His Story
Micah Jones is a singer and guitarist who currently resides in Los Angeles, California. An accomplished musician for his age, he has a slew of experience in performing and recording in a variety of musical settings. His fresh, energetic music features a unique blend of pop, jazz, blues, and rock, and his lyrics sport a strong sense of emotional maturity and honesty. Jones is currently writing, recording demos, and fundraising for his debut album, which is slated to be recorded Summer 2012, and he needs your help to make it happen.
With all expenses told, the record will cost about $10,000 to produce, record, mix, package, and distribute. Though he is working maximum blender for minimum wage at an on-campus smoothie company amidst his college studies to finance the CD, Jones still needs $7,000 in donations from you in order to subsidize his project. Any amount is greatly appreciated, and with your generous support he can continue to bring you new music which is both creative and enjoyable.
The bulk of the album is set to be recorded at Robert Lang Studios in Seattle, and the rest of it is to be finished in Los Angeles at several private studios. Robert Lang Studios is well-known by the best in the music industry and has served such clientele as Dave Matthews, Peter Frampton, Nirvana, Imogen Heap, The Decemberists, and Death Cab For Cutie. Access to such a high level of quality is exactly what Jones needs to have professional, radio-ready recordings that will have the potential to reach lots of listeners. In addition, he and his bandmates are just really excited to be able to record at Robert Lang!
As he prepares to enter the studio, Jones will be releasing some acoustic versions of his songs for download on his bandcamp.com website as well as on this site. In addition, a sneak-peek single with a full band is now up.
The Impact
With this album, Jones wants more than simply a record deal and label promotion. Music is a deeply important means of communication between people, and Jones relishes the fact that he can reach others through the medium of songwriting. He also enjoys the community of live performance, giving all of himself onstage to best connect with his audience. He strongly believes that music is without practical worth if it doesn't move people and help them in their pursuit of truth, and in all of his musical endeavors he holds to this belief.
Jones has been planning and saving for this album for almost a year, and this stage in the process decides whether or not the project will actually happen. He has put in lots of time and effort, so please don't let that go to waste! If you have any questions, feel free to email him at micahjonesmusic@hotmail.com, and he will be happy to answer them.
What We Need & What You Get
Here is the layout for costs:
Studio time/recording/mastering: $2800
Album production and manufacturing: $2500
Instrument/equipment rentals: $600
Gas/transportation/food: $1100
In exchange for donating, you get "perks," which are listed along the side of this page. The more generous you are, the more you receive! For example, if you donate $250, you get to book Micah for a show, a song cover/video, two copies of his debut album (autographed or not, your choice), and a Micah Jones sticker.
If the $7,000 goal is not reached, Jones will still use the money donated to put towards funding his album, though its release will be delayed until he has enough finances to finish the project. That said, the money you give will be spent solely and completely on making the record, and will not be used for Jones' personal expenses.
Other Ways You Can Help