About me:
Hello! My name is Cristina Rivas. I’m a visual artist. Painting and photography are the way by which I communicate at the moment. Although, I flirt with some others slopes.
I was born in Maracaibo, Venezuela; Where I live nowadays. I have participated in some different collectives in Venezuela and in a small individual one. I feel it’s time to make an individual as the viewer truly deserves it, an exposition where the visitor would have the opportunity of being introduced into the proposed world and create a more effective visual speech.
I’m organizing something I call “a true individual exposition”. I’ve been working on this project for 3 years, from the conceptualization to the creation. It has not been easy, especially when you got limited resources, but I didn’t take this as a barrier, on the contrary, this has been a huge pushing to search for alternative solutions and to bury all the problems, and so I found Indiegogo, a solution where if you like my work and contribute with something, it will be a great help for the project, so in gratitude you will receive different presents, which are described on the reward headland. Your contribution will cover location, promotion, printed works, mounting, catalogues, among other expenses related to the event organization.
There is something very important about the exposition’s opening, it’s an action art that will be accomplished, for that reason I need the resources, in order to fund the required actors, makeup and costume design.
I’ll be honest. I used all my financial resources on this project, which can only be possible with your contribution, with it and using photography to leave a different perception about hope, I’ll offer the viewer a direct approximation to the surreal world I’m presenting though art transformed into action.
This story, that wants so much the opportunity of being shown, is my gain. I would love you to be part of this project!
My Art :
Artistic proposal “Hope is not always white”
The proposal’s intention is to show, through several photographs and action-art, a different concept about hope, very distant from the accepted one inside the western civilization, which I have been developing for a few years based on my own experiences and dreams; turning this into a crucial element in my visual language.
Sometimes we make decisions that apparently bring us closer to our goals but unconsciously those decisions are, in fact, impediments to achieve them. Christian religion teaches hope is a synonym of waiting; this definition is static and passive. It communicates all circumstances can just ameliorate through a divine intervention and also having strong faith on that will be possible. We can find some examples on the Bible very frequently.
“You are my hiding place and my shield, I hope in your word.” Psalm 119:114- The Bible.
When someone is found inside an emotional chaos or in a psychological disorder usually believes and feels abandoned by God; is there where the problem arises, because this definition of hope forged by society won’t bring satisfying answers to the individual.
“And now Lord, for what do I wait? My hope is in you” Psalm 39:7 – The Bible
Propuesta artística " La Esperanza no siempre es Blanca"
La intención de esta propuesta es mostrar mediante una serie de fotografías y arte-accion, un concepto de esperanza diferente al mayormente aceptado dentro de la civilización occidental,el cual he venido desarrollando desde hace algunos años en base a mis propias experiencias, vivencias y sueños, convirtiéndose este un elemento fundamental en mi lenguaje visual.
En ocasiones tomamos decisiones que en apariencia nos acercan a nuestros objetivos, pero sin estar conscientes, son en realidad impedimentos para alcanzarlos.La religión cristiana enseña que la esperanza es un sinónimo de esperar, esta definición es estática y pasiva, comunica que las circunstancias solo mejoran por medio de la intervención divina y la fe de que esta ocurrirá. Podemos encontrar ejemplos de esto con frecuencia en la biblia.
“Tú eres mi escondite, y mi escudo; en tu palabra he puesto mi esperanza” Salmo 119:114
Cuando la persona está en un caos emocional, en un desorden psicológico, cree y siente que ese Dios lo ha abandonado, es allí cuando nace el problema, ya que la definición de la esperanza que ha sembrado la sociedad, no traerá respuestas satisfactorias al individuo.
"Y ahora, Señor, ¿qué esperaré? Mi esperanza está en ti." Salmos 39:7 – La Biblia
The Impact
I consider the definition of hope planted by my proposal more productive and effective because leads to more honest results. In fact, it is more suitable for nowadays paradigms.
