My name is Amber Doe and I am an artist. My latest project is called “I want you: portraits of my mother.” I have been selected to create and exhibit "I want you.." in Buenos Aires, Argentina for the international art fair Arte BA taking place this May 2015.
What is "I want you: portraits of my mother:”
A series of seven images and one video, where I am disguised as my mother. There are too few interesting and complicated images of American Black Female Identity in the world. This work is adding to the collective visual conversation.
Why Buenos Aires?
"I want you: portraits of my mother" was also selected for creation and exhibition in Southern Spain, but I did not have the same resources, mentorship and exhibition opportunities in place.
Your help
Your help literally means the world to me. Because of your support in my last campaign Doe in Finland I was able to do work for a solid twelve months and was exhibited in Hämeenkyrö, Finland, Manhattan, Brooklyn, Queens, The Hague, Netherlands, El Bruc, Spain and fingers crossed Buenos Aires, Argentina! My work is personal and intimate, but I am concerned with open expression and opportunity, giving a voice to marginalized and underrepresented communities. It makes the world a less lonely and more beautiful place when there are unique perspectives and independent expression.
How I will spend the money:
Flights from Tucson, AZ to Buenos Aires, Argentina are expensive! I will use the money for travel, camera equipment, printing and framing costs for exhibition, and my room and board while working in Argentina.