2017
Help get Nand Torfs to Worlds 2017
Help get Nand Torfs to Worlds 2017
This campaign is closed
Help get Nand Torfs to Worlds 2017
What's this about?
Back in November 2016, Nand Torfs from Belgium became the first X-Wing World Champion from outside the United States. For those of us lucky enough to attend, 2016 finally felt like the year Worlds became a truly international event, with players from all over getting together to celebrate the things they had in common.
Unfortunately, international flights from Europe to Minnesota are far more expensive than domestic ones. Fantasy Flight Games are sponsoring returning World Champions with flights and accommodation from 2017 onwards, but not those from last year.
We don't believe that is fair. We don't believe the World Champion should have to sell his prizes just to afford to be able to come back and defend his title.
We are calling on our fellow players in the European (and worldwide) X-Wing community to pitch in and help get Nand Torfs back to Worlds in 2017!
Who are you?
I'm Jesper Hills (2015 UK National Champion), member of 186th Squadron - a group of London gamers who have been involved with this community for two years now. I met (and lost to) Nand at the previous World Championship.
Why are you doing this?
I've found the X-Wing community to be, hands down, the best gaming player community in the world. I've made so many wonderful friends playing this game. It's only right to support and help each other out when needed.
Where does my donation go?
All funds, at the conclusion of the fundraiser, will be given to Nand: strictly to help pay for return flights and the hotel accommodation at the World Championship 2017. I am not profiting from this in any way - I'm simply starting fundraising on his behalf.
Why this amount?
We can't be sure due to flexible exchange rates, but $1000 is roughly the amount required for return flights and one week in a nearby motel room, rounded up.