We need your help to create something very special...... 37
acres of brand new rainforest adjoining the World Heritage listed Daintree
National Park. We are three committed people determined to create a legacy, but we need your assistance to help fund and plant 70,000 rainforest trees in six stages, starting December 2015 with the
first 10,000 trees, to further increase wildlife habitat in the most
bio-diverse region of Australia.
is an ambitious and unique project. A property has been purchased south of the
Daintree River in Far North Queensland, backing onto the World Heritage listed
Daintree National Park: an area recognised as having the highest biodiversity
rate in Australia. This 37 acre (15ha) site will encompass a small area for low impact, ecologically sustainable Visitor, Education
and Interpretive Centre, and Bat Hospital. We envisage to also build a café and
gift shop in the future once the revegetation is established. The majority of
the land is being turned over to the exciting task of turning old cane farm into complex lowland rainforest, combined with forest walks for a stunning
and authentic ecotourism experience. The site already contains mature and new
rainforest planting, and transects have revealed a myriad of fauna, including
11 EVNT (Endangered, Vulnerable, & Near Threatened) listed species. Government transects have revealed at least 65 additional species of Mammals, Birds, Reptiles and Amphibians on this property.
new 37 acre (15ha) project will provide extended new habitat for The Southern
Cassowary, Bennett’s Tree Kangaroo, Grey Goshawk, Grey Falcon, Raja Shelduck,
Rufous Owl, Ghost bat, Large-eared Horseshoe bat, the endangered Australian
Lace-lid Frog, Spectacled Flying-fox and flora such as the vulnerably listed Black
into planting stages over 6 years, the whole project will require over 70,000
trees to be planted. This will provide a fast-growing framework for animals to
plant secondary seed direct from the surrounding forest. The first stage of 5.4
acres (2.2ha) (encompassing the visually-blended centre) will create a
significant 60 metre wide corridor linking mature lowland rainforest to the
mangroves at the Daintree River mouth for the first time in around 100 years.
with experts in regeneration like Rainforest Rescue, Douglas Shire Council and
in consultation with the traditional Kuku Yalangi people, our aim is to create
a centre of excellence in conservation, bat rehabilitation and ecologically
diverse land management.
can help be part of this significant project by donating a tree (or two or
six or more). Stage 1 will be planted from December 2015 - March 2016, and will require
10,000 trees. Work has already begun on seed acquisition, germination and
potting seedlings, but we still need to raise an additional $48,000 for the
remaining required trees.
How We Will Use Your Contribution
As this land is old sugarcane fields it is going to require 3 stages of land preparation before the trees can be planted and will require ongoing weed control for at least 2 years after planting until established.
$10.00 will provide funds for this land preparation and the growth, watering, planting, weed control and
maintenance of a tree. Each tree will provide just over one square metre of brand
new rainforest.
Beech Almond Seedlings in our nursery.
About Us
We are Annie, Dave and Connie and together we have over 40 years experience in Wildlife Care and Rehabilitation,
in particular specialising in Bats and Flying Foxes. We therefore fully understand the
importance of providing suitable habitat for wildlife. Our aim is that by
increasing the habitat of this ecologically diverse and valuable area, we will
be able to provide new homes and feeding areas for many species of our local wildlife.
Our Future Vision
will continue to liaise and work with organisations such as Rainforest Rescue and the
Douglas Shire Council throughout all stages of this project. By providing the initial framework trees, we will provide the necessary requirements to bring in rainforest doves, cassowaries and other animals who will in turn bring in seed from the surrounding forests to rapidly increase species diversity, with the final aim being rich and complex mature lowland rainforest.
Connie inspecting some 2 year growth at a similar project.
How Can You Help Us?
share our project and needs far and wide with your family, friends and work colleagues.
Remember, every single tree will create one square meter of rainforest for
perpetuity. Alternatively you may wish to conduct a mini fundraiser with your family, workplace or neighbourhood, and donate the funds raised to our project.
the future we will be opening the Centre to the public and would invite
everyone to come and visit to see the growth and progress of your trees.
donor will receive a personalised electronic emailed certificate acknowledging
your valued contribution.
any enquiries, please do not hesitate to contact us on nightwings.centre@gmail.com
Schoenberger, Dave Pinson, Connie Kerr