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HostPress - Redefining Web Hosting Control Panels

Server management should be simple.

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HostPress - Redefining Web Hosting Control Panels

HostPress - Redefining Web Hosting Control Panels

HostPress - Redefining Web Hosting Control Panels

HostPress - Redefining Web Hosting Control Panels

HostPress - Redefining Web Hosting Control Panels

Server management should be simple.

Server management should be simple.

Server management should be simple.

Server management should be simple.

Daniel Griffiths
Daniel Griffiths
Daniel Griffiths
Daniel Griffiths
1 Campaign |
Omaha, United States
$1,365 USD 17 backers
0% of $175,000 Flexible Goal Flexible Goal

Let's Talk About the Problem

Hosting control panels haven’t changed much in the last two decades. After years of remaining stagnant, it’s time to bring some fresh blood to the game.


The current contenters, cPanel and Plesk, have a plethora of shortcomings (beyond usability).

Minimum Requirements

cPanel and Plesk have minimum disk space requirements of 20GB and 10GB respectively. Much of this is eaten up in the excessive graphics which hamper performance and proprietary backend software. A more modern, streamlined approach can negate this issue.


While both panels support plugins, they are rudimentary at best and provide minimal documentation. Building on the proven (and extensible) WordPress codebase allows us to offer an unprecedented level of flexibility in a language that many developers are already familiar with.


In the hosting world, security and continuing development are crucial. Other control panels require a significant amount of work to keep up to date with the latest issues. Through leveraging the WordPress codebase, we are decreasing our development effort.


Neither of the major contenders for top control panel was built with rebranding in mind. Overly-complicated template systems make the process time-consuming and expensive. HostPress is being built to be rebrandable by design. In fact, reworking the interface can be easily done with only a few lines of code!

So Who am I?

I am an independent software developer with a focus on WordPress application development. Throughout the years I have been a Core Developer for Arch Linux and Easy Digital Downloads and the co-founder of Redux Framework. I am an active member of the WordPress community as a speaker for the local user group and head organizer for WordCamp Omaha and have released over thirty public plugins.

And What is HostPress?

Simply put, HostPress is the future of web hosting control panels.


With HostPress, there is no need to rely on a specific language to write your own plugins. Between native extensibility, a fullscale API, and direct command-line access, you have the power to write plugins as you see fit! Beyond the ability to write your own plugins, at release we will have a robust archive of plugins available to the public covering the most popular server software.


A clean, streamlined design makes using HostPress a breeze. No graphics to slow you down and no bulky UI elements to cause screen resolution-dependency issues. From mobile devices through retina displays, icon fonts and clean lines make HostPress beautiful and functional no matter how you use it!


WordPress powers a quarter of the Internet! By building on one of the most widely-used platforms in use today, we are working with proven code. Beyond the well-known scalability and flexibility of the WordPress core, it is the software behind some major players on the Internet. If it’s good enough for companies like Sony and Samsung, it’s good enough for us!

Some Stats...

Here's a few numbers on the market today...

Individual Users

There are 4,101,891 individual servers running active, licensed cPanel and Plesk installations (according to BuiltWith).

Product Value

That’s $82,037,820.00 per month spent on control panels (assuming a $20 per month price tag… cPanel runs $45 per month for dedicated servers). And that doesn’t include the money spent on support and plugins!

User Base

While nobody knows the exact number of websites online at any given time, Internet Live Stats has estimated that as of September, 2014, the Internet has surpassed one billion websites… with nearly a million being created daily!

What I Need

While I am a WordPress developer, I'm not a network architect. I can write the majority of what makes HostPress awesome by myself (and I'd LOVE to be able to make this a labor of love), but I need to hire a server guru to make this a reality. As such, I'm hoping to raise $175,000 to support myself and my son, and cover the server fees and salary of a server guru for one year.

