Local Horsham boy Leo Lake is registered blind and needs a SMART Brailler to help him to read and write.
Currently entered into a competition (http://www.wonderbaby.org/smart-brailler-vote-uk) it seems unfair to peg children's popularity against one another to 'win' this basic gift.
Each device costs over £1500, the first target is so we can reach a realistic first milestone.
On the hoped-for off-chance we raise over the cost for one device then any extra will go to back into the pot for the other children in the competition to look to assist or pay for a device each and further will go on to charity support for the visually impaired.
**Update - WOW thank you so much, we now have sufficient for the first device and combined with the other CrowdFunding campaigns we are well on the way to get one for each child from the WonderBaby Competition. Please bear in mind there are lots more children who weren't 'accepted' into the competition who we'd also love to be able to help. Please help me in supporting these youngsters. PLEASE PLEASE keep sharing, posting and donating**
Disclaimer - I categorically have no interest in any funds raised for my own ends/purpose. I feel strongly that this equipment should be available to as many as possible. Will happily supply proof's of gifting to relevant parties.