Movement is Life.
Life is movement.
Dance connects me to
myself. Dance connects me to the others. It connects me to the universe.
My name is Sofie, I grew up
in Austria and I am dancing since as a child, but I also like singing and many
other disciplines in Art.
I have studied social and
cultural anthropology and linguistics and I have travelled and lived in
different countries and love different cultures.
I do different dance
styles, like urban dances, traditional african and afro-descendant dances like
for instance brazilian or traditional haitian dances and contemporary dance.
I live in Haiti and there
is this huge international dance festival in Austria that is called IMPULSTANZ.
They have a project called
BIBLIOTECA DO CORPO (the body library) where they chose a group of only 30
young dancers from all over the world for an intense 5 week lasting experience
of learning, exchanging and creating while being mentored by brazilian
choreographer Ismael Ivo and many other great choreographers.
My philosophy is that all
humans are made of the same essence, are part of the same body. Dance is a
universal language, just as for instance music. Anybody can be touched by a
sound or a mouvement, that reminds us that everything is connected.
This Body Library program
works in that logic. Each participant comes with his her individual history,
personal message to tell, and still we want to create something new together, a
collective experience. Its about fluidity, its magic.
Please help me find the
5000 Dollars I need to be able to pay the program fees and the flight so as to
be able to travel and join the program that already starts this sunday.
There is not much time
left, so if you can help me, if I manage to participate I will keep you updated
about my evolution and I will a nice dance video for all af you as a little
present ! Help me move !! J
I already say thank you for
listening and have a great day,