UPDATE!!: I have raised $120 Outside of IndieGoGo by selling things online. That much closer! WOOO.
Hello all! My name is Christopher I am 20 years old. I live in Tampa and I hate buying gas and I love Tesla.
Before I get into it, Here is how I ended up here. First I checked my bank account to see if I had enough. Well that made me cry on the inside. So clearly I had to look elsewhere. I asked my mom. She laughed in my face. I asked my friends. They laughed in my face. I made a blog and put ads on it. Nobody cared so I made no money. I tried online surveys. Lets just say working 8 hours for 25 cents is rather depressing. I applied to endless jobs, not much luck (still working on that). I tried selling on ebay, kinda helped. I entered sweepstakes. Still waiting. So now I turn to this, and social media. Facebook, Twitter, Blogger, and Tumblr. Hoping for some sort of result.
So much money and time is wasted at gas stations. Where I live it is $3.69 right now. This pains me to no end. I can not afford to go places with these gas prices. Well I can, it just hurts my soul. I have built my Tesla Model S online countless times. Checked the price. Looked over everything. I need this beautiful wonderful piece of amazingness. The idea of never buying gas again, having a silent car, and charging it at home (or at the mall. They have charging stations) just makes me go crazy with want/need.
I am all about the betterment of the world around us. I obsess over the little things I can do to help the environment. Just so you have an idea, at every home I have lived in I have planted large gardens for honeybees, butterflies, hummingbirds, birds, ect. Anything I think of that I could help, I pretty much do.
So you can imagine the pain I feel when I turn my car on and see the fumes from the exhaust. Even though I drive a "gas friendly" car, it is still polluting the air around all of us. I like my air clean, and the trees green.
So anyway, every time I build my Tesla, It comes out to $88,470.00 This also pains me. I do not in any way have the funds to afford such a thing. I have a plan to open a business and donate money to environmental campaigns. Hoping that I too become successful so I can afford my dream car. I thought it wouldn't hurt to try this as well. I am currently going to school for Business Administration. It takes 35 minutes to get there, 20 miles. 40 miles round trip. Gas= gone.
Every bit of money will go towards the car. I have picked the 85 kWh Battery. With the 265 miles range. I do not need the higher up version. I chose against the lower end one because it does not have the mile range nor does it have the unlimited mile warranty. I drive all the time so this is important to me. Especially once tesla gets the lower portion of the U.S. charged up I plan on driving to California. I could technically go there now by going up and around but mountains are not my friend.
The reason for asking for more than I need is because of the tax that is taken out on this site. Then there is shipping. Dealing with my insurance and having money set aside to make sure all financial aspects are okay.
So if anyone out there understands my pain and wants to donate I thank you a million. Even sharing to get the word out is awesome. Help out this nature lover of making his dream to not pollute the air with gas again come true.