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Human Corrective Kinetics

- The FUTURE of HEALTH and FITNESS DVD SERIES - Everyone's Life Long Guide to Better Functionality, Performance, and Injury Prevention

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Human Corrective Kinetics

Human Corrective Kinetics

Human Corrective Kinetics

Human Corrective Kinetics

Human Corrective Kinetics

- The FUTURE of HEALTH and FITNESS DVD SERIES - Everyone's Life Long Guide to Better Functionality, Performance, and Injury Prevention

- The FUTURE of HEALTH and FITNESS DVD SERIES - Everyone's Life Long Guide to Better Functionality, Performance, and Injury Prevention

- The FUTURE of HEALTH and FITNESS DVD SERIES - Everyone's Life Long Guide to Better Functionality, Performance, and Injury Prevention

- The FUTURE of HEALTH and FITNESS DVD SERIES - Everyone's Life Long Guide to Better Functionality, Performance, and Injury Prevention

Christian DiSapio
Christian DiSapio
Christian DiSapio
Christian DiSapio
1 Campaign |
Long Island, United States
$3,294 USD 45 backers
4% of $75,000 Flexible Goal Flexible Goal
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Thank you

$5 USD
9 claimed

Personal thank you

$10 USD
4 claimed

Helpful tips and free shiping

$15 USD
5 claimed

25 gets you 50

$25 USD
5 claimed

VIP contributor

$50 USD
1 claimed

Human Corrective Kinetics book

$100 USD
0 claimed

Free complete DVD series

$150 USD
5 claimed

Ultimate gift pack

$250 USD
0 claimed

1 hr talk with the HCK creator

$500 USD
0 claimed

2 hr talk with the HCK creator

$750 USD
0 claimed

VIP 3hr in person meeting

$1,250 USD
0 out of 4 of claimed

Host a HCK event at you home

$3,000 USD
0 out of 2 of claimed

VIP experience in NYC

$5,000 USD
0 out of 2 of claimed



 Welcome to the future of fitness. Human Corrective Kinetics will be the most significant change in the Fitness industry since its creation. A scientific methodology that will expose the present day ineffectiveness of a 100 billion dollar a year Fitness industry and a philosophy that will change the public perception of the term Health and Fitness.


  Human Corrective Kinetics was developed by Kinesiologist Christian DiSapio. Christian is the owner of an industry leading company called FitnesScience LLC and holds two separate fitness degrees including one in Kinesiology. Kinesiology is a new and advanced field of study that is classified as a Health Science and is defined as the study of human movement. Before starting his own company Christian worked as a fitness leader for over 5 years at Canyon Ranch. Canyon Ranch is one of the top health, fitness and wellness facilities in the country with world wide recognition. Christian has studied the Science of fitness and exercise for almost 20 years and has been committed to offering his clients the most premier fitness education available today. Over the past few years Christian and FitnesScience LLC have spent thousands of hours developing a program that can be distributed to the masses. The result is a revolutionary industry changing product that will be a guide for every human to understand how to maintain or increase their functionality and performance across their entire lifespan, while helping to drastically reduce the potential for muscular and skeletal injuries, pain and soreness.




  How does Human Corrective Kinetics work?  Corrective Kinetics is based on the fact that the human body can physically function more effectively when it is in proper spinal/postural alignment and muscle balance, and that training to bring the body as close as possible to optimal alignment and balance will only increase the potential of the body to physically perform better in everything it does regardless of age. By analyzing common human repetitious movements and repeated body positions, it becomes apparent that they are the major cause of muscle imbalances and or spinal misalignments. This program defines a new medical condition known as “RMARPS” or Repetitious Movement and Repeated Positioning Syndrome. Most everyone will show signs of RMARPS to some degree, but are unaware of its existence and its negative effects. Human Corrective Kinetics
was developed to specifically counteract or reverse the negative effects of RMARPS and the negative effects of all fitness, sport and exercise routines.


