Hope for Rohingyas
Hope for Rohingyas
Hope for Rohingyas
Hope for Rohingyas
Hope for Rohingyas
This campaign is closed
Hope for Rohingyas
Over the past couple years, Peace Learning Centre (in Minden, Penang) and Pusat Ilmu Muslim Aid (PIMA, Ampang)* have been running a school for the Rohingya refugee children. Each school has 3 and 4 teachers and a few volunteers and caters for about 80 children (in PIMA) and 50 children in (PLC) who live in the area.
“Some people asked me why I want to help refugees. It was until I started doing this that I understand why. It’s for humanity. And humanity knows no colour, religions, nations, races. Everyone deserves to be helped”
–Pn. Ina, Manager of Peace Learning Centre
These children represent only a small percentage of the refugee children who are already in the country. They are barely scratching the surface. So much more remains to be done. Getting these children into schools will give them the 3Rs, keep them out of the streets and crime, and equip them with skills and knowledge that will allow them to improve their own lives.
It is disappointing for us that in 2015, there are children who still do not get access to formal education and these schools provide some form of basic education. By giving them education, especially English, gives them a better chance of being relocated to a third country. Many of the children from these schools, together with their families have since been successfully relocated to a third country including US.
Educating them is not an easy task. Funds are constantly required to pay the teachers, buy books and stationeries and pay rent. The schools are financed by individuals through generous donations, but they are not enough for long term maintenance.
All of us can help change that.
This year, for our birthdays, Datin Paduka Marina Mahathir and I will raise money for these schools to provide better facilities for them. From tables and books, stationeries and mini library; together, we can paint a better future for these children. Our birthdays are not until the 9th and 10th June but we thought we should provide ample time to reach our goal.
Some monthly financial breakdown for each school:
Rental: RM 1,900
Bills: RM 300
Equipments and facilities: RM 300
Teacher’s salary:RM 3,000
Total: RM5,500
With the money raised, we will provide some financial aid as well as accomplish some projects** that include:
1. Mini library (About 300 books needed for each school)
2. Transportation (We will contact RapidPenang and bus provider in Ampang in order to create a student pass for their daily commute to school)
3. School visits to University or places that will provide them bigger exposure.
4. Stationeries
5. Iftar and Raya celebration.
We have set our goal at USD 3,000 (RM 10,900) but you can donate more than that.
Help us reach our goal.
* Pusat Ilmu Muslim Aid (PIMA, Ampang) is a tax deductible organization. Please contact us for more details.
**To sponsor the projects listed above (such as providing books, used books, food for iftar, or to conduct a session at any of the schools), please email us at rescuerohingyas@gmail.com