In A Nut Shell...
Hogan Chef is created by a team of talented individuals with no less than 20 years experience each in their respective fields. A new homemade food delivery app that aims to create income for stay-at-home moms, dads, home cooks and anyone that has a talent in the kitchen, offering multiple delivery options for the convenience of both parties. Hogan Chef will also include orders from your favorite restaurants.
Our name was inspired by the Native American word 'Hogan' meaning home. To be launched first in California, Hogan Chef offers authentic homemade food cooked with unique family recipes not found at any commercial restaurant.
Our project is important to us as we know that Hogan Chef, in this age and time, is a great way to bring extra income to any household.
Contributors would help us achieve our goal in launching Hogan Chef as well as surely helping families with the much needed income, bringing them together and helping them grow into a potential business in the future.
The Impact
Your contributions to the success of launching Hogan Chef will make a big difference in the lives of millions of people that need the extra income from working as a Hogan Chef from their own home. You will be also helping restaurants earn extra income with Hogan Chef's competitive delivery costs, especially to those that don't currently offer delivery,
The idea of the app is simple but bringing together the right team and making sure it is done right with no room for error from the start is our goal.
Our team is extremely talented and experienced in the F&B field, operations, branding, marketing and software development with several awards and successful milestones.
A fully detailed presentation explaining all financial, conceptual, statistical and operational information is available to be shared with any potential investor.
Other Ways You Can Help
Not being able to contribute, doesn't mean you can't help!
- You can get the word out and make some noise about our campaign.
- Use the Indiegogo share tools!