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How 2 Fix a Relationship Core Ideas eBook

Launch an eBook & w enough funds a video on 3 Core Ideas behind 1. Healthy Self Care; 2. Boundaries; 3. Intimate Communication


How 2 Fix a Relationship Core Ideas eBook

How 2 Fix a Relationship Core Ideas eBook

How 2 Fix a Relationship Core Ideas eBook

How 2 Fix a Relationship Core Ideas eBook

How 2 Fix a Relationship Core Ideas eBook

Launch an eBook & w enough funds a video on 3 Core Ideas behind 1. Healthy Self Care; 2. Boundaries; 3. Intimate Communication

Launch an eBook & w enough funds a video on 3 Core Ideas behind 1. Healthy Self Care; 2. Boundaries; 3. Intimate Communication

Launch an eBook & w enough funds a video on 3 Core Ideas behind 1. Healthy Self Care; 2. Boundaries; 3. Intimate Communication

Launch an eBook & w enough funds a video on 3 Core Ideas behind 1. Healthy Self Care; 2. Boundaries; 3. Intimate Communication

Patrick Murphy
Patrick Murphy
Patrick Murphy
Patrick Murphy
1 Campaign |
Ponce Inlet, United States
$4,050 USD 13 backers
101% of $4,000 Flexible Goal Flexible Goal

3 Core Ideas on How to Fix a Relationship

Got relationship problems? You’re not alone.

About once every 15 minutes, somebody Googles the phrase “How to fix a relationship.”

It’s a sad paradox that in this era of hyper-connectivity, people are deeply lonely and more often than not living without close, satisfying connections with friends and loved ones—the warm human relationships that give the deepest meaning to life.

“I’m desperate to understand why my relationships are dysfunctional. My teenager slams doors, I find myself arguing with my spouse, my co-workers engage in passive aggressive tactics that undermine my work, and my neighbors are talking behind our backs but always wear a smile when we are together. Why is there a deep void that is not being filled by my relationships with those I love the most?”

Where to turn? What action to take?

Hello – I’m Father Patrick Murphy, and I’m here to offer a mustard-seed solution that—together with the efforts of many others—I hope blossoms into a large and effective cultural change in how we live our relationships. 

I have worked as a spiritual director and counselor for the past 15 years, and have walked with many men and women of great character who have struggled to love and relate well with their spouse, children, family and colleagues. I dare say that not a single family has been unscathed by some degree of brokenness in their personal relationships. Our culture’s cruel side has taken its toll.

Since I worked with very dynamic and active people who wanted to change the world and spread their faith, very soon something became crystal clear to me. It was the realization that even though a man or woman works very hard to improve his or her human talents and skills, and does so successfully, that same success doesn’t always translate into an equal improvement in their one-on-one relationships. 

Case in point:

I once asked a CEO to rate his business skills and success on a scale of 1 through 10. He gave himself a 9, but I knew it should have been a 10.

I then asked him to do the same regarding his relationship with his wife and children. He closed his eyes, lowered his head, and cleared his throat. I will never forget his answer and the sadness in his voice.

He rated himself a 5 with his daughters and a 4 with his son, and a negative 2 with his wife! For a full minute you could hear a pin drop.

I broke the silence and told him he was no doubt being too hard on himself … but he interrupted me. “My numbers may be a little better, but your point is well taken… why don’t I put the same effort in what’s most important in my life—my wife and family—as I do in my company? I need to make some changes.”

The solution is within our grasp!

The good news is—improving relationships is not rocket science. As one author on fatherhood wrote, “All the motivation that any man needs to be a good dad is simply to hold his son in his arms.” Everything we need for strong lasting relationships is already engraved on our hearts.

We just have to take the time to read about it, reflect on it regularly, remember it continually, and to renew our motivations to live the simple, powerful laws of our human relationships and how to fix and improve them.

With that in mind, I launched the website,

Since I wanted to reach those who influence our world the most, the site is not specifically religious (like other sites I plan to launch to spread Christianity) but rather is intended to help all people improve their relationships.

And so the site offers both practical tips as well as deeper wisdom.

In fact the subtitle of is:

Actionable Tips and Wisdom for High Achieving Women and Men

The tips are more on the surface level (but nonetheless important). For example:
·  19 Ways to Be Romantic
·  Tips for Valentine's Day
·  5 Tips from the Boy Scouts on Things to Do with Your Son
·  How to Melt Your Husband’s Heart

The deeper wisdom is found more at the very heart of the site.

