Video calls were created to be like a face to face conversation. Unfortunately, the traditional webcam location and poor iamge quality make a normal conversation almost impossible, until now. The iContact Camera is aligned with the person you’re taking with and the image quality, lens and brightness are better.
The lightning and background are the same for both images above. Only the camera has changed.
The iContact Camera has a patented camera mount and a range of features that not only allow for effortless eye contact, but also help you look your best.
The proprietary CordConnect or MagLock make the iContact Camera the easiest on screen camera to use. Just drop it on and you're ready for action. And the camera hardware and software work together to make your video look beautiful.
My name is Stacy Nimmo. I’ve created high end videos for 30 years with television networks and tech companies. As a video director, I understand the complexity of communication through the screen. Non-verbal cues, location, the effect of camera optics on appearance - on set I can control all of this with takes and professional equipment. I would like the same for video calls, but that's not possible.
Connecting online there is only one take. You can go back and redo a conversation. Webcams on the market didn't work for me because they didn't provide eye contact or were inconvenient for everyday use.
The solution was simple: move the camera down to align with the person on screen. The challenge was to create a product that would be convenient enough for everyday use. Hundreds of prototypes, a year of testing, and one patent later, that solution is finally ready to share.