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Help Us S.T.A.R.T. by Breaking the Digital Divide

Assist West Coconut Grove, Florida youth to extend their digital learning beyond the school day.

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Help Us S.T.A.R.T. by Breaking the Digital Divide

Help Us S.T.A.R.T. by Breaking the Digital Divide

Help Us S.T.A.R.T. by Breaking the Digital Divide

Help Us S.T.A.R.T. by Breaking the Digital Divide

Help Us S.T.A.R.T. by Breaking the Digital Divide

Assist West Coconut Grove, Florida youth to extend their digital learning beyond the school day.

Assist West Coconut Grove, Florida youth to extend their digital learning beyond the school day.

Assist West Coconut Grove, Florida youth to extend their digital learning beyond the school day.

Assist West Coconut Grove, Florida youth to extend their digital learning beyond the school day.

The START Program
The START Program
The START Program
The START Program
1 Campaign |
Miami, United States
$650 USD 5 backers
0% of $101,587 Flexible Goal Flexible Goal

When the first black residents of South Florida arrived in the 1880s from the Bahamas to work at the Peacock Inn on Biscayne Bay, they established West Coconut Grove, Florida. By the early 1900s the neighborhood was thriving.  Today, due to many years of decline and lack of investment, our beloved community is in disrepair and the residents, including our youth are struggling as re-gentrification looms.   

We have a strong desire to cultivate the whole child. Thus, as Educators born and reared in West Coconut Grove (Florida), we submit this campaign on behalf of The  Striving To Attain Remarkable Teens Program (The START Program). We are passionate about helping to cultivate the youth of our community, As adolescents, six of the seven facilitators were provided with the opportunity to participate in a youth servicing program geared towards college readiness.  Due to this experience, we have recognized the importance to instill, expose, and further develop an understanding of the following within our youth:

-Character Building
-College Readiness
-Community Service
-Continual Knowledge
-Environmental Responsibilities
-Financial Literacy 
-Goal Attainment
-Health & Fitness

We understand as part of our efforts to create an initiative that best supports the youth of the community in which we serve, we seek to extend our services to include a START Lab. The START Lab is our “Community Resource Initiative” in which we have strategically planned to offer the disadvantaged youth of the community with opportunities to learn & access technology that drastically reduce the achievement gap crisis. Our facility will be outfitted 
with a plethora of technology daily, which would help aid in the effort to foster academic growth among the youth in the area. This is in direct relation to Miami-Dade County Public Schools Digital Convergence Plan: An initiative "to close the digital divide...[this] transformation will not only provide greater digital content in mobile technologies, but will help create a new culture of learning by promoting blended learning environments & increasing 21st century learning opportunities." In addition, it "will aid in developing independent, self-initiated learners; provide for collaboration & communication between students & teachers; and extend student learning beyond the classroom."

What We Need & What You Get
According to a recent study, only 56% of residents owned a computer, 28% owned a printer and 51% of these residents had access to the internet (Village West Community Needs Assessment Survey Responses, 2013). Of the households surveyed, approximately 37% of the parents are unemployed or underemployed.  Often times, parents are unable to provide the proper resources in order to properly nourish and meet their child’s academic needs. 

We wish to provide our Community Resource Initiative with approximately 40 laptops/tablets, 2 desktops, 2 color printers/scanners, 1 SMART television, and 1 Promethean/SMART Board among a number of miscellaneous items required to assist in the effective function of this initiative. This will help aid in the effort to offer support to those students who do not have access to technology, thus increasing their prospects of bettering their grades in school. Our site has two State Certified Instructors certified in Exceptional Student Education, Mathematics, Accounting, Reading K12 and Middle Grades English Language Arts and one county certified instructor who specializes in Reading Intervention.  
In order to secure the aforementioned items, we submit the following budget:


                                          Estimated Project Budget 2016*


Quantity (Units)

Unit Cost

Extended Cost

Promethean Board




Desktop Computers








SMART Television




Color Printer/Scanners




Computer Tables








Charging Station




Broadband Network/Telephone




Surge Protectors (APC)




Miscellaneous Items & Technology Supplies**





12 months




12 months







Estimated Project Budget


*In the event that we do not reach our entire goal, the funds received will be applied to our list of needs and we will continue to seek funding.  Emphasis will be placed on purchasing as many materials from each line item as contributions will support.

**These items include but are not limited to paper, ink cartridges, and other miscellaneous items as needed.                                  

Proposed Timeline

August - September  2016

- Focus - Purchase Supplies, Setup and Schedule 

September 2016

-Focus - Community Kickoff Event
October 2016

-Focus - Gathering Local School and Universities Support and Commitment to assist 
November 2016

-Focus - Pay It Forward activities and events
December 2016 

-Focus - Cyber Bullying Awareness. 
January 2017

-Focus - Cyber Safety

February 2017

-Focus - Research and Writing.

March 2017


April 2017

-Focus- Applying for colleges and grants.

May 2017

-Focus- Global Communication.

June 2017

-Focus - Global Interaction.

Measurement Tools

-Community Meetings
-Daily Learning Journals

-Monthly Teacher Progress Reports
-Needs Survey (Pre & Post Assessment) 
-Parent Survey
-Student Survey

A brief background of our organization

The START Program. Established August 2014, we are a nonprofit organization who strives to provide a safe, structured afterschool learning environment where students can develop the character and academic skills necessary for lifelong success. We offer a plethora of diverse services to the community which includes, (1) Writing Assistance for High School and College Students (2) Health & Fitness Workshops and Training and (3) Assistance with College Preparation. We work with select students each week who demonstrate the need for diversification in the academic, social, and health and fitness process. We wish to cultivate the whole child. We have identified 3 criterions in which to provide support: [1] Environmental Responsibilities: Self & Community [2] Goal Attainment: Workforce Preparation & Career Development [3] Health & Fitness: Mind & Body. 

Each month, we have provided our participants with the opportunity to experience a cultural, academic, or creative field trip:

-Art Basel
-Breast Cancer Walk
-Close-Up Program (Visited Washington D.C. Museums and Memorials)
-College Tour
  -George Washington University
  -Howard University
-Literacy Movement (Reading to children between the ages of 2 & 10 in the Overtown community)
-Provided a Fit Kids day to the community in collaboration with a former City of Miami District 2 Commissioner
-Restoration of a Neighborhood Butterfly Garden

Looking for more information? Check the project FAQ
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Choose your Perk


Every drop counts

$1 USD
-Thank you card
Estimated Shipping
October 2016
0 claimed


$250 USD
-A Thank You Card - A "START" Program Logo Keychain - Small Plaque
Estimated Shipping
October 2016
0 out of 10 of claimed
Ships worldwide.


$500 USD
In addition to receiving the perks listed at the Silver donation level, a Gold level donor will receive the following: - Name of Donor/Organization will be placed on Giving Tree located at "The START Program" building - A link for the Donor's Business/Organization will be placed on "The START Program" website
Estimated Shipping
October 2016
1 out of 10 of claimed
Ships worldwide.


$1,000 USD
In addition to receiving the perks listed at the Silver and Gold level, a Platinum level donor will receive the following: - A thank you video featuring "The START Program" student participants - A calendar highlighting a "START Program" student of the month - A group picture featuring "The START Program" student participants
Estimated Shipping
October 2016
0 out of 10 of claimed
Ships worldwide.

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