We have gleaned this wisdom from the greatest authors and mentors who have taught the world how to fix and improve relationships, and we have condensed it into three easy-to-remember Core Ideas.

And that’s where this Indiegogo crowdfunding effort comes in.

The Proposal

To make the most powerful and effective site it can be, we would like to create an authoritative eBook that explains the three Core Ideas and helps people engrave them in their minds and behavior, and encourages them to work on them until they become deeply rooted daily habits on how to experience fulfilling, healthy, and meaningful relationships.
The Need

The nucleus of this proposal, therefore, is a heartfelt petition to seek the $4,000 necessary to help us to research, write, edit, design and market this eBook with the highest degree of excellence and effectiveness possible, preparing it to be offered on

An additional goal—if we raise more than enough funds—would be to fund and produce a video series of short videos on the same theme that a husband and wife, for example, could watch together for a few minutes before a date night, and then talk about over dinner (we would need approximately $5,000 for the video, but even if we don't raise that much, any extra money made on this campaign will go toward the video production).
The Core Ideas

Again, the eBook will be about three core ideas.

Core Idea 1:  Healthy and Proper Self Care

To love and care for others, you must first learn habits of healthy and proper self care, which leads to a healthy and proper love for self. A person who does not love or value him or herself,who is not strengthened by healthy self care, will always have difficulties truly loving and caring for others.

We want to empower our readers to take care of their own emotional, relational, social, physical and psychological needs so that they, in turn, can see the true needs and desires of others and have truly fulfilling relationships.

Briefly about me right now...
I thought it best that at this point, after explaining this first Core Idea on healthy and proper self care, to say a word about myself. In fact, the reason I have the time to work on these website projects and this eBook is due to my own health issues. Over the years I developed gradually increasing health problems until six months ago I was obliged to take some time off to focus on them.

Even though I am much better than before (my blood pressure is down, my racing heart is now normal with meds, and other symptoms such as ongoing exhaustion, sweating, etc., are on the mend), with the advice of my doctors and the generous support of my superiors in the Church I saw the need to spend a full year working on this. That is where I am at!

Myself with my sister and her children, my nephew and nieces. Their dad is taking the photo!

Please don’t worry about me. I am fine and with family (my mom, sister and her family, my aunt etc.). Those of you who know me know I have a very active mind and temperament, and so I had to do something constructive with my time, and besides, we all thrive on doing good for others, and I always want to be doing good, so I decided to work on these website projects as a means to help heal our culture, families, and individual--and especially to prevent future relationship dysfunctions!

The Lord has given me this time to work on this task and I truly see his hand in the entire project… That’s me: thanks for reading, and thank you for your willingness to help!
Core Idea 2:  Boundaries in Relationships

To have intimate relationships that overflow with peace, joy, mutual respect, and that foster true friendship, loyalty, mutual accountability, laughter and love, it is necessary to learn to have proper and healthy boundaries. Boundaries allow for breathing room and help us avoid smothering, controlling, manipulating, or having false expectations in our relationships.

Core Idea 3:  Connectivity (Deep, Intimate Communication with Others)

To have truly healthy relationships, you must practice the habit of connectivity with others on a deeper level. Communication in relationships is key. However, communicating with others is often done on the surface level (news, practical discussions, meals, talking while texting to others or being distracted on one's smart phone).

Human connectivity occurs when we talk to others on a deeper level: A son opening up his heart to his dad, a husband and wife forgiving one another, a teenage daughter confiding in and being honest for the first time to her mom, etc.

Basically anyone being vulnerable to another human person is due to the trust and love he or she has developed with the other person. This also takes place when a person talks honestly to a counselor, in conversations done in support groups, when a group of friends talk and address their truest emotions and deepest needs, etc.

Of course, connectivity with God is paramount, regardless of how the person understands who God is. God is the person closer to you than you are to yourself! God is always listening to and loving you!

Can a Book Change a Life?

“I know the answer is out there somewhere, maybe in the self-help section, but there’s an overwhelming number of books on the subject. How do I know which one is right for me? Do I read five of them? Ten? Thirty? How do I distill the information into an action plan?”

