La educación es el arma más
poderosa que podemos usar para cambiar el mundo
Nelson Mandela
My name is Christopher Schafer and I moved to Bogota,
Colombia 7 years ago to be part of my son’s life. I have been giving private English classes for
executives, at large multinational companies here, for over 6 years. I have lived all this time in a poor
neighborhood to be near my son.
Being from the United States it is very difficult, in some
ways, living in a developing country. It is not just seeing poverty every day,
but it is seeing poverty on such a large scale.
This photo is of an actual house on my
Whether it is the starving dogs in the streets or the
terrible living conditions of the poor, it is difficult not to be sad and at
the same time, feel angry at what I am witnessing.
Being from the U.S., the worst part for me is the seemingly deliberate
lack of opportunities for the poor and less fortunate to improve their lives,
which results in a sense of hopelessness for them. Colombia is actually the
number one country in South America for income inequality, it seems like the
rich and powerful people here actually try to keep the poor in their place, in
order to have cheap labor for their homes and companies.
In Colombia, like many other developing countries, the
fastest and most affordable way out of poverty is to learn English to an (B2) Upper
Intermediate level. To get a good job here your level of English is actually
more important to employers than years of experience.
The more affluent people in Colombia understand this and
send their children to Private Bilingual Schools or English Institutes. These
private schools and Institutes are out of reach for the poor due to high costs and their distance from the poorer
areas of Bogota.
English can literally be the difference between a good future and a life of
menial labor.
To solve this problem I have set up an English School here,
in the poorer neighborhood where I live, in Bosa to give the less fortunate an
opportunity for a better life.
By following a lean business model and doing all the work by
myself, I am able to provide classes that are affordable to the less fortunate
here. I have also developed a method that is very effective. My teaching methods are exciting and faster paced
than traditional methods of teaching English.
Unfortunately we have lost the school’s lease and I have
been teaching classes out of my apartment for the last six months. In my tiny
apartment I can only teach classes to a small number of students and now we need
to move to a new and better location where it is possible to continue to
provide English classes for poor students.
Please help break the viscous cycle of poverty by helping
these people to help themselves.
How you can help!
I understand that times are hard all over but please give
what you can, even if it only a few dollars, and please share our project with
all your friends and associates on social media and encourage their support.
Check out the Indiegogo share tools and help us give a better future to the
poor people of Colombia.
Thank you so much for your help!