  How is Human Corrective Kinetics different from traditional exercise? Unlike a lot of traditional fitness training and exercise that is usually based on how the body looks, Human Corrective Kinetics is based on how the body feels and functions. Corrective Kinetics was developed
utilizing collective scientific theories and the physiology involved in all movement and all postural positioning. The basis of Corrective Kinetics centers on the importance of the spine and postural alignment. It looks at the position and function of the internal structural system first (spinal column and bones) and then how the external muscles can be addressed to improve the position and function of that internal structure. It is very different than traditional exercise that usually makes training the external surface muscles the focus, with little or no regard as to how that affects the internal structural system. Since the internal structural system cannot easily be seen or analyzed it is very hard for the average person to notice the significant effects that regular exercise and daily movements can have on that internal structural system. Human Corrective Kinetics philosophy is designed to work for varying purposes, for the entire population regardless of age or physical condition. Almost all traditional exercise is done with the intention of achieving relatively short term results and focusing on what the positive effects will be in the short term and are not appropriate for the long term needs of the population. Human Corrective Kinetics analyzes the long term effects and negative consequences of movement and exercise. It is also the first fitness methodology to address the negative effects of common repetitious movements and repeated body positions and how these important variables should be affecting how everyone exercises, moves and positions themselves throughout 24 hours a day, whether they are exercising or not. The cumulative negative effects of daily
movement, positioning, and exercise are happening to everyone but most people are not aware of it because the effects are happening slowly over time, and not as a result of a specific movement/exercise that they did or a specific trauma that they had. As a result the soreness, pain, and injuries that happen as a result of these cumulative effects are often misdiagnosed by healthcare professionals that are typically more concerned with treatment than cause. Another difference between Human Corrective Kinetics and traditional exercise is that Corrective Kinetics primary focus is how well someone can feel and function, and not necessarily how much weight someone can lose or how well someone’s body can look. However, when using Corrective Kinetics techniques to improve muscle balance, spinal alignment and functionality, an improved visual look to someone’s body is also achieved. Traditional exercise is also highly influenced by popular trends and the way the current fitness industry operates. Because of the large profits that can be made, a lot of fitness programs and products are developed for their marketability and not necessarily for their effectiveness. There is a constant need for the fitness industry to develop seemingly “new and advanced” forms of exercise and equipment that are supposed to be less time consuming and more effective than the old stuff. Unfortunately it is not working, and the fitness industry continues to grow and profit while the health of the country continues to decline. Human Corrective Kinetics was designed to not only be used as a stand alone methodology, but also as practical information that can be applied to any other type of fitness, exercise or athletic program to help improve their short and/ or long term effectiveness. There are some similarities between the exercises and movements that Human Corrective Kinetics uses and those used in traditional exercises. Because the human body only moves in so many different directions it is inevitable that some exercises or movements that are used with Corrective Kinetics will be movements and exercises that are sometimes done or associated with traditional exercise routines as well. However, the frequency and duration of time spent strengthening or stretching certain muscles as compared to other muscles will be very different, and overall a complete exercise routine that is based on the fundamentals of Human Corrective Kinetics would look very different than a traditional exercise routine would. 



  What can Human Corrective Kinetics do?  Corrective Kinetics is a methodology that can literally bridge the gap to bring the Health and Fitness industries together. It represents a program that was developed utilizing the latest collective Health Science information available. It is worthy of the regulation and standards set forth by the Health industry, yet represents a preventive health and fitness guideline that everyone can follow before, as well as during and after negative health symptoms or conditions present themselves. It can be used as a tool to predict future areas of decreased functional capacity, pain and soreness and injury susceptibility. Human Corrective Kinetics techniques are beneficial for everyone from children to professional athletes to the elderly and injured because its primary objective is increased health, fitness and functionality across anyone’s entire lifespan. It is a revolutionary program that focuses on both short term and long term health. It is the first health and fitness program to account for the movements and positions that all humans routinely perform throughout every minute of everyday, and as a result provides a blueprint for how everyone can address the negative impact that these variables will have. It can represent the start of a change from fitness that is used for vanity to fitness that is used for functionality. Because the program offers ideal long term and preventive solutions to neck and back pain and osteoarthritis without the use of chiropractic adjustments, pain medications, local injections or surgeries and these two epidemics together account for nearly 200 billion ( that’s billion! ) dollars a year in healthcare costs, we truly feel that we can lower healthcare premiums for everyone. Human Corrective Kinetics can be considered the new standard for the term “Fitness” where as the current fitness industry should largely be considered part of a separate “Beauty” industry. Corrective Kinetics can represent an outline of the most basic necessary components for anyone’s health, fitness or exercise routine as well as a system of foundational information that can be added or integrated into anyone’s existing routine. Additionally, Human Corrective Kinetics principals can also be utilized by the large percentage of the population that does not regularly exercise. Because of its practicality and large scope of practice, it is also something that will translate into many other areas of life. The hope is that not only can this important information be exposed to millions of people now, but that the philosophy of Human Corrective Kinetics will become the foundation of a new standardized Fitness industry that can work in conjunction with the Health industry in the future, to truly give everyone a chance to feel and function as well as possible, regardless of age or physical condition.







What do we need?

