Help Us Expand the Ethical Choices Program!
Help Us Expand the Ethical Choices Program!
Help Us Expand the Ethical Choices Program!
Help Us Expand the Ethical Choices Program!
Help Us Expand the Ethical Choices Program!
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Help Us Expand the Ethical Choices Program!
The Ethical Choices Program is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization that believes that moving towards a peaceful and compassionate world will require thoughtful, critical thinkers and leaders. We believe that humane education promotes respect and consideration for oneself and other living creatures by encouraging students to develop their best humane qualities such as compassion, sense of justice and integrity.
The program started in the greater Metro Atlanta, GA area, where it has been very well-received. We now also offer presentations in northeast OH, in Columbia, SC, and our goal is to expand it nationwide over the next few years.
The Ethical Choices Program explores sustainable agricultural systems and healthy lifestyles that help prevent and relieve diseases, preserve ecosystems, and promote compassion to animals. We expose students to the inherent cruelty of the animal agriculture industry, the devastation it causes to the environment, and its negative effects on human health.
While we encourage students to make ethical, sustainable and healthful food choices, and encourage them to adopt a plant-based diet, the program does not try to tell students what to think; rather, it seeks to help students find answers for themselves. We encourage them to think about their own experiences that may have involved exploitation or abuse and their knowledge about how humans have exploited or abused each other and other species. By providing students with choices, they may find which paths accord with their own values and beliefs.
Although some people consider the content of our presentations controversial, we currently give over 250 presentations every year in the Atlanta area, reaching about 8,000 students. So many students and teachers share with us that our presentations have changed their lives! They are making changes, many going vegetarian or vegan, and influencing their families and communities in a positive way.
We treat teachers and students with respect, compassion and non-judgement. We offer information in a factual manner that teachers and students alike appreciate. The factual information we provide helps them feel empowered to be agents of change to protect the environment, promote their health and the health of loved ones, and live in harmony with other species.
We already have humane educators lined-up and ready to start once we have sufficient funds. If we reach our goal, we could expand to 6 states and reach over 30,000 students every year! Imagine the ripples of effect when so many teenagers and teachers learn about the inherent cruelty of the animal agriculture industry, the devastation it causes to the environment, and its negative effects on human health.
The need is great, and recent news events and scientific discoveries have made many more people receptive to our program. Please help us make the world a more compassionate, healthful and sustainable place for all living beings. Your donation goes directly to hire educators to bring our program into as many school districts in the country as possible. Thank you for considering making a donation and for sharing with others the work we do. Together we can make the world a better place.
For a peaceful, kind, and sustainable world,
Lorena Mucke
President and Founder