Thanks so much for considering this project. I am a life-long animal welfare proponent and have been a volunteer in dog rescue for several years. (I am also a successful businessperson, so I know how to make this project succeed.) Around Christmastime last year I decided it was time to do more, so I founded Hound Sanctuary in order to help save and home abused and abandoned hounds.
Every year many thousands of sighthounds across the world are used as tools for hunters, then abandoned at the end of hunting season so that the hunters don't have to feed and care for them the rest of the year. Then when the new year's hunting season begins again, new dogs are purchased, used, then again thrown away--sometimes after terrible torture and mutilation, such as leg breaking and eye removal, designed to either punish them for a bad job, or to keep them from being able to find their way back to the hunters' homes.
Anyone who has ever loved a dog already knows why this project is important. Dogs are loyal, loving, sentient beings who deserve better than use and abuse--and they cannot call 911 for help. People like you and me must be their 911, and we must go calling out for them. By supporting this project, you will quite literally be helping to save the lives and well-being of untold numbers of dogs, as well as helping to prevent at least some of the torture they currently suffer. Furthermore, as this project gains more and more momentum, awareness of these dogs' plights will grow, which we believe, and have seen, will start to decrease the perceived acceptability of their situations. Look in your own canine companion's eyes now, and then imagine: what if she or he had been unfortunate enough to be born into the life of one of these tool-dogs? Then ask yourself how you could possibly NOT try to help them.
What We Need & What You Get
Currently the space in which we work can house only a few dogs at a time. We need a larger space, more devoted to saving more dogs. Simply put, this project is to raise funds for the down-payment on the property where we will build the rescue center. The land will cost at least $300,000, so we need $90,000 down payment in order to purchase the land.
The center will consist of several areas: The dog housing and play areas, of course, but also a retail area in front designed for further fund-raising, and a caretaker's/volunteer's area.
Perks for supporters may include personalized tours/private visits to the completed center and its doggy inhabitants as well as dog art items, including sculptures, drawings, bags, apparel, etc.
If for some reason we do not reach our goal here, we will simply put the funds we do raise in the bank and save them until we do have enough for the down payment.
The Impact
- It's simple: Your contribution will help save dogs more quickly, which means less suffering.
- We saved four dogs this month. With more space, we could save many more than that.
- Once the center is built, you can come and see the results for yourself! In the meantime, we'll send you photos and updates.
Other Ways You Can Help
If you can't afford to contribute, please share this with your friends, family, co-workers, church groups, etc. The more people you get involved, the less dogs will suffer.