Thanks to everyone! We've reached 165% of our goal!
This has been a great experience, we've made many friends and talked with awesome people!
You can now order Hexoskin on our official website.
What is Hexoskin?
Hexoskin is the first wearable movement, respiration, and heart activity tracker. Hexoskin tracks your health and gives you insights about your activities, your sleep, your life's choices.
"The Hexoskin has the advantage of being a simple shirt and not something clunky like an armband" -- Crunchwear
"Hexoskin is a sensor-filled smart shirt that offers significantly more health data than a basic fitness tracker like a Fitbit Flex." -- Digital Trends
"Hexoskin has lined up an impressive list of beta testers." -- Crowdfundinsider
"This shirt could be the future of fitness tracking" --
"Hexoskin’s applications go beyond collecting stats during physical training and could be used as a constant companion." -- Gizmag
"Thrilled about the opportunity this offers for research, medical monitoring, the quantified self and art and design." -- GigaOM
"They envision a future where constant, passive health monitoring through smart clothes will feed in to big data applications and predictive analytics" -- Forbes
A big thanks to Sampo Laaksonen from Finland who helped us cross the goal! Keep on sharing the campaign with others you know might be interested!
Put on the shirt, plug your device, and your body metrics are displayed on your phone and uploaded in your account. Sleep, be active, live.
The shirt connects to a small and lightweight device that fits in a pocket on the waist. There is no device on your chest, which makes it safe for activities ranging from sleep to contact sports.
It does a lot more than your old heart rate strap, without the strap. Its trio of sensors offers a high-quality ECG signal, the most precise breathing volume measurement, and movement sensors that measure activity, steps, cadence, and sleep position.
When you wear the shirt, your health stats are digitized and uploaded in real-time. You can get detailed reports on your training and general health in a web browser on any device:
- Training reports and training programs
- Activity and stress levels during the day
- Sleep quality reports
Get a clear view of your overall performance and reports on your progress. See your trainings in details, like you've never seen them before.
Individual Training
Hexoskin Solo is our personal training app. When we'll ship your Hexoskin, the app will come with these tools:
- Programmable training plan (create and share).
- GPS training tools with waypoints activated trainings.
- Interval training based on physiological response.
- Display real-time data (including ECG and breathing).
- Connect to smart watches and glasses.
Team Training
Hexoskin Team is our team training app. If you're a trainer, this app allows you to program, time and annotate athlete training routines. Time groups of athletes simultaneously. No more juggling with stopwatches.You can be connected to 3 Hexoskin data streams in real-time using the app.
See how Hexoskin compares to traditional training monitoring tools.
Your body speaks when you sleep. Hexoskin has all the sensors you need for precise sleep monitoring. Measure sleep efficiency, position changes, breathing, and heart rate at rest.
Free, Unlimited Data Storage. Forever.
Hexoskin can record more than 3 million data points per hour. To make sure you never lose your data, we offer you free, unlimited data storage.
Open == Transparent
Hexoskin is simple to use and its apps are powerful, but we also wanted Hexoskin to be open for hobbyists and 3rd party apps.
Here is what we will make available for those who want to develop Hexoskin software:
- Open web API: access to full data, including raw data.
Connect to Other Apps
The Hexoskin API tools will make it easy to connect to your favorite training and tracking apps.
Join our developer community:
Notes: mobile apps are included will all perks, phone is shown to illustrate the app only. All Federal, Provincial and State taxes are extra where applicable.
Why Indiegogo?
After years of development, and tests by research groups, professionals, amateur athletes, but also inactive people, we've decided to make this technology available for all at an affordable price. By contributing to this campaign, you helped us get the production volume we need to lower the price to 399$.
The Team
Here are the awesome people working on this project!
Missing from picture: Lucie Maud Marchand, Pat Mitchell.
We've been working on wearable health sensors since 2006. Here are a few pictures of early prototypes.
Biosignal analog test bench, electronic shirt tester, 3D printed prototypes.
Why You Need a Hexoskin
- Because you love knowledge, and knowledge is power.
- Because you want to get to know yourself better.
- Because you want to get in shape.
- Because you want to see what happens when you meditate.
- Because you want to do some great self tracking.
- Because you want to be the first in your research group who has this awesome raw data producing wearable instrument that is Hexoskin.