The exposition will allow the visitor the opportunity of being transported to a story from another reality, a world full of spiritual, psychological and physical phases immersed in chaos; and this will be possible through photographs and performance. So, is there where a different vision of hope reborn; where the individual’s reality can just be transformed through conscious action addressed to such purpose. This leaves a fluid message to the viewer; to act, continue and work for what he or she wish for. This way of perceiving hope will help the individual to understand not all that we want is always possible, but there will always be other alternatives routes.
Only with your contribution will be possible to materialize these ideas.
If you would like to see others of my pictorial artistic proposals and photographs, you can enter using the following links:
Where are the funds going?
To make the exposition and action-art possible is essential to have the following resources:
- Printing pictures.
- Assembly works.
- Exhibition room.
- Graphic design expenses. Special panels.
- Catalogues printing, posters, invitations, among others.
- Publicity and promotion.
- Music equipment rental.
- Actress ballerina. (action-art)
- Girl actresses. (action-art)
- Costume design.(action-art)
- Makeup. (action-art)
- Hairstyle. (action-art)
- Required accessories.
- (Action-art).
- Photography and video coverage during the event.
- Production rewards.
- The Great work- Chrysopoeia
This unique work called “Transmutor System” has 15 pieces building all the system based on the alchemy; where the silver in transmuted passing through several states to finally achieve the precious gold, this process is presented from an emotional perspective. Each photograph is framed and ready to hang.(Original art work-230cm x 260cm)
Transmutor System - 2016 - single edition - 230cm x 260cm
It’s a piece with surrealistic inks, where the importance of the most painful phases to reach what we want the most is emphasized, without forgetting that there is always a watching eye above us. Every opus magnum or masterpiece needs enough time; steps must be taken to reach the spiritual transmuting. Suffering is an essential aspect in this chapter and time an inescapable element.
Numbered and limited collection edition of only 5 copies, each one with its own authenticate certificate.
Faces of pain - Los Rostros del Dolor - 2016 - ( 70cm x 180cm - Limited edition 1/5)
A piece from the photo series “Hope is not always white” which counts to 24 printed photographs on canvas with high quality inks, signed and also with authenticate certificate. 105cm x 70cm. (Signed-Limited edition 1/5)
Inicio- Fotografía Digital, 2016.
Trazos del mal- Fotografía Digital, 2016.
Líneas de verdad, Fotografía Digital, 2016.
Dios al parecer me había abandonado -Fotografía Digital, 2016.
Tierras agrietadas - Fotografía Digital, 2016
Me volqué al vacío de su mirada y contemple el dolor eterno - Fotografía Digital, 2016.
Alicia, entrégate - Fotografía Digital, 2016.
¿Dónde está el seno que me daba de beber? - Fotografía Digital, 2016.
Procesos- Fotografías Digitales, 2016.
Ahora obsérvame, no soy de nadie mi dueño es el aire- Fotografía Digital, 2016
Mi Hogar - Fotografía Digital, 2016
Para ver el resto de la serie fotográfica puedes entrar a :
I have a few days to achieve the financial goal this project needs, I know, this is crazy! But I believe in this project, I believe in this dream, it’s a challenge to make this dream come true, but here we are willing to make this exposition possible.
There will always be risks and obstacles in everything we decide to start, these are truly necessary to value the path, and when we finally reach the goal we’ll enjoy it with an honest victory.
I always keep on my mind that being a visual artist is not an easy job, not at all, but despite of the fact it exists so many things that uncatalog us nowadays, it also exists that type of platforms which make wishes laded of utility turn into tangible facts.
My plan to solve any challenge presented on my way is to continue knocking doors and keep looking for new alternatives and solutions.
I want to thank you to take your time and read about this project. Thanks for believe in this, for being part of this path so we can enjoy the result together.
Other ways you can help
We have a very short period of time to collect all the funds we need for this exposition. Please help us to spread the voice about this campaign to your friends and relatives, using social media and using Indiegogo’s action tools. If you do some echo on this project more people will receive it and that will be very useful for us to make possible this huge goal together.