Hi, my name is Garth Allen and I am the grateful leader and founder of Vancouver Rock band THE THICK OF IT!
Music has been through all stages of my life, single guy, party guy, living high on a major record deal guy, sad guy, depressed guy, family guy, working guy, screw the world guy and peaceful guy. I have written, performed and recorded music since the age of 14 only to get what was in my soul onto tape or on the stage. Along the way I have always found the means to pay for recording, pull-in favors or whatever. This time around I want to record what I believe is the most profound music I have ever written with my brothers in THE THICK OF IT. Although we have managed to get some loot together we do not want to "skimp" on quality. We need help to get to the finish line hopefully through this campaign and crowd funding to record the songs that will get us to another level.
Why we need to do this
The money we are trying to raise is specifically for recording a 4 song E.P, although there are many different ways to save money, recording at home, etc., the reality is recording at a proper studio with a high level engineer/producer gets the golden results.
In addition to the money we already have in the "pot" we need $6000 to complete the recording and also to pay for press-packs and on-line " push" to get as many people as possible to hear us.
I personally have been signed to a major record deal with the band "Flybanger" AKA "JAR." on Columbia/Sony records back in the early 2000's and have learned so much about what needs to happen to MAKE IT HAPPEN . No matter how much our world is changing the basics still hold true, FIRST IMPRESSIONS ARE EVERYTHING and the first time someone hears new music it needs to first of all BE a great song but it also NEEDS to sound amazing!
Even if we do not reach the $6000 goal in our campaign not all is lost..we will prevail and start the recording to finish at least one or two songs which will still help us get the attention we need from influential agents and managers.
Aside from the satisfaction of knowing you directly played a huge part in us reaching our goals and dreams, here are some of the "perks" that will be offered to contributors.
- Receive our 4 song EP once it is all finished before the release date.
-Two never released original songs by Garth Allen of THE THICK OF IT recorded by Garth and Songwriter Scott Reinson.
- Exclusive links emailed to you that include unreleased songs mentioned above + our finished EP + 2 official band stickers mailed to your door.
- Exclusive links emailed to you that include unreleased songs mentioned above + our finished EP + 2 official band stickers mailed to your door. You will also get emailed a exclusive link for our full length album titled " First day of death" released in 2010.
- Exclusive autographed CD of the finished product.
The success of this campaign will not only help us give our dream it's " Best shot" but will also take our music careers to a new level.On top of whatever perks you get, you also get the satisfaction of knowing we are eternally grateful for your support.
Please help if you can, even if "help" simply means reposting this on all of your various social media networks and telling all of your friends about it. This campaign cannot succeed unless you decide that it will.