- Because you want to look like the person at the gym that knows the most even though you have no clue.
- Because you want to look like the person at the gym who knows the most because you really do.
- Because you want a personal coach when you go to the gym.
- Because it's cool and so are you!
Even though Hexoskin is simple to use everyday, the sensors gather an insane amount of information on your body. All that information is available on demand and allow you to get insights about your health.
- Designed and assembled in Canada.
- Shirts are made of high-quality Italian textiles.
- Quick dry, breathes, feather weight, anti-odour, chlorine resistant, UV protection.
- Open API so you can download all the data and use with other apps.
- Bluetooth connectivity with iPhone and iPad. (Android coming next)
- Heart rate, RR intervals, fatigue and stress indicator (Heart Rate Variability).
- Breathing rate and breathing volume.
- Activity intensity, peak acceleration, steps and cadence.
- Analog 256Hz ECG data.
- Analog dual-channel 128Hz breathing sensors.
- Analog 3D 64Hz acceleration.
- 14+ hours of battery life, 157+ hours of standalone recording.
Call to Mobile/Wearable Developers!
We're looking for developers to develop new applications for Hexoskin on these devices:
- Pebble Watch, Neptune Pine, Kreyos, Samsung Gear, and other smart watches.
- Google Glass, Recon, and other head-mounted displays.
- Mobile platforms SDKs (iOS and Android).
- Microsoft Kinect, Leap Motion.
Contact us to join our developer community:
Beta Users
Among our beta users, we have:
The Canadian Space Agency Life Sciences and Space Medicine groups.
Athletes training for the next Olympic Games such as Marc-André Bédard, Claude Godbout, Chloé, Justine, and Maxime Dufour-Lapointe.
- Research teams at MIT AgeLab, Waterloo, Concordia PERFORM Centre, McGill, Baycrest, University of Montreal, École Polytechnique de Montréal, and other universities.
- Professional athletes performing in the NHL.
- Sports performance professionals such as CSCS, Postural Sports Performance, Victoria Park, Neurosport, M2M Lab, Cognisens.
- Amateur athletes in many sports like long-distance running, triathlon, cycling, speed skating, cross-country skiing, skeleton, hockey, hiking, cross-fit, etc.
- ... and a number of ordinary people just like you who are trying to live a healthy life!
Other Ways You Can Help
If you can’t contribute, that doesn’t mean you can’t help!
- Ask folks to get the word out and make some noise about our campaign (in your workout group, on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, blogs, etc).
- Click on the buttons at the bottom of this page!
Press Coverage
(DigitalTrends, GigaOM, Business Insider, Gizmag, Forbes, Crowdfundinsider, Crunchwear, Gadget Review, TechVibes, Star Phoenix, La Presse, Les Affaires, TVA Sports)
VivoSense by Vivonoetics is a physiological analysis software used by leading research groups at the Mayo Clinic, Harvard, and Adidas. They an import data from Hexoskin, including GPX data.
Tictrac tracks all your activities in one place to let you discover what makes you tick.
Dashbook is one screen that simplifies your life.
HumanAPI lets you easily and securely stream human health data. lets devices, applications and even humans to simply post what's happening to them, what they are feeling.
MAKEACHAMP helps amateur athletes raise money to finance their training and competitions worldwide.
BodyHype Apparel makes Hexoskin compatible undershirts with custom designs for team sports.
SportRFID and reelyActive have partnered with Hexoskin to capture on multiple video cameras the beauty of extreme and expression-based sports. The team at reelyActive installed their long range RFID sensors in our offices and made this awesome "live" team dashboard: (yes, you can see who's there and who's alive :)
Frequently Asked Questions
Send your questions to:
Q: Do you need an iPhone to record my training data?
A: No smart phone required. Hexoskin can record up to 157 hours of data without the need to be connected to any device.
Q: Can I wash my Hexoskin shirt in the washing machine?
A: Yes, use cold water, set to gentle cycle, and line dry.
Q: How do I pay for international shipping?
A: If you forgot to pay for international shipping when you originally contributed, just use the overall contribution option “CONTRIBUTE NOW” to pay the shipping. Please contribute $25 more for international shipping (outside the US and Canada). If you forgot to pay for international shipping we will remind you by email.