What You Get

If funded, the goal is to release a beta version in June 2016 with the following properties:

  • A modern, open-source, extensible server control panel
  • An intuitive (and responsive) interface
  • A fully-localized platform (HostPress speaks your language!)
  • A platform developers can build on, including the ability to simply rebrand the panel without complex template languages.

Following the initial beta, we will spend another six months fixing the inevitable bugs (patches are welcome!), responding to user feedback, and working to provide translations for languages other than English before the first stable version is released.

If we are not fully funded, the project will go on... but at a slower pace. Putting food on the table and paying bills is too important to give up completely, to say nothing of the expenses inherent in hiring a server guru!

The HostPress Impact

At the very least, this project will result in a very cool piece of open-source technology being released. That said, our goal is to provide the Internet with an alternative to the clutter and complexity of server management. Even if we don't become a major contender in this space, the support we do get will put pressure on the existing solutions to up their game. Basically... catch up with the times, or die.

Other Ways You Can Help

Even if you can't help us financially, there's still plenty you can do! Share this campaign with your friends and colleagues. If you're bilingual, familiarize yourself with Transifex so you can help translate the beta.



Since you asked so nicely, here's a very early screenshot of our current progress. The Account Details widget is about two-thirds live data (bandwidth, email, and FTP aren't pulling from anywhere yet), and the News widget pulls from our blog, though the blog isn't live yet :(

User management, a very primitive domain manager, and the file manager work to at least some extent. Extensions connects to our (currently empty) extension database and Support is currently just a simple email form that opens a support ticket (eventually, it will be fully integrated and have a built-in FAQ/tutorial section). As of now, everything else links to blank pages... But it's a start!

iPhone Screenshot!

Looking for more information? Check the project FAQ
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Choose your Perk


$25 USD
Unless you wish to stay anonymous, we'll add your name to the contributor's page on our website and publicly thank you on our blog.
4 claimed


$50 USD
You care about our mission and the community. In addition to adding your name on the contributor's page, we'll add a link to a website of your choice and give your project a personal shout out.
4 claimed


$75 USD
You care about your ideals and expect us to do the same. In addition to the previous perks, we'll mail you an official HostPress postcard to say thanks.
0 claimed


$100 USD
You just can't get enough swag! As our way of saying thanks, we'll send you an assortment of HostPress stickers with your postcard!
1 claimed


$200 USD
You love our project so much you want to spread the word! We'll help you accomplish that goal by sending you our official HostPress t-shirt along with your stickers and postcard.
2 claimed

Early Adopter

$500 USD
You REALLY can't wait to try out HostPress! In addition to the previous perks, we'll add you to our alpha tester list... you'll get access to the code before anyone else!
1 claimed

Addon Aficionado

$1,500 USD
You might have a few too many addons installed in your current control panel... We'll make it a bit easier for you to migrate by giving you a $300 credit in our extension store!
0 out of 100 of claimed

Server Admin

$2,500 USD
YOU are the people we're developing this for. You're tired of paying outrageous fees for sub-par control panels and can't wait for a game changer. As our way of saying thanks, We'll list you (or your company) on the about page of the app itself, write a custom extension for you, and you still get the previous perks!
0 out of 50 of claimed

Multi-server Admin

$5,000 USD
While HostPress itself is open-source, if you're running multiple servers, extension and support costs add up fast! We'll bump your credit up to $750 and throw in two years of support... just because you're awesome!
0 out of 25 of claimed


$10,000 USD
You're not just running a server, you're building an empire! An all that technology comes with some unusual requirements. We'll sit down with you and map out your needs, and ensure that at launch we've got the necessary extensions for your niche (you'll get free licenses of course)!
0 out of 10 of claimed

Venture Capitalist

$25,000 USD
Whether or not you run your own servers, you recognize an awesome project when you see it! In recognition of your generosity, when beta goes live we'll arrange an in-face meeting where we'll treat you to a nice meal, and you'll get to join in on our official launch video. At this point, you're basically part of our family!
0 out of 5 of claimed

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