Short Summary
My name is Greg Castro, I'm a senior BFA in Film and Television at the University of Arizona. I originally hail from Kansas City, but have been slowly working my way west ever since graduating high school. I can't imagine not working in film and television, and so I'm LA bound after graduation.
Before I go, however, I'd like to leave the best possible legacy. I've improved immeasurably as a filmmaker in my time at the University of Arizona as a result of learning from amazing teachers, fellow students and guest lecturers. Now that it's time to make my thesis film, I want my work to reflect all that growth.
The general wisdom is that it's unlikely a student film can be quality enough to find success beyond the school at which it was made. With Hungry In Tucson, I hope to create a calling card for myself as a filmmaker, something I can proudly present at festivals and to potential employers.
All of this, and I want the film to be creepy as hell.
What We Need & What You Get
All of our budgeting suggests that we can make this film for $4,000. Most of our equipment rentals will be from the University Media Lab, however there are some key items such as a MOVI that will require going to outside rental agencies. Additionally, since this is a horror film, we'll be spending plenty of money on prosthetics and fake blood.
The rest of the money will go towards costumes, production design, and feeding the crew. We'll use what we have left over to perhaps pay a composer to work on the film in the Spring, and to apply to festivals. If we don't reach our goal, any money we do raise will go towards feeding the crew first, then production design and make up, and equipment last.
We wanted to offer perks that were actually interesting, and that didn't suggest that we might have an inflated opinion of ourselves. So no, we're not going to pretend that having dinner with us is a worthy reward for significant donations. Instead, we're offering the chance to provide feedback on early edits of the film.
We've also got a great poster planned, a Blu-ray with special features and the chance to receive a personalized audio thank you from cannibal grandfather David.
The Impact
Film is perhaps the most treasured American pastime, and we take our responsibility as bearers of that legacy very seriously. Every film we make looks to the past for inspiration, but also aims to be something new, something that can push the medium forward into the future.
My junior film, On Vacation Waiting To Die, recently won Best Film at Independent Film Arizona, and will be playing at the Loft Film Festival. We're very proud of these achievements, and hope they indicate our determination and enthusiasm for filmmaking. We're in this to create quality.
We're one of about ten films being made in the program this semester; it's a competitive environment to be sure. Know that my cast and my crew are completely committed to their respective roles, and we have perhaps more enthusiasm for our script than any student film crew you are likely to encounter.
Risks & Challenges
We've already solved many problems over the course of this production. Our most difficult location, a mortuary, has finally been secured after receiving a plethora of rejections from other local sites. After sifting through dozens of actresses, we've also cast a lead we believe can hold her own against any famous Scream Queen.
The hurdles ahead include finding the rest of our locations, making sure all of our effects are realistic, and developing a clear visual strategy for every single shot in the movie. Hopefully our early successes and the success of our previous films serve as good indicators of our chances.
Other Ways You Can Help
We shoot on November 12th-15th, so we've got time to reach our goal. But time is a cruel mistress, and we hope to reach the $4,000 well before it's time to roll the cameras.
Not everyone can contribute financially; that's completely understandable. But sharing our campaign on your social media accounts or spreading the word among your friends takes only minutes and could benefit us immeasurably.
You're truly a trooper if you've read this far down. Thank you all for your consideration. Stay hungry!