We need your help to raise enough money to produce an educational DVD series. The Human Corrective Kinetics program and the information that will be in the DVD series is complete. Thousands of hours have been spent on putting the content together. What we essentially have is a book that contains about 175 pages of written text and over 500 photos and illustrations. We could have decided to publish and sell the book. However, while the information contained in the program is not "Rocket Science" it is Science and since the program is based on the analyzation of all human movement and body positioning, we feel that the use of video and computer animation is necessary as a teaching tool to help everyone fully understand the content. While the DVD series will contain traditional exercise instruction it will be much more than an exercise routine. It will be an educational tool for anyone to be able to understand how all movement, body positioning and exercise will effect their functionality, performance and injury susceptibility across different parts of their lifespan. It will break down traditional strengthening, stretching, aerobic and athletic exercises to expose their potential disadvantages and future consequences. It will present  fitness guidelines that can be used either by itself or as practical information that can be applied to any other type of health, fitness, wellness, athletic or exercise routine. Besides being distributed publicly, we also plan to have it distributed by healthcare professionals. We feel that we have created a preventive scientific health and fitness program that is finally worthy of the standards required of Healthcare professionals. As a result Healthcare professionals will feel confident recomending Human Corrective Kinetics as a type of "defensive driving course" only for health and fitness.



The video will be produced by Simba Productions. They are a Manhattan based production company with over 20 years of experience and have worked with some of the largest companies in the world as well as some of the top talent in the industry. The estimated cost of our full production DVD series is about $100k. All money raised will go towards this video production. Any additional money raised will go either towards potentially adding more elaborate video and production content, or to promotional, advertising, or distribution costs. If our campain goal is not met additional investors will be used to make up the difference. THIS VIDEO WILL BE MADE!! We have invested too much time and effort to not make this production a reality. We have already copyrighted both the written material and pictures as well as an audio recording of all its content to ensure that no one can attempt to steal our product. After the DVD is complete it will be copyrighted too. The information contained in this program is too valuable to the entire population for it to not be shared, and we are commited to changing a failing industry and improving the life long health and fitness of everyone.





We are offering some amazing perks to our contributors. Besides offering discounted and free Human Corrective Kinetics DVDs and the opportunity to get stuff before the public can, we feel that we have some really great one of a kind offers.

  • Your name listed as a contributor on the DVD

  • A downloadable copy of the full Human Corrective Kinetics text

  • A one or two hour phone call, Facetime or Skype session with the creator of Human Corrective Kinetics

  • A three hour in person meeting with the creator of Human Corrective Kinetics

  • Your picture on the DVD

  • A six hour in person meeting for you and five friends with lunch included

  • Two free nights at a NYC hotel

  • VIP access to a filming or editing session of the Human Corrective Kinetics DVD

  • A speaking part for you on the DVD





  This Human Corrective Kinetics program is so important for the entire population because it goes way beyond just being an exercise routine.  It contains practical information that encompasses and relates to a lot of different topics. Because of how far reaching Human Corrective Kinetics goes, it is uniquely successful at providing an entire population with a total picture of all aspects of health and fitness. We have already discussed how it is different from traditional exercise. Other topics discussed in the Human Corrective Kinetics program include:

- How Human Corrective Kinetics is different from Chiropractic techniques

- How Human Corrective Kinetics can be used for rehabilitation


- How Human Corrective Kinetics is different from Physical Therapy

- How Human Corrective Kinetics can prevent, manage, or treat neck and back pain and numerous spine conditions including Scoliosis, Sciatica, and Stenosis

- How Human Corrective Kinetics can be used to prevent, slowdown, or lessen symptoms of Osteoarthritis

- A full in depth analysis and classification of any and all exercises, movements, and body positions

- How being generally overweight or being overweight in specific areas will affect someone’s body function and change the application of  Human Corrective Kinetics

- How the aging process affects functionality and how children, young adults, adults, and seniors can all benefit from the Human Corrective program

- How past and present activity levels affect functionality and how the injured, unconditioned, average conditioned, athlete, and professional athlete can all benefit from the Human Corrective Kinetics Program

- How Human Corrective Kinetics was designed to be both very general and very specific

- How to use Human Corrective Kinetics in conjunctions with anyone’s weight training, cardiovascular/aerobic, stretching, Yoga/Pilates, or athletic program

- Why women that have given birth should use Human Corrective Kinetics

- How body positioning techniques can be used during activities including reading, writing, typing, watching TV, driving, and walking

- How sleep and sleeping positions affect health and fitness


- How often and when to do certain exercises

- An in depth look into the Fitness industry

- An in depth look into the Health/ Healthcare industry


- Why the two industries do not interact and actually compete against each other

- The difference between fitness that is used to look as good as possible, and fitness that is used to feel and function as well as possible

- Why it has taken so long for this important nformation to be exposed

- Why Human Corrective Kinetics will be the foundation of the future of health and fitness





Other Ways You Can Help


Just because you may not be able to contribute or cannot contribute as much as you would like to, that does not mean that you cannot still help us. We need your help to spread the word about our product and our campaign. Get people excited about how our product will improve the health and fitness of everyone. If we are ever going to be able to change a failing industry, people need to know how it is going to be done. Remember to also use the" Indiegogo share tools." Make the future of Health and Fitness happen sooner rather than later. Tell one person or tell a hundred and share the gift of better living.

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