Help Yuan Jian Hua get surgery and fully recover
Help Yuan Jian Hua get surgery and fully recover
Help Yuan Jian Hua get surgery and fully recover
Help Yuan Jian Hua get surgery and fully recover
Help Yuan Jian Hua get surgery and fully recover
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Help Yuan Jian Hua get surgery and fully recover
First of all, let me say “THANK YOU” for visiting this page and taking your time to know more about a sad story that happen to Yuan Jian Hua.
Some of the pictures you will see below are very graphic.
A little about me
My name is Humberto, I was born and raised in Portugal and I decided to come to China 4 years ago to work as a Medical Doctor.
It’s been an amazing experience and I’m extremely happy that I made that decision. I’ve made a lot of friends among Chinese and several other nationalities, which has provided me with a better understanding of different cultures. I lived and worked in Shanghai and Singapore before moving to Qingdao in 2014, which is where I currently work.
I dedicate myself entirely to my patients and to my profession, which is why Yuan’s story is so close to my heart as I assisted very closely with everything that happened to him. I want to do everything in my power to help him so he can finally have the life he and his family aspire and deserve.
Who is Yuan Jian Hua?
Born in Qingdao 31 years ago, Yuan is the only child of a small and very humble family that tried to raise him the best they could and knew, even with all the economical difficulties struggles that they had. Before completing middle school Yuan started working as a delivery boy, mason and several other jobs that would pay him minimal pay so he could help his family. Juan's perspective was to work as much as possible so that one day he could support his family, get married and have at least one child.
He achieved this and was married by the age of 24 and had a baby girl 2 years later. That’s when he decided to move to Wenzhou, a city 1150km from Qingdao to work as a bricklayer. His monthly salary was around USD300 and he had half a day off on Sunday’s. He would send all of his salary to his family so they could pay bills and also save as much as possible. After being apart for quite some time he decided that it was time to come back to his family in Qingdao so he could watch his daughter grow up and find a job that could pay him around the same salary as he was getting payed in Wenzhou (USD300).
What happened?
Early January 2014, Yuan was walking on the sidewalk in Qingdao when a car ran him over, dragging him almost 10 meters along the concrete. The ambulance took approximately 7 minutes to arrive, taking him to the hospital while unconscious.
The result of this tragedy was a fractured fibula, dislocated L4 vertebra, fractured S3, loss of sensibility on his left leg and foot, little control of bladder, fractured pelvis and 3rd degree burns on his left leg which resulted on implanting skin grafts.
Yuan was submitted to several surgeries which led him to intense pain and loss of quality of life, depending on his family for everything as he was thrown into his bed at home with infected skin grafts, extremely unleveled hips, almost no control over his bladder, still loss of sensitivity on his leg and foot, and an acute low back pain that didn’t allow him to sleep.
The guilty driver payed for the hospital expenses and compensated him in approximately USD3000 for all the “trouble”.
After the tragedy
A month after he got home our hospital was contacted to know if any of our doctors could go and visit him to see if there was any hope for his recovery. Previously, his family had contacted dozens of local hospitals and medical centres that always said “NO” to him and gave him 0% chances of leaving his bed.
The hospital asked me if I was interested about his case and I immediately said “YES” and went the next day to visit him.
He lives in his parents house, an old typical chinese neighborhood located on the 5th floor with no elevator.
After arriving there and checking his medical history, listening to his story, and looking at his family’s expressions, I knew I had to do something. I decided to take his case and he was brought to the hospital the next day where he was only charged for nursing care, food and drugs.
We started several treatments that included UV Light therapy and dermatology for his inflamed skin grafts, morphine every 4 hours for him to be able to do physical therapy, hot and cold treatment and induced electrotherapy for his pelvis and sacrum.
Week after week the results were positively visible and so was his mood. He started to get better and the nightmares stopped haunting him. The result was gaining sleeping hours and getting back his joy for life.
Your help
After all the treatments Yuan still needs pelvic realignment which would require pelvic fracture surgery, sacral surgery and electrostimulation so he can regain control of his bladder, and sensibility on his left leg and foot.
The surgeries and the initial physical therapy treatment would be held at Hong Kong Sanatorium & Hospital.
Once the initial physical therapy sessions are finished, Yuan will return to Qingdao, where he will continue with his rehabilitation at Bellaire Clinic.
The funds raised will apply to:
Your donation is essential for Yuan and his family's future.
There is nothing more that I can say besides a warm “THANK YOU”!!!