Our readers will not have to read thirty different books–we’ve done that for them. We have condensed the most important counsels into our Three Core Ideas, which are fundamental, practical and necessary for healthy, happy relationships.
So how do you put these Three Core Ideas into action?

I won’t pretend there isn’t effort and work involved, but we should make it as doable and even enjoyable as possible.

Our eBook will include tips and bullet points with actions the reader can take to start turning things around on the very first day he or she begins to read. Whether it’s a problem between a parent and child, husband and wife, colleagues or co-workers, in-laws or your neighbors, you will find scores of actionable gems of wisdom, tips and techniques that yield results!

These methods have been used by some of the most successful people around us, and they will work for you, too.

But the book’s good advice doesn’t stop there...

Our goal is to give you the tools that will allow people to strengthen all of their relationships and in ways they perhaps never thought possible.

After all, the longer a person waits to take positive action, the more these issues will grow and fester. Enough teenagers have turned to drugs, run away from home, and found themselves depressed and alone. Enough husbands and wives have suffered in their marriage. Enough people live deeply lonely lives. Please help me to take perhaps a small, but I believe powerful step to change our culture. Let’s make this book—and the videos, too--a reality.

What the $4000 is for:

  • Help from very talented people who I have carefully researched, tested, and chosen to help me research, write and edit the book, adding visuals, bullet points, actionable suggestions, etc.
  • Interior book layout, cover design, graphics, etc.
  • Conversion of the book into various eBook formats
  • Ongoing marketing and promotion of the book


If our friends provide an additional $5,000, we’ll be able to:

  • Begin production on the series of videos, with all that involves
  • Implement an ongoing marketing plan for the videos
  • Promote the eBook and videos through social media outlets

Come Be a Part of the Solution!

Join the many others who have already partnered with me to start the healing and help improve relationships. Thank you sincerely for your assistance, and please take a look at the simple rewards for the various funding levels. Whether you’re in for $1 or $1,000, I thank you from my heart.

Of course, there are other ways to help as well. Promoting this proposal, promoting the site itself (remember to use the Indiegogo social media tools to promote the project easily) and of course offering up prayers for our success. Thanks for pitching in and working together so we all make this a success!

Warmest regards,
Fr. Patrick Murphy

P.S. is the first site of many that will be sponsored by Olive Harvest Passive Income. All of these sites are designed to make a profit while at the same time promoting a positive message to change culture for the better. Each site will commit a certain percentage of their earnings to a charity. The charity that will donate to is Breast Cancer Awareness and Prevention. For more info on Olive Harvest Passive Income stayed tuned for the upcoming website (, now under construction. 

P.PS. If you are interested in supporting or Olive Harvest in an ongoing way, either through funding or in other ways, please email me at and let me know what you have in mind!

Olive Garden of Gethsemane, Jerusalem during my visit in 2012

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Choose your Perk

Free pdf sneak preview

$15 USD
For those who donate $15 we will send as a pdf file a free sneak preview of an upcoming article to be posted on
0 claimed

Rich Soil Level

$25 USD
For those who donate $25 we will send as a pdf file 2 free sneak previews of upcoming articles to be posted on
2 claimed

Copper Level - Honor Someone

$50 USD
For those who send $50 you will be able to send your gift in honor of a living person or in memory of a deceased person. The name you send will be published on a recognition page associated with the site. You are limited to 50 characters of text.
0 claimed

Bronze Level - w/ Photo

$100 USD
For those who send $50 you will be able to send your gift in honor of a living person or in memory of a deceased person as above, but in addition you may send a photo of that person that we will posted on a recognition page associated with our site. You are limited to 50 characters of text.
1 claimed

Silver Level - In eBook

$250 USD
In addition to all the benefits listed above, you will receive a free sneak preview copy of the eBook before it is finalized, so you will be the first to see it and will be able to offer suggestions, AND we will publish the name of the loved one you honor or memorialize at the end of the book! You are limited to 50 characters of text.
0 claimed

Gold Level - w/ Photo

$500 USD
All included in the Silver Level plus we will publish a small photo of the loved one you choose in the final eBook.
2 claimed

Platinum Level - Video

$1,000 USD
All of the above plus we will include a photo and the text you send in the video credits. (if we don't raise enough funds for the video we will find another special way to honor your loved one).
1 claimed
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