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IFA Initiations & Training in Nigeria

Itefa & Itelodu Initiations/ High Priesthood in IFA & training in traditional Yoruba medicine making

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IFA Initiations & Training in Nigeria

IFA Initiations & Training in Nigeria

IFA Initiations & Training in Nigeria

IFA Initiations & Training in Nigeria

IFA Initiations & Training in Nigeria

Itefa & Itelodu Initiations/ High Priesthood in IFA & training in traditional Yoruba medicine making

Itefa & Itelodu Initiations/ High Priesthood in IFA & training in traditional Yoruba medicine making

Itefa & Itelodu Initiations/ High Priesthood in IFA & training in traditional Yoruba medicine making

Itefa & Itelodu Initiations/ High Priesthood in IFA & training in traditional Yoruba medicine making

Lou Florez
Lou Florez
Lou Florez
Lou Florez
1 Campaign |
Oakland, United States
$5,898 USD 79 backers
45% of $13,000 Flexible Goal Flexible Goal

The fundraising campaign continues, follow this link!

Help me better serve the Orishas, and serve you! 

Hi Loves! This is your friendly neighborhood Orisha priest, rootworker, folklorist, and social justice activist & advocate who is working to do something pretty huge!
October brought a life-changing opportunity to not only uplift my conditions but to give me further ritual training, education, skills, and energy so I can be an even better priest, teacher, and advocate for my beloved community.
What's the Opportunity?
Based upon my dedication to community and service over the years, an invitation has been extended to travel to Nigeria in February with an esteemed elder and teacher, and to take the high priesthood initiation in IFA, the root of all Orisha religions. In addition to receiving this once-in-a-lifetime spiritual elevation, I will also train in traditional medicine making, and herbalism.
Who am I?
I'm Lou and I'm a magical guy! :-)
I'm deeply moved, inspired, and motivated by our innate connection to the life-giving force in all its forms. Over the years I have had the blessed opportunity, and amazing good fortune, to learn from indigenous healers, teachers, elders, artists, and activists in a variety  of traditions and forms. 
The IFA Tradition, born in Nigeria and transported throughout the world during the Middle Passage, is not only beautiful and awe-inspiring, but it has profoundly impacted the way I live in the world. The teachings view the cosmos as imbued with emanate life force and spiritual power which supports our individual journeys and evolutionary processes as we move towards the biggest versions of ourselves and our lives.
Where will I be and what will I be doing?
I will be traveling throughout Nigeria for twenty one days during the initiation and training process, but some of the highlights are: 
-visiting  Osogobo and meeting the Oshun River, temple, and community
-traveling to Ile Ife  and Ekiti for ceremony
-going to one of the world's oldest witchcraft markets!
-Passport, Visa, Flight, Immunization shots

-All activities, lodging, initiation costs, supplies, food, etc..

-Basic expenses stipend to cover my time away from work

All additional money earned will be donated to Orisha communities throughout Nigeria.

If I  do not raise the entire funds I need to make this trip, the proceeds will be used for creating Orisha related events in Oakland and the Bay. But if you help me, I will surely be able to take this huge step in my spiritual life!

Your benefit 

-Access to teachings, trainings, and medicine direct from Africa

-Cultural preservation, help support the survival of indigenous teachers, artists,and communities

-Statues, fabric, divination tools, and Orisha related items brought back for you! 

-Supporting a working class, queer, man of color dedicated to anti-oppression work and the liberation of all!


Time is a critical component in terms of fundraising for this trip. Due to the timing of these initiations, in terms of season, divination,&  astrological influences as well as the schedule of the presiding priestesses and priests in these communities, these ceremonies  and teachings are only being offered in February, 2015. This requires a large group of teachers who do not come together very frequently. So please, give today! 

Other Ways You Can Help

  • Please  make some noise about what I'm doing by posting on your social networking sites, and sending some messages to people who you think might help!
  • Please use the Indiegogo share tools  to help link to my campaign!
  • Please pray for my success in this endeavor for the benefit of all! Ashé!

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Choose your Perk


16 Cowrie, Orisha Reading

$100 USD
A one hour reading with Lou using the Dillogun system of divination.
5 claimed

Shout Out!

$5 USD
Contributor shout out via social media, website, and blog posts.
0 claimed


$10 USD
Your name will be prayed over by my initiators while I'm in Nigeria!
Estimated Shipping
February 2015
13 claimed

One Question, 10 min reading

$25 USD
One question, ten minute tarot reading with Lou.
13 claimed

Candle Lighting Service

$45 USD
A fixed and loaded candle dressed with oils, herbs, and curios related to your spiritual need or request that is then prayed over and burned on my altars! A two minute video will be made after it burned with reading on the situation based upon the burn. Please send any pictures and petitions regarding the intent of the candle to
11 claimed


$75 USD
I will make you an original charm constructed from items I find throughout my journey!
Estimated Shipping
April 2015
9 claimed

Hand carved Orisha Statue

$200 USD
A hand carved, wooden Orisha statue from Yoruban artisans & priests. Select one from the choices below. Eshu Obatala Ogun Shango Yemaya Oshun
Estimated Shipping
April 2015
2 claimed

6 Readings & Orisha Statue

$500 USD
Six one hour readings with Lou with your choice of divination method and an Orisha statue.
4 claimed

12 Readings, Statue, Goody Bag

$1,200 USD
For the next year, you can have a reading with me once per month, plus a goody bag filled with spiritual products and supplies, and an Orisha statue!
0